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Dating Advice For Car Lovers

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Dating Advice For Car Lovers

In today's dating scene, it has never been more important to make the right impression.

Dating is the latest casualty in America's constant effort to save time.

Online dating services, mobile connecting and speed dating have replaced long walks on the beach and lengthy dinner conversations.

Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, renowned dating experts and co-authors of the New York Times best-selling series "The Rules," are helping singles adjust to this new era with their latest dating advice.

"When you only have a few minutes to assess your date, you have to make a great impression," says Fein. "Presentation is everything. Clothing goes a long way for men and women. Men are highly visual and can sense confidence. If you think you look good, he'll think you look good. Men, don't be sloppy. A well-dressed man is so much more appealing to a woman. And it's okay to dab on a little cologne, but don't overdo it or she'll be running for the door!"

In addition to personal presentation, the car you drive matters. A new Ford Fusion singles survey says men and women agree that cars make an impression on a date.

Ninety-five percent of women and 89 percent of men are extremely or somewhat likely to notice a first date's car; in addition, 52 percent of men made a connection with their date in a car, 50 percent of women promised a second date and nearly half of women experienced a first kiss in an automobile.

"Cars can tell you a lot about your date's personality," says Schneider. "Men, make your car work for you. Be sure to keep it clean. Throw away all of those fast food wrappers and get rid of the gym clothes and sports equipment. Also, be sure to ask her what music she wants to hear and open the doors. Chivalry is not dead. Ladies, if you are driving, get rid of the girlie things in the backseat. Nothing says needy like a stuffed teddy bear."

It's not just cleanliness or stuffed teddy bears that can make a difference.

Cars such as the Ford Fusion are designed to make the right impression. With leather interior and sporty design and handling, it's just the right car to drive you to a second date.
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BONUS : Dating Advice For Men - Essential Guide

When it comes to dating, it's not just the women who worry about, will he like me, will we get on, what shall I wear etc etc. In actual fact, most man go through all the above fears just like women do. It would be nice if we could read just one book or article and know everything we need to know about women, relationships and dating. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

The best dating advice often seems to come from people who have been in the same situations as ourselves and have gained some comforting wisdom that we can relate to.

When dating, the thing we should always remember is that advice is simply what someone else thinks might assist you. The person giving this advice may not necessarily have any idea of your true state of mind of your particular circumstances, therefore it is always important to take note of what advice you have been given, others opinions are valuable, as it may help you to form your own opinion on what's right for you.

Below are some helpful hints and advice, some may suit you and others may not. Remember these hints are not set in stone, you may want to adjust some to suit your own personal goals.

1. The worst thing you could do when going on a date is to turn up unshaven and looking dirty. You would be appalled if she turned up in the same state. It may be fickle but unfortunately it's true appearances count for a lot.

2. Whatever you do, don't turn up late, you will definitely give her the wrong impression. Not only will she think you've stood her up, she will also think you're unreliable.

3. Be a gentleman, open the door for her, pull out her chair in the restaurant. Women like to feel special, treat her like a lady and you'll do well.

4. Compliment her. A woman loves to be complimented, even if she doesn't show it. Don't go overboard though, but let her feel you are attracted to her.

5. Ask questions and genuinely listen to her answers. After all you are going on a date to get to know her. There is nothing more that a woman likes than when someone is interested in what they have to say.

6. Prepare yourself for the date. Think about what it is you would like to find out about her. Also think about what she might ask you. The last thing you want is for the conversation to dry up half way into the date.

7. It is advisable that you dont bring up adult matters or sex toys for example on at least the first 3 dates. In the long run this can only do you good and she will certainly be more interested in you if you hold back.

8. When it comes to paying the bill, offer to pay. If she insists on paying, then offer to go halves and split the bill.

9. What about the goodnight kiss? Some women prefer not to kiss after a first date, while others will be disappointed if you don't. Judge the situation for yourself, her body language will give you a good idea of what's right.

10. When leaving, only ask for her number or tell her you will call if you really mean it. In the long run this will be best for both of you. If you do like her and are interested, then don't be afraid to let her know.

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