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Date Ideas Top Romantic Ideas For Couples

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Date Ideas - Top Romantic Ideas For Couples

Don't waste another second stressing over what you need to do and where you need to go on a date. We've compiled a list of sure fire winners.

1) Prior to a date...stake out a nice secluded location near a park, beach, lake, rose garden, or "special place"...and leave a single stem rose along with a letter telling your sweetie how much they mean to you. After you're done with dinner, take your date to the special place where the rose and letter are. Let them stumble upon it.

2) Take your sweetie back to where the two of you first met or had your first kiss. Take along a video camera and interview them about that first day.

3) Take a trip to the beach or lake and have a picnic by the water. Afterwards, take a long walk along the shore. When the sun starts to set...throw down a blanket and watch it as you're sitting side by side.

4) Tell your sweetie that you've planned a surprise date. Instruct them to show up at your house dressed to impress at a certain time.

Greet them at the door in your classiest outfit. Have food from their favorite restaurant (order takeout) on the dining room table. Have your living room set up as a dance floor with candles all around. Have your favorite love songs playing in the background.

5) Pretend you're an old married couple. Go to the grocery store together and buy ingredients for the full course meal the two of you are going to make. After dinner, you guys can snuggle up on the couch and watch rented movies.

6) A treasure hunt with you as the treasure. Tell your sweetie to meet you at a pre-arranged location (but don't tell them what they're about to do). When they get there...have a letter or note waiting for them that explains the treasure hunt. Give them directions that lead to the next clue. Do this about 4-5 times. Leave lollipops and chocolate kisses and gifts at each location. When they finally get to you, be waiting with a rose. After this...take them out to dinner or lunch at their favorite restaurant.

7) Make a photo album of yourselves. Get all decked out in your best clothes and go to your town's landmarks and have passersby take your picture. Get the film developed in double exposures at a one hour photolab. Take the pictures and make his and hers photo albums.

8) Drive-in movie. Though they're hard to find...track one down.

9) Pretend you're a savvy swinging couple. Get dressed up: her in a dress....him in a coat and tie. Have dinner at a posh or fancy restaurant. Afterwards, go for a romantic walk in a local rose garden.
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BONUS : Date Online And Have Fun

All people that are online are there probably
after a long day of work or probably not, but for
sure are there to relax and have a great time.

I am not saying those are not looking for a
partner, but as you are going in a bar on online
dating sites you are looking for easy, positive
discussions and fun as it is possible.

Being positive, relaxed and confident will
attract people and will make them to keep talking
with you. So forget about your problems and
concentrate on things that make you feel good. :)

Some people out there are not very happy and you
could meet some of them which will start to tell
you all the problems they have.

Distract the one you are talking online from the
negative discussion and make him/her to laugh.
Telling good jokes is the best way to do this and
is easier for you, so learn some if you are not
that joker tip of guy.

If you are seeing that they are persisting to be
pessimist and keep telling you how unhappy the
life can be, just say: "Goodbye" and don’t let
them to put you too in a bad mood.

One of the advantages of online dating is that
you can change your "partner" more than once
during one evening. I am not telling you to do
this for no reason, but until you find someone
who can make you enjoy that evening and not waste
your time.

After you meet a person compatible you can take
your discussion to another level, more private
but still funny and relaxed. You even can talk
about important things, about your families, your
goals in life or even about your future children -
not being to serious about that :)

The idea is to be positive in all what you are
telling and do not rush things. The best
relationships are developing in time. Without you
realize, talking with someone daily you two will
become closer and closer and a date face to face
will become something normal.

So enjoy online dating and the facilities it is
offering you.

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