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Choosing An Online Dating Site

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Choosing An Online Dating Site

You’ve been looking for just the right person to explore a relationship with but you can’t seem to find them. Going to social get-togethers and saying yes to your friends’ set-ups have been fun, but they aren’t offering the kind of person you’d like to explore a long term future with.

Online dating is a way that you may be able to expand the pool of potential relationship opportunities. If you’ve watched any television lately you know there are many sites available offering relationship advice and possible connections, but which is the best for you. Each of us is, of course, a little different so consider these thoughts as you go about deciding which online dating site will work for you.


It would be safe to say that just about everybody has heard about identity theft in today’s society. Even before you begin the process of online dating, and accepting advice on dating, you should be aware that as soon as you enter some piece of information, and hit “return” ,that information is out there never to be taken back. Right from the very start you should be absolutely sure that you want that piece of information available to the world.

If a site asks for… just don’t

As you investigate the dating sites out there know rule number one; if a site asks for your identity number (social security number) do not give it over, look for another site. If a site asks for a telephone number; do not give it over, look for another site. If a site asks for your street address; do not give it over, look for another site.


Decide whether you would like to pay a fee for the use of an online dating service and the dating tips that they will give. There are many good sites out there that offer great match opportunities and relationship advice for free. The overall services that the pay sites may offer could be more numerous then the free sites but that does not necessarily mean that they have a better success rate.


The benefit of services really depends upon how selective you would like to be in your search for the right person. Each site available has a certain set of services that they offer. These services are for you to select your match and to get to know that match. Selecting a site that offers a lot of services depends on what makes you comfortable in getting to know the other person. Some of the services offered include: social groupings, photo, age, sex preference, regional groupings, advice on dating and other preferences.

Contact procedures

Getting to know somebody online is one thing but meeting them for the first time in person or over the phone is quite another. Check to see if the site has a procedure where you can take the next step with a certain amount of safety built in. For example; can you speak with your online contact over the phone without either of you knowing the phone number of the other person?


Check out the membership of the online dating site. In many instances, the site will open itself up to a little poking around. See if the membership has a good representation in your region and if they are largely; young, older, divorced, professional or religious etc. Oddly, international representation can be a good indicator of a sites’ validity. Although there are exceptions, if a site has a large international representation you may want to be a bit more careful about your selection process. This is because some of the matches may have ulterior motives. These matches will also require a few international dating tips.

Ease of use

You’ll just have to figure this one out for yourself. Every site will be set up a little different from the others in how they are structured. In a certain sense, this is a good thing for you. If you feel comfortable with the site structure and your match feels comfortable you already have a certain similarity in how you think and work. The closer you get to similar thought patterns the fewer dating tips you will need.
Professionally oriented
Think about how the site is set up to do business. After all, a majority of sites are trying to make a buck. If the site is set up in a professional looking way and responds to your questions regarding relationship advice or match selections the site is likely genuine in its desire to match you up. If the site is a jumble of personal ads with little structure you may want to give it a closer look before you get involved.

Success rates

Start by asking friends that may have used the site. Ask if they have had a certain amount of luck meeting decent people. If they have, you may have similar luck. Another option, although it is wise to be a bit skeptical, is to ask for testimonials. It may be difficult to figure out who is sincere and who is not but listening for pat answers or inflections in their voices may help to weed out the less sincere couples. You might also ask them for advice of dating when using the service. This is new territory for you so asking how the process worked for them is a good idea.

Does the site offer advice?

Dating advice, relationship advice or other tips that can help you along are good indicators of a site that really wants you to succeed. You are really looking for a partnership with the site as much as with a relationship partner. In many ways, it is a lot like interviewing for a job. If somebody offers advice you at least listen. You may not use the job or dating advice but every little tip could help.

What do you really want?

This could be quite a bit trickier to answer then you may think. Having an idea of what you want and what will work can be a lot different then what will actually make the best match. If a site offers a personality or matching test, be honest with whom you feel you really are. There is really no sense in lying to yourself and wasting everybody’s time in the process.
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BONUS : Choosing And Using Pheromone Cologne - The Non-chemist’s Guide To Personal Chemistry


Have you ever met someone who seemed to have ‘that certain something’, who ‘radiated confidence’ or ‘oozed sexiness’? What would it be like if you suddenly found yourself more attractive and appealing to be with, getting more positive attention from everyone you interact with every day? How much would you enjoy that kind of positive change in your life?

