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Dates Need Adequate Product Safety Labeling

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Dates Need Adequate Product Safety Labeling

Such consumer oriented labeling as "Warning: this date may be hazardous to your emotional health" or "Lifetime unconditional love guarantee" should be easily visible on all new dates. Unfortunately the only labeling you may find on your next date may be a patch of material that says "Polo" or "Dockers." This, however, is insufficient data and fails to give even the slightest clue regarding:

* what they are made of,
* if exposed to hot water whether they will shrink or need one, or
* if they will wrinkle, fade or run from commitment.

So how do you know what you are getting into or if your potential partner will even fit your needs? How do you know if your relationship is destined for the recycle shop or if it is durable enough to weather many seasons of the heart? Although you can never take all the risk out of relationships, what you can do is attempt to put the odds of success more in your favor. Potential mates don't come with adequate product safety labeling but there are recognizable signs, "stop signs" and "warning signs", that can let you know if the "Joe Camel" you are going out with is potentially dangerous to your emotional health. These signs and signals can alert you to potential problems that can lead the unaware down the road to relationship ruin. Some of the possible "stop signs" and the potential relationship problems that they may be warning you of include:


- Your date becomes very angry over little things. His anger seems disproportionate to the event. He may be a rageaholic. He may have stored lots of past anger that he will eventually aim at you.

- He is extremely critical toward himself, puts himself down. He seems to be an extreme perfectionist. In time that criticism will be directed toward you too. He may expect the unreasonable.

- He bounces checks, has credit problems, unpaid parking tickets, is always late, and makes commitments then breaks them. You're not dealing with a grown-up. You may be signing up to be his Mommy. You can't fix him!

- Your date can't have fun without drinking. He structures his social activities and free time around bars. He's a potential alcoholic and he may also be addicted to other substances.

- Your date frequently flirts with other women. He makes suggestive comments to your friends and likes "men's clubs". He may be a sex addict. You'll never feel secure. He could be unfaithful and unavailable emotionally.

- He has no long-term friends, few acquaintances and no long-term relationships. Forget the excuses, this is someone who is unable to bond with others. You won't last long either.

- He is an emotional wreck. He seems to desperately need someone to heal his broken heart and help him get his life back on track. When you've exhausted yourself nursing him back to health, he won't be there for you. That's not his role. He's the victim.

- Your date avoids talking about his past, especially his childhood. He says "what's over is over" and "I just don't think about it." He could be hiding major unresolved emotional problems from childhood. Those problems will surface with anyone with whom he gets close.

- He has just ended a several year relationship. He says he is over her and ready to start dating again. Rebound alert! He may want to be ready to date but probably isn't. He may yet go back to his ex- partner.

- Your date is uncomfortable with the idea of marriage counseling. He insists that the two of you can handle any problem that might come up. If a major problem does emerge, he won't be open to help. He may be unable to face problems or even talk about serious issues. Look out!

Ignoring these "stop signs" and the warnings that they signal can create huge relationship problems. Denying, minimizing, rationalizing, or in some other way making excuses for the other person is usually a form of self-deception. This is a way that people often set themselves up for some very painful consequence.

It is not always easy shopping for the love of your life. The product safety labeling isn't prominently displayed. But there are warning signs, stop signs and behavioral tags that tell the truth about what they are made of.
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BONUS : Dating A Co-worker – Good Or Bad?

In our days more and more people decide to start a relationship with a co-worker. The reason why this happens is that many young professional men and women are spending almost all their time at the office, so they have less time to go out and meet new people. So, it is natural to seek friendship and companionship from colleagues.

But for many times, this friendship transform into a relationship that in most of the cases fail. There are many risks that make this very difficult to maintain. But not many people know about this before they start a relationship. So, if you are a very busy man too and spend all your time in an office, and decided to date with a co-worker, you should take a closer look at all the potential benefits and disasters that could be associated with this new career move.

There are some aspects that you should take in consideration:

-Before you ask your co-worker for a possible date, check if your company has an employee dating policy; the company may have strict rules about any relationship that forum between you two; also think about how much you are wiling to risk your career for this relationship from the beginning

-If you didn't ask her for a date already, and don't know how to do it, you may organize a group outing or event and invite her; but if she refuse, you have to think at something else; suggest something casual like dinner or movie

-Before ask her for a date, make sure that you know as much as you can about her; so develop an office relationship before you develop a romantic one

-You must think about what happens if your relationship doesn't work; will you be able to handle the situation to see your co-worker every day, to interact her daily? It may be very difficult to re-establish a professional demeanor with a person

-At final one of you have to leave this job because thing's don't work out or because it's against the company policy to date fellow employees

-Or worst, you don't know what your partner is capable to do if things don't work between you two, it may be ruining your career

-Dating a co-worker can affect your work, if you are unable to differentiate between work and pleasure; so agree to not flirt at work, you have to set up relationship rules for the workplace

-Avoid signs of affection in public such as hand holding, kisses, flirting; you'd better meet off-site for lunch or after program hours

-It is true that you have a lot in common, that you will go with pleasure every morning at the office anxious to see her, and it is a person with who you will always have what to speak about;

-You have someone to confide in concerning your work problems; she may be a great help; but, there are more negatives aspects about this kinds of relationships

-Remember that you have to maintain a professional image, so don't let your relationship affect your performance; if your romance is affecting your work, you may be asked to end your relationship or to find another job

-A relationship like this can create problems in your promotion; the boss may see that you are more preoccupied by your partner than your work

-Develop open communication, if you are dating with a co-worker think about the fact that you have to have two different types of relationships, business and romantic, with the same person;

-Never date with a subordinate because you may be accused for favoritism by the others employers; the others co-workers will exclude you now from certain conversations, will not discuss anymore with you about privacy

-If you spend more and more time with her during the office hours, the more and more you will distance yourself from your associates, those you've developed personal relationships with;

-If you start a relationship with a co-worker it is better to keep it secret; it will need a lot of discretion, energy and effort to keep your office romance just between you two; so don't tell your colleagues about your romance because your both work will be definitely affected

-Also avoid sending electronic love messages or letters because some companies prohibit the use of company e-mails system for personal use, others reserves the right to access or disclose electronic messages or files of an employee

-As a benefit, you get to have lunch together; so from a usual boring office lunch, you can have part of one full of flirting

As you see there are some benefits but most of them are downsides. I suggest you to think very well if you really want to get into a relationship that may affect your career and if you are ready to do this. As I said, it may be very difficult to make it work. But, it remains at your choice what you are going to do.

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