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Buddhist Meditation

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Buddhist Meditation: Bringing Your Mind Tranquility and Insight

In a hectic world that people live in today, many are stressed out after a hard day's work. Some even get so tired that they lose their energy completely that they lose interest in activities that are considered to be pleasurable, such as sex. Imagine yourself living your life like this everyday and just imagine that by living this kind of life, you won't even have the time or the energy for your family and friends. Stress can definitely ruin your social life.

Today, many people are now looking for ways to get rid of stress effectively and give them that extra energy that they need in order for them to get through another day's hectic lifestyle and still have that extra energy to spend time with your family and friends.

Many people today aren’t really depending on technology to get them that extra energy that they need. But, they do look for it in the past. Meditation is one of the methods that are constantly growing in popularity among people today. You have to consider that meditation, particularly Buddhist meditation, have originated for centuries and up until today, this Buddhist technique have proven itself to be very effective. In fact, Buddhist monks still exist today where majority of them live in Europe while others are situated in Europe, United States and other parts of the world.

People who do Buddhist meditation have been found that they worked more efficiently and have that somewhat "extra glow" or that extra energy. They do work as if it's nothing and Buddhist meditation practitioners have testified that they are happy doing work.

Buddhist meditation's main goal is to get to the path of Enlightenment. Mental development and mind over body is also considered to be one of the goals of Buddhist meditation. You have to consider that the body is controlled by the mind and because of this, Buddhist meditation practitioners have claimed that in order for your body to function properly, you have to get rid of the negative energy inside your mind by meditating.

A lot of people have claimed that through Buddhist meditation methods, they were able to live life happier and have reduced any negative thoughts that can affect their daily life. They also said that they don’t get angry too often even if they get stuck in a long traffic jam or when their boss gives them a hard time. They said that all they do to get rid of anger is do some of the Buddhist meditation they learned in Buddhist meditation schools.

Even scientists and medical practitioners alike were baffled by the effects of Buddhist meditation. Their patients who do Buddhist meditation are healthier and they also recover quickly from illnesses. Although there is still no significant scientific proof about the effectiveness of Buddhist meditation, you have to consider that there are quite a lot of people who are testifying about the effectiveness of Buddhist meditation.

So, if you are looking for enlightenment or you at least want to know how to handle stress effectively, you should try Buddhist meditation.
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BONUS : Insight Meditation: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate

Today, there are a lot of people who finds it hard to relax. You have to consider the fact that in today's very hectic life that people live in today, you may also find it hard to relax. Some people even have a hard time controlling their emotions but you have to remember that you should control your emotions in order to function well in society. However, controlling anger can be a very hard thing to do.

Even the simple reason of being stuck in a traffic jam or getting your hitting your toe to a hard object accidentally is not enough to overreact. However, you have to face the fact that people do overreact to situations like this. Who wouldn’t? You get late for work and get a hard time from your boss because of a traffic jam, you too would be angry.

However, you have to realize that recent studies have found that anger can shorten a person's life and it can also contribute to heart related diseases and high blood pressure. In order to prevent this from happening to you, or at least minimize the risk, you have to know how to relax and learn how to not be angry over small things.

Through meditation, you can achieve this kind of emotion control as well as relaxing. Today, there are self-help books that you can purchase in order to know how to meditate. Once such book is called "Course Insight: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate". This book contains comprehensive meditation instruction that will guide you on how to meditate and achieve a state of relaxation. Authored by two of the United States' most respected meditation instructors named Join Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein, you will see that you can learn how to meditate effectively right at the comforts of your own home.

In this book you will learn how to attain the alpha mind state. Researches have found that the alpha mind state is where you are not really awake and not really asleep. It is a state where your mind is just beginning to sleep and on this state, it is where your mind is at its most efficient and most relaxed. You have to know that you always experience this kind of state as you go to bed. However, "Insight Meditation: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate" book will show you how to control your mind state at will. This means that you can go to alpha mind state whenever you like.

When you are in the alpha mind state, you will be able to focus on the work you are doing and you will also be able to block out any distraction. For example, if you are preparing an important presentation, you can get your mind to the alpha state so that you can fully relax and concentrate on the presentation you are doing and block out the noise in your office.

As you can see, meditation can definitely help you with your work as well as your personal life. Research have found that people who know how to meditate and control their mind state are more efficient at work and are more in control of their emotions. They know how to block out any negative emotion to preserve energy.

"Méditation 3G"
de Claude CLÉRET

"Tout sur les Abdominaux"
de Mike GEARY

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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