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Dating Etiquette

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Dating Etiquette

How many times have you watched one of those dating shows on TV and thought, “I can’t believe he/she just did/said that?!?!” To avoid making similar mistakes on your next date, stick with some of the following ideas…

Eye contact is crucial when dating, so it is good etiquette to provide as much attention as possible to your date. They should feel as if they are the only person in the room. Be a listener and do not talk your date to death, particularly if you are male. Listening shows interest and the ability to compromise. If your idea of a date is talking about yourself and your opinions all night then do your date a favor and stay at home alone.

Be courteous and complimentary. Your date has made an effort for you and your personal opinions aren’t quite welcome at this stage. Also to this end, always turn up for a date unless you have given plenty of time for it to be cancelled. Standing someone up is rude, and not appropriate adult behavior. Try to turn up on time, and don’t keep your date waiting. If your transportation is unreliable, get going in plenty of time. Being punctual shows respect for your date and shows your responsibility.

Try to avoid being opinionated or arrogant on a date and try to avoid discussions about politics and religion on the first date. You will come across badly to your date if you act like this.

Additionally, don’t be rude to others on a date. You are trying to show your good side, so arguing about a service charge or whether the wine is chilled enough will make you look like a fool. And remember…arguing with the waiter is a big no-no.

In terms of appearance, make an effort to dress well. There is no excuse to look bad. Poor dress shows laziness and will do nothing to promote you. Also, try to be fresh and smell good. You should be shaven, bathed and smell good. It will cost you nothing more than a bottle of quality cologne and some shower gel. Just make sure not to over-do it with the cologne!
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BONUS : Dating Goes Cyber And Its Big Business

Popular and innovative, online dating sites have innovated the world of romance. High on the popularity list, online dating is big business. It is a $ 1 billion industry that is thriving because it has provided affordable options to thousands of singles. The projected growth per year is set at 9% with revenues of $516 million coming just from consumer subscriptions.

According to Hitwise a market research firm, online dating is extremely popular and here to stay. In fact online dating often accounts for 1%of internet usage. The business has moved with need. Extremely popular are niche sites that focus on religion, ethnicity, or special interests.

Many sites promote social networking and offer music, games, interactive content and more. This appeals to youngsters aged 18-24. There is no pressure to date or find a relationship although you are welcome to develop a friendship formed on the site into something deeper.

Extremely professional, online dating sites offer some degree of security, protect your privacy, offer advice on possible matches, guide you on how to navigate the site, and offer exiting things like online discussion groups, cyber messaging with virtual bouquets, and phone calls. The move now expected is to use new technologies to connect people through SMS, mobiles and 3G services.

The concept caught on like wildfire because people were to busy to find time to date, shy to approach strangers, and wary of meeting alone. With online dating a person can log on from the security of his or her own home or office. One can meet as many singles as he or she wants to in a single session. The costs are much lower than going on a date and one can get to know a person before meeting them. Since online profiles list likes and dislikes and photographs it is possible to pick and choose. A person can avoid the awkwardness of meeting face to face and finding out that the date is just not right.

What more you can date from any corner of the earth and don’t have to be in the same town to get in touch. But as always there are advantages and disadvantages to online dating.

To sustain revenues, the business is looking towards being user friendly; generating revenues from romance related advertisements such as getaways, make overs and so on, and becoming more friendship oriented rather than purely romance oriented. Sites are offering greater consumer protection and incorporating many news ways to make contact like videos, SMS, MMS, and TV based services. Many even go the extra mile and organize singles events.

There are over 2500 active online dating sites with large ever growing memberships. Although many experts feel the online dating industry is heading for a plateau others predict diversification and great imaginative business modules.

Whatever the prediction online dating sites fulfill a need that other commerce sites don’t. They promote romance and sell dreams.

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