That is what you can expect when you are using pheromones. But, are you afraid you need a degree in chemistry to understand these products? Well, you don’t, because here is the non-chemist’s guide to personal chemistry. I will explain all you need to know so that you can have fun finding the magic formula that will take your social interactions to the next level – right now!

What are pheromones and how do they affect others?

Think of them as fragrances that are designed not only to smell good, but also to affect people in a subtle and unconscious way - the same way you would be affected by being close to a very attractive person.

The kind of pheromone products you will decide to buy depends on the signals you want to send. There are many formulations on the market, that can generally can be categorized based on their desired effect. Based on this, they fall into these groups:
o Sexual stimulants and attractants (make you more sexy)
o Warm and fuzzy (make you more approachable, huggable, people want to get close to you)
o Man of the house (dominant but not necessarily sexual)
o Trust in a bottle (create trust and rapport with members of either sex)

That’s right, although pheromone effects are more pronounced with members of the opposite sex, they do have a non-sexual effect on members of the same sex as well. The net effect is that others will perceive you as being more attractive and pleasant to be around in a number of ways.

And since the products mimic natural body chemistry, these reactions are quite natural and unconscious on the part of those people who are affected. Some of the people you meet will be more ‘tuned into’ the pheromones. I have found that a lot of younger women in particular are affected and attracted to the products. Nice to get that kind of attention, isn’t it?

By the numbers

Here is how pheromones will work for you: Let’s assume that you are a woman that guys might rate 7 on their attractiveness scale. What would it be like for you if you are suddenly perceived as a 8 or 8.5? What if you were a 5 and could suddenly be perceived as a 6.5 or 7?

Or, if you are a guy that is always ‘just friends’ with women - what would it be like to suddenly be perceived as sexier – someone they just felt compelled to hold, to touch and kiss? Maybe you already come across to the ladies as sexually aggressive – maybe too much so. Won’t it be nice to be able to radiate the trust, comfort, and warmth that lets them feel safer around you?

Can you imagine the difference this would make in your life? It might range from dramatic to subtle to not at all, depending on the particular person and interaction. But you know you will feel more confident, interesting and attractive and have lots more opportunities and choices in social situations.

What they won’t do - a reality check

So, will people be drawn to you like a magnet from across the room, or crowd around you just to bask in your presence? Maybe, but not likely.

Will every member of the opposite sex be hopelessly drawn to you? Not necessarily - some people just can’t handle being around a very attractive person. Their reaction may be to ‘freeze or flee’ because you are just too hot to handle. Overall, a nice problem to
have, don’t you think?

Will you see a dramatic improvement in your love life? Probably, but that is largely up to you. But, you will have lots of opportunities to improve it using these products!

How they affect you

One of the more interesting and unexpected effects will be the change in how you feel after you start using the products. Because the pheromones affect you at the same time and the same way they are affecting others, and you will find yourself feeling more attractive and appealing – not a bad side effect to have going into a social situation.

When pheromones go wrong - overdose?

Will it make a very sexy person sexier? There are situations where a little is good and a lot is not as good. (Happens with regular fragrances, too, doesn’t it?) If you are already an ‘alpha’ male or female, adding pheromones to your chemistry may intimidate some members of the opposite sex or bring out aggressivenss in the members of the same sex as as they unconsciously react to the challenge you present.

Who uses them, who should use them

By now you have figured out that pheromones are not just for dating and sexual attraction. You may already be aware that psychological studies have shown that attractive people are more successful in all areas of life.

Anyone who is in sales, or has a lot of public contact will benefit from using pheromones. And, the advantages to someone who is dating and socializing are obvious. Or, you might be thinking that you want to rekindle the flame and add some excitement to your existing relationships.

How to get started

Experimentation is the best way to find out what works best for you. Everyone’s personal chemistry is different, and your mileage, as they say, will vary. Fortunately there are a number of samplers and beginner kits available and that is where you want to begin.

Experiment and have some fun. Try using the same product for several days in a row and pay attention to the reactions of people around you. Try it at the recommended application level, then vary it – add a little extra, don’t use quite as much. Then try another product for a while. And, most good pheromone suppliers will have lots of information and advice in on-line forums and discussion groups.

Bottom Line

Do they work and are they worth it? Absolutely!!!

copyright 2006
Phil Billitz

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