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The Two Faces Of Muscle Relaxants

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The Two Faces of Muscle Relaxants

One of the weirdest, most surprising, and very excruciating incidents that a person can experience during sleep is muscle cramps or spasm usually in the leg area. It is so sudden that one can be alarmed from its unexpected occurrence and rendered helpless while painfully waiting for the cramp or spasm to subside. Right after that fleeting experience, the remaining sensation of the leg cramp remains for several days before it completely goes away. Usually, muscle cramps are observed from athletes who are engrossed in their games but suddenly stumbles and falls to the ground holding the body part that was afflicted by the spasm. It is to be expected from them because over-exertion during activities really cause muscle cramps or spasms to occur. The ones that are experienced at night are often called “night cramps” and though the causes of it still remain quiet vague, it is said that the usual contracted state of the leg muscles when lying down may predispose that part of the body to develop further into spasms. Other suggested reasons for night cramps to occur include side-effects of medications, dehydration, and vascular diseases in the leg areas.

Though some night cramps are fleeting and hardly happen again to some people, a few number of individuals have reported experiencing frequent night cramps which become very troubling not only due to its pain but more of the disturbance it causes during sleep. According to some medical professionals, some people are really prone to having cramps and not even just at night. Usually, leg stretching or entire body stretching may be the solution for these situation but in some more serious cases muscle-relaxers are already used as treatment.

Muscle-relaxers are prescription medications that are used to alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by muscle cramps or spasms. Some individuals who have serious muscle problems that have resulted from over-use or over-exertion really need to take muscle-relaxers to at least decrease the difficulty they experience because of their health condition. However, like most medications, muscle-relaxers also require certain precautionary measures before their intake. Moreover, certain side effects are also reported to result from muscle-relaxer use. Because of the slight danger or threat posed by these factors, new medications were developed such as herbal muscle-relaxers. Unlike their more famous counterparts, these muscle-relaxers are said to be purely made from natural components, thus, side effects are highly unlikely. It is said to have the same effectiveness as the ones that are made from chemical substances, however, with the less risk of causing harm. On the other hand, some medical professionals claim that these herbal muscle-relaxers are merely like supplements that, though has a certain level of scientific support, cannot totally profess therapeutic claims. Herbal muscle-relaxants are also said to lack in prior testing which is usually required from most drugs to prove their effectiveness based on scientific evidences. Finally, these herbal counterparts are said to have an indefinite dosage measurement to treat muscle injuries. Like vitamins, a person cannot overdose from these medications, however, their effectiveness are also compromised by their lack of a defined substance dosage.

The final decision actually lies in the hands of the consumers, whether they will choose to make use of the usual muscle-relaxants with its precautionary measures needed and risks of side effects, however, with a guaranteed effectiveness; or they will go with a herbal muscle-relaxant that makes use of all natural components, assures of higher safety, however, with compromised effectiveness. Upon deciding, it is better to seek advice from those who know better, this means those that are professionals in the field of medicine and healthcare. Various concerns should be relayed to them relative to the use of medications so that they can also have a better analysis of the situation. The only one act which should not be done at all is to self-medicate when muscle cramps or spasms are experienced. When this is done, further complications and harm may possibly arise instead of desired treatment and cure.

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Things To Know Before Taking Muscle Relaxants

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There are some things that a doctor needs to know before prescribing someone any sort of muscle relaxants. These include whatever drugs you are taking or were taking recently, details related to pregnancy, and allergies.These are to avoid any potential side effects that may occur, or to minimize the damage they can do.

muscle relaxants

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Anyone that has endured physical training and has a tendency to over-exert himself has likely heard of muscle relaxants. These are medications that are designed to reduce muscle tone and relieve stress on the skeletal and muscular systems due to physical activity. Pain and muscle spasms that occur in conjunction with excessive physical activity have also been treated with the use of muscle relaxants, with varying results. These medications are generally not given out over-the-counter, primarily due to the numerous side effects and problems that can occur with use. There are several things that a doctor would have to consider prior to prescribing anyone any form of relaxant (whether they are spasmolytics or neuromuscular blockers), primarily to reduce the chances of the patient developing unpleasant side effects due to use.

As with a variety of medication, doctors are required to check for allergies to muscle relaxants. Different drugs have different basic chemical compositions, so if a patient is allergic to one particular drug, others may be suggested. While the drug may be more effective than the alternative, it does allow both patient and doctor to avoid any unpleasant reactions. In most cases, an allergy to a specific component on any drug, not just muscle relaxants, can cause potentially fatal reactions as side effects. Whether or not a person has any allergies to certain medications can also help the doctor narrow down the options for what drugs can be given. Other allergies must also be checked, such as certain types of certain types of foods, various preservatives, and edible dyes.

Pregnant women are generally advised by doctors to avoid taking any form of relaxant. There is little indication on how the medication behaves during pregnancy, such as whether or not the placenta and the mother's body are able to effectively separate the drug from the nutrients the fetus needs. It is also unknown what effects the drugs might have on a developing fetus, if there are any. Just to be on the safe side, most doctors would advise against taking such things during pregnancy and would probably recommend alternative medications if their patient becomes pregnant while taking the relaxants. Studies have shown that these drugs can cause birth defects in animals, with sufficient data to suggest that it can also occur to humans as well.

Some of these medications have not been fully tested on both the elderly and children. Both age groups have immune systems and metabolisms that function on different levels from the average adult's, which makes it difficult to effectively estimate whether or not the effects would be the same as if an adult used the medication. Theoretically, adjusting the dose given to these age groups should be enough to compensate, but most medications are packaged for adults, which makes it difficult to accurately reduce the dosage. Additional problems may also appear in children while using certain relaxants, because their bodies are generally more prone to developing side effects than any other age group's.

Other medications and medical problems must also be considered before any sort of muscle medication is prescribed. Drug interaction is a serious concern, as is the possible interaction of side effects with alcohol or other substances. As such, most doctors would ask questions relevant to this before making a prescription. This is done to avoid complications and side effects that might arise from mixing two incompatible substances together in the body.


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