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7 Tips For Dating Older Woman

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7 Tips For Dating Older Woman

Men are interested in dating older women because
they are more experienced and more capable of
handling relationships smoothly. Older women are
more mature, financially independent, and good

Younger men have been attracted to older women
for a long time. This happens because older women
are mature, know what expect from life, and do
not care about what ‘neighbors say’. If in the
past this was a big shame, today these couples
are not keeping in secret anymore their

Dating older woman can be a nice and exciting
experience. If you are a person interested in
dating older woman, you must think before because
there are good parts and bad parts.

Some of the bad parts are that she has passed
over in life and has many worries. She has ex-
boyfriends, husbands, children's, pending
divorces, financial obligations, debts. Maybe
your friends will consider you a hero, but your
friends will talk about you, frown upon you.
Remember that she is older than you are, has life
experience, so she is often in control, and would
like to manipulate you.

The good part is that she knows a lot about
female- male relationships. She knows very well
what she wants and from whom and they usually
looking for a man that consider like them that
compatibility and open communication are more
important than age. They do not need a man to
take care of them. Older women are forthright and
honest and they will tell you right off, what she
thinks about you so you do not have to wonder
where you stand with her.

It is necessary that you find an older woman who
is interested in a younger man. You will have
bigger chances of success to win her heart .If
you already have a date with her, do not blow up.
Here are some helpful tips for attracting her.

Be yourself. She is dating you because she likes
you; you offer her spontaneity and fun. So, do
not even think about impersonating someone that
you are not.

Take her somewhere she has never been before;
show her that you are different from other men
your age. Invite her at a jazz club, concert or
an exotic restaurant.

You must change the topic of your discussions.
Ask about her job, hobbies, what type of music
she likes... Lady is smart, confident and mature,
so do not discuss about age. You should be
confident too.

Be spontaneous. Offer her something that people
her age cannot, like excitement in and out of the
bed. She is usually not looking for a serious
relationship - she just wants to have fun.
However, it is true that older women can do a lot
for a younger man – besides sex.

Do not compare her to your ex. This would not
make her feel better with you. The older woman
can feel comfortable being with you even if you
are younger and it will be at ease with your
presence. Make her feel important and show her
that you are interested in her.

You have to have the same intensity about life
like her. You must know that an older woman will
never wake you in the middle of the night to ask
what you are thinking, and this should not bother
to you.

Do not move too fast. You know that she is not
looking to make fast a family, because she
already had one and that one failed. Maybe she
already has children’s and this will complicate
things. You should always be willing to accept
the complications that come with dating an older
Retour Au Sommaire
BONUS : 8 Dating Rules For Single Dads

The problem with recently divorced single parents
is that are waiting too long to start dating
again, complaining they are oh, so busy. The real
reason is their fears, because their previous
situation was usually so ugly, they don't have a
strong enough ego to let rejections roll off
their back.

Even if they are starting to date, in most cases
are doing this for the wrong reasons. Some single
parents think they are in competition with their
ex, particularly if they were left for a younger
partner. They also might be playing a game to
prove to the ex that they are desirable by dating
as many people as possible. In a nutshell, don't
date for emotional revenge, to allay feelings of
loneliness or to prove your desirability to

After a divorce, both parties are tented to
change partners almost every week or month and
are not in the mood to compromise with somebody.

But after a while especially single fathers are
feeling the need to have a life partner and a
mother for their children.

If you are a single father and you are determined
to find someone for a long time relationship you
have to be sure that you are making the best
choice because now you are not alone, you are
making the choice not only for you but for your
children too.

There are some gold rules to consider that can
help you to find the best mom for your children
and the best lover for you:

1. As there is no surer turn-off for a potential
lover than a person who insists on living in the
past, make a rule for yourself that you are going
to do your absolute best not to drag the past
into new relationships.

2. Your kids are the priority of your life; keep
them there no matter what!

3. You have been careful to prepare your kids for
the fact that you will have a life other than the
one with them. But don't forget to make them
understand that they will not lose your love,
just some of your time together.

4. Chose to date only women that have at least
one kid already. A woman without children will
not understand you and your children needs and
will not have too much patience. Don't forget
that children are the best when it is about to
exasperate somebody, and in the first stage your
new date will be like a target for your kids jest.

5. Don't leave your partner to baby-sit. In order
to keep children safe, it is necessary to be able
to discipline them. It is too soon for your
partner to discipline your children.

6. In conflict situation try to put yourself in
your partner place, be diplomatic with your child
and try to be impartial. Find the golden mean to
resolve the problems between them.

7. Never chose your mate only because she is
getting on well with your child. You have to find
someone FOR YOU and YOUR CHILD. Remember that the
best for your children is and will ever be their
natural mum, the women you just have divorced (
for some good reasons I believe). So find a woman
that you are attracted to, a woman you find
interesting AND that is willing to accept your
children too.

8. Pay attention to her children too, and never
forget that they are the priority of her life.

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