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9 Regrets In Dating

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9 Regrets In Dating

We all have committed mistakes in our dating lives or our relationships. Some we have lived to regret. Through some research here are the most common regrets of dating people or people in a relationship.

1. Most people regret not settling down with their childhood sweetheart or 1st love at college. They always believe that there will be more fish out there so why settle down? There might be more fish out there but do they actually fit your taste and personality. Compared to that proven fish that you have already established with your childhood sweetheart or 1st college love. Some people who didn’t marry their childhood sweetheart will only think that they have settled for 2nd best only. This will be unfair to the other party, because you will always be thinking about that 1st love.

2. Dating people for the very wrong reasons always result in disasters. There might be some that could pull it off but it could be rare. Some people date for reasons of that person being physically attractive, business reasons, business contracts, sex or even just out of sympathy. We instead should date people who we seem to like because of their great personality or that being a match for us. A friend of mine tried to date a Muslim because she was pretty attractive, eventually things didn’t work out because of cultural differences. If you know that you are entering a dating situation where things will really not work out, don’t waste your time on it. There could be others out there while you’re wasting your time on the wrong person.

3. People always regret not taking the offer of the date when the offer was there. People will always ask the “what if” question. Just imagine all the girls who turned down Bill Gates now. Bottom line give the person a chance, it won’t hurt to have a sip of coffee for only 30 minutes. You might even find out you might click.

4. In our current society most 20 something people will put career ahead of their love life. This is not a bad thing though. But once you hit your 30’s you will seem to lose something within you. You will become less attractive because of aging signs. Our body clocks will eventually catch up on us. Also most good catches will be fewer. Try to balance out your career and social life. Having a love life doesn’t mean you need to get married and sacrifice your career. It might even inspire you to work harder. It’s just how you view the situation.

5. Never date a married person. Dating a married person always guarantees disaster. This relationship will always be about deceit, lies and cheating. The unmarried party will also be led to expect something that could or might never happen; which is being in a serious relationship with the married person. It might also bother your conscience that you are destroying the life of the married couple. This relationship or dating period will never ever work out and be fun. It will always be filled with doubt.

6. Stupid regrets here, people leave the person they love. Don’t know why. If you love the person why leave him or her? Often reasons for a person leaving his or her partner are due to infidelity. If things do eventually go broke it might be too late to go back. I mean if you love the person why be unfaithful? It might be tempting but it’s only a test of your relationship. Bottom-line, be faithful.

7. People also regret not ending a really bad relationship earlier. There might have been a time during the bad relationship that there was someone better who would’ve wanted to be with you. But because you were in that bad relationship you passed out on that other wonderful person. So if you think you’re just not in the right situation have the courage to end it.

8. Don’t be jackass in your relationship. People often regret that they could have been nicer to their partner. It will always haunt you when you treat your partner badly. How could our relationship have ended if I was nicer? Try to be courteous, remembering special dates (no matter how cheesy they are), kind, compromising, getting something special, being spontaneous. Don’t be too late to change, because you might regret it.

9. Don’t be callous when dumping a person. It definitely hurts and karma has a way of finding you.
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BONUS : 9 Secrets To Get A Date After One Hour And 15 Minutes Of Flirting Online!

If you are trying to pick up women online and
just can't get at least one date a week you
certainly need a little help. Just read this
article and start using these online flirting
success tips and they will help you to get that
first date much faster.You don't want to spend
too much time online because you really can't
feel the chemistry until the first “real world”
date. However, you can get the women you're
talking to to be interested in you and set her “
on fire” just to get to know you better.Keep in
mind that women feel attraction for a very
different set of reasons than men do. Where men
focus more on looks, women focus more on
personality, self esteem, power and confidence.
So, what are the secrets to get a date after one
hour and 15 minutes of flirting online?

1. Make your replies simple and use easy
questions. Concentrate on the conversation, not
on getting a date. Remember that flirting is a
way of connecting from the heart and
acknowledging someone. Most women want to know
what kind of person they are going out with.

2. Women always fall for men who are a little bit
unreachable. Think of yourself as special and
know what you deserve.

3. Be yourself. The underlying key to all
flirtation is confidence, the magical charm that
makes others want to get to know you.

4. Be funny but in the same time a little bit
arrogant. It creates a wonderful, entertaining
challenge that women just love to engage in...
If you make a naughty, fun comment, something she
is NOT expecting, then something magical begins
to happen: she feels a spark of attraction,
curiosity, intrigue because you're obviously

5. People like people who are interested in them.
So when you engage someone in conversation make
sure you spend at least 62% of the time listening
to THEM!

6.When you are talking about you, tell enough
just to get her trust but keep a little mystery
about you.

7. Never ever make yourself to available. In one
hour of online conversation you have to make her
believe that you're confident, that you're
intelligent and funny. Don't stay any longer or
you risk to become boring.

8. Find an excuse and just go, but not before you
let her know that you're interested in her. Set
another online date but not for the next day. You
are a busy guy! Let her heat up a little bit. :)

9. At the second date (online), after 15 minutes
of talking, just say “Hey, I have some spare time
this evening, can we meet? I just want to...
convince myself that you are real.” This way, she
will be surprised and won't have to much time to
make the decision and you will run less risk of
being rejected. If she is interested in you but
she already has something fixed for that evening,
she will ask for a date another time. If she don'
t, just say, next!

Good luck and have fun!

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