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Dating How To Look Like A Prince Or A Princess

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Dating - How To Look Like A Prince Or A Princess?

Look at a blue-blooded price or a princess. Apart from looks, you will notice a quality that you may not be able to define, but you can notice. That is the quality of cool confidence. Every royal person need not be a great looker, but the attraction can still be magnetic. If you develop such magnetism, do not you think that you will attract prospective dates in droves? Let us discuss and find out how to do that.

Body - Taking care of face is not enough. Your smallest body part, the toe should be equally clean and well kept. Every body pat should be given equal attention and like a true royal your body should look like great. This need not cost you a lot. We pay more when we visit beauty salons. You can carry out all the treatments except few at your home. The idea is to keep yourself absolutely clean and take great care of everything that nature has given you. You need not be a great looker but every body should notice that you know how to take care of what god has given to you.

Posture - Keep a straight posture. Learn the art of walking, sitting, table manners, hand movements and such from an expert. This investment will fetch you very good returns. Good posture makes a huge difference. Please do it as soon as possible.

Voice and Talking style - Be careful about how you speak, your choice of words and your tone. Do you expect a royal to use dirty words or common slang? Avoid them. Imagine that you area prince/princess and use words and modulate your voice accordingly.
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BONUS : Dating – How To Win Love

Love will build your heart with its dreamy songs and create a magical world for you to live in. How will you ensure that they whom you love so much will love you? How will you be certain of winning love?

Undertake this visual. Enjoy this constant pleasure that it will bring you. And feel for yourself how wonderful your love life has become.

You are in love with someone. You want that someone to love you too. What do you do? Simple! Visualize! Remember, love has everything to do with your heart and mind. If you can keep your heart healthy and in good relation with you, then you can have all the love you want.

Picture your heart. You may visualize it like am actual biological heart, or it may even be a symbolic valentine heart.

Go ahead and ask your heart about how it is feeling today. Is it feeling sad? Lonely? Disappointed? Understand the way it is feeling. Hear what it has to say to you. Then tell your heart that you are trying to make it feel better.

What is the condition of your heart? Is it sad? Or is it youthful. Does it look healthy? Or is it torn or wounded? Is it wounded? Now repair your heart. You have all the tools required. If it is torn at places, stitch them. If it is wounded, then treat it’s wound.

When your heart looks healthy, fill it to the brim with light. Imagine the shining light flow into your heart and reach it’s every nook and corner. Your heart is not only healthy now it even feels alive. Listen to your heartbeats?

Make it feel good. Thank your heart for keeping you alive. Applaud its tireless performance. The more you thank your heart, the healthier it gets.

Now that your heart is healthy and happy, you are now ready to win love. Picture the person you love or whom you desire the most. See the person clearly? How does she/he look? What color is the hair? What kind of clothes he/she is wearing? How tall is the person? Is there any gesture that is distinctively his/hers?

Let the person appear in front of you. How far is the person? Bring him/her closer to at the most five feet away from you. Now, picture your healthy heart connected to his/her heart. You may use any material you like for connection. A rope, chain, satin ribbon – it can be just anything. It can be even imaginary. The goal is to connect love to love, so a sense of energy flows between you both.

Once you have connected love, visualize yourself doing something loving to the person you love. Do anything that people who love each other does. Walk hand in hand, go for a dance, sit across for some ice cream, love each other, hug each other – you may even kiss each other.

The more you visualize the person you love in the way described above, the stronger the love flows between you both. Until one day, you really embrace and kiss the person to say how much you love her/him.

And if ever you feel that love is beginning to fade, go through the visualization again.

Let LOVE live forever.

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