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Can You Really Trust The Person You Are Dating Online

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Can You Really Trust The Person You Are Dating Online?

Heather is a 42 year old American lady.Divorced with two children,she decided to try online dating to possibly get a new partner.

She signed up with one of the popular dating sites and set up a profile.The anonymity and security of online dating appealed to her and she hoped it would work out for her.

In a matter of days, she was contacted by a man who also claimed to be looking for a love relationship.The man was handsome,also divorced and in his mid-forties. He claimed to be an engineer living in the United States, but was sent on an assignment by his company to Nigeria.

They began to chat and exchange mails, and soon began a relationship online.He sent flowers to her from time to time, sent poems everday, called her up twice a day. Heather felt that she had finally found the man of her dreams. Surely,this was the perfect relationship that she had wanted since her divorce. Here was a man who was caring and who showed it. She readily agreed to his proposal when he called her over the phone and asked her to marry him. They began to make plans to get married as soon as he returned to the United States.

Heather felt all was going on well with their plans until he made a distress call.He had been involved in a road accident and had been hospitalized. Could she help out with some money to pay the bills? Well,she did help. A sequence of events followed afterwards. Weeks later, she discovered that the man she had fallen in love with was not the real person she had thought he was.She had just been taken by the newest form of online scams that is just showing up--the romance or dating scam.

She was heartbroken.She had lost thousands of dollars to this man.She was behind on her mortgage and was in debt to the bank. But painful as the experience was,it could not be compared to the emotional pain that she had to go through.

It would take many months before she would get over the whole experience, which she described as a nightmare. Heather is not the only one that is a victim of this new form of scam.Many thousands of people online are losing millions of dollars monthly to these scams. But due to the secretive nature of the internet, most people that have been scammed this way are either too embarassed or ashamed to talk about their experience. In a particular finding, 145 men and women reported that they lost over $1 million in two months in 2005. In that same finding, thousands of people refused to disclose any information about their losses.

The worst aspect of these scams has been the emotional pains the victims have had to go through.
Many of the victims I talked with reported that it took them many months before they could get back to their normal life.

A lady told me that she cried for many nights after she realized that she had been scammed. She had thought she had the ideal lover,and had become so emotionally attached to him. Realizing that it was all a lie was devastating to her. The fact that she had been in deep love with a fake person was what pained her the most.

This is the same experience as many of the victims I related with have had.The effects of the scams have had so much of a devastating effect on them all. Medical doctors, lawyers,paralegals and other professionals have been known to lose money to these scams just as housewives, students, factory workers and other low-income earners have. The scams are no respecter of status or race. Not even religious people have been spared from this growing menace.

Till this moment, thousands of people are out there trying to get over these scams. But even as those who have been scammed are trying to get on with their lives, many more thousands are being set up for a scam right now.

Online dating has come to stay with us all, and many people have found true love through this avenue. Online dating has produced many successful love stories. It is a medium that if properly used, with the right education, can be a means of bringing love into the lives of many.

However, it is apparent that it is also increasingly being used for the wrong purposes. Given the high success rate of the scams however, the best way to deal with them is to educate yourself about them.

You need to learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff. Knowing the methods that the scammers use will help you not to fall for their antics. You will be able to know what to do to protect yourself and still be able to date succesfully. The more educated you are, the more you can prevent the scams from happening to you.
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BONUS : Can You Trust The Promises Of Free Personals Sites?

It seems like almost every day there's a new website advertising free personal ads. With all these companies approaching us all the time, how do we differentiate between those who are truly able to deliver their promise of “free” personals from those who are using it as little more than a not-so-clever marketing ploy?

When signing up for an online dating service for the first time, the number of options out there can be staggering. Testing the waters by signing up for a few free personals sites can be a good first step into the online dating world without committing to paying for memberships. But, how do you protect yourself from being burned by a bad first experience with sneaky companies who lure customers in with promises of 'free personals', but rarely deliver?

One easy way to find out is by signing up for a free personals service. Start the sign up process, and if at any point your credit card is asked for, quit. There are few reasons for an online company to ask for your credit card unless they plan on taking money from you. But, read the fine print. If there are reasonable motivations for asking for credit card numbers, you might be able to reconsider. Trust your own judgment because ultimately, it's your money and your decision.

Another way to gage whether or not an free personals service will deliver their promise, browse around the site. If it looks reputable and nice, and if there are a lot of members, this could be a good sign. If other members have already signed up and stayed (check for 'last online' dates or recent activity on message boards, forums, etc.) it probably means that the site has a few satisfied customers.

To sum up, be wary of online dating services offering free services. Though there certainly are excellent sites who offer their services for free, there are also a few who use the 'free personals' promise as a lure to trap unsuspecting singles.

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