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Christians And Online Dating Sites Why Should Committed Christians

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Christians And Online Dating Sites - Why Should Committed Christians Be Online Dating

Online dating sites have been around for more than a decade now and their success shows no sign of slowing down. As technology advances there are more and more ways in which we can interact with each other. Soon phone technology will allow us to communicate by video with one another while on the move and GPS will allow us to meet with each other in a crowded shopping mall. These technologies are soon to be combined to help us all in our search for suitable partners. This is the cutting edge of the interconnected world we live in. Yet, with technology allowing these meetings to take place in the world, why are committed Christians still reluctant to use it to help them find partners?

Single Christians are in the un-enviable position of being highly restricted in a number of areas in regards to how they can meet new people. Firstly, if a Christian is single and is committed to their faith, they will be restricted to only wanting to date other committed Christians. This rules out a huge percentage of the population at a stroke. A non-Christian can walk down the street and see potential matches all the time. A committed Christian knows that the only (more or less) guaranteed place to meet suitable people is in their local Church. Secondly, not only can single Christians only really date other single Christians but the fact that these are only to be found in all kinds of Churches spread out all over the area they live in makes meeting them quite difficult. No one likes to be too obvious that they are looking for a partner and Christians are no different. In the goldfish bowl environment of the local Church the single Christian can feel particularly on show and this makes any approach to the opposite sex a scary experience. A rejection by someone in their own church can put them off dating for good.

So what can single Christians do to help themselves? This is where dedicated online Christian dating websites give a distinct advantage. There are several advantages which should be considered by committed single Christians.

Firstly, a Christian run online dating service will know and understand the particular needs of committed single Christians. Non-Christian sites cater for all kinds of people and can’t target their profiles to committed Christians and their searches allow all kinds of people to contact each other. This leads to approaches by unsuitable people that may lead the Christian away from their lifestyle. A Christian run site will screen people through specially designed profile questions and the essays will usually reveal if a person is really a committed Christian.

Secondly, a Christian run online dating site allows committed Christians to cross the Church and area boundaries. This allows them to approach people they may never meet in their ordinary day-to-day church activities.

Thirdly, by using an online Christian dating service committed Christians can pursue their relationships with anonymity and without interference and potential judgement by others in the church.

So now really is the time to get online and join one or more of the excellent online Christian dating sites.
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BONUS : College Dating

Hello everyone!

College dating seems to be very important in the span of someone's life, whether it be the list of people they hooked up with or the person they married. I know more friends who coupled up and stayed coupled while meeting in college. I just graduated from Bentley College near Boston, MA and I realize the potential for success by finding your true love in College.

My story begins as a sophomore in college. I'm living in a suite room with 7 other guys, I know it sounds like a lot, but actually it was quite spacious and a ton of fun. One weekend I was invited to go out for Thai food downtown Boston, interesting enough the restaurant burned down two weeks later. We piled in my friend's SUV with a bunch of other friends. This one girl in the back seat I never met before.

Anyway by the nights end I was comfortable to be myself around her, and somehow ended up making her pee her pants, while I made a complete fool of myself. So that is where it all began. Almost 3 years later we are still together, and getting together with different groups of friends produced several other 'couple friends' we hang out with today.

My point is that now that I am out of college, I see that these large get together of friends only happens in college. Now that I am out of college most of the time I get together with friends never includes different groups. It seems that on Friday night we hang out with one group while on Saturday we go hang out with completely different people, without any opportunity for chance meetings of two people.

So far I know several older people than myself who have yet to find someone after all these years simply because they didn't take the opportunity in college to find someone special.

I read somewhere that if a girl is not married by age 30 the chance of her getting married decreases tremendously. It almost seems like your success after college depends upon these bonds and relationships you form while inside the confines of your campus... what do you think?

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