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The Quandary Regarding Muscle Relaxants

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The Quandary Regarding Muscle Relaxants

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Overdosing on any medication could have very serious physical implications and even life threatening results. Almost all medications including muscle relaxants should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision. Some muscle relaxants can also be habit-forming thus making its use almost always by prescription only.

muscle relaxants

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It is generally a good idea to listen to doctor's instructions and read prescription labels when taking medication. This rule of thumb holds true for both prescription medication and over-the-counter drugs, since both can cause serious side effects if misused or overdosed. Any medication, even something as innocuous or safe as cough syrup can cause side effects. These side effects can range from mildly annoying to potentially fatal. Muscle relaxants are among the medications that could have potentially life-threatening consequences if taken in extreme doses. If you don't believe in that sort of thing, you can take a look at the publicly-available details of the death of Anna Nicole Smith.

Muscle relaxants are among the most dangerous medications when overdosed or misused. They can be used to treat a variety of problems, such as cramps and muscle strain. As the name implies, the drugs have effects on the skeletal muscles, working on them either directly or by targeting the entirety of the central nervous system. As such, an overdose of muscle relaxants can cause a number of effects, ranging from things like nausea, drowsiness, and a loss of coordination to confusion, lack of sleep, and mood problems. Muscle relaxants can also cause the very same problems that they were developed to eliminate, though this only occurs in certain individuals and is not considered a common side effect. It is therefore unfortunate that very few authorities actually recognize that abuse of these drugs is happening.

Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of muscle relaxants would be their collective sedative effect on the body. This has been known to cause sleepiness and drowsiness, as well as a minor loss of coordination and alertness. Misused, the drowsiness and loss of alertness that these drugs can cause might lead to accidents if the patient is in the wrong situation at the wrong time. Such high risk situations include when a person is driving along a busy highway, or is operating heavy machinery. In larger doses, these medications can put the body into a sleep-like state before shutting it down completely. In some cases, overdose victims have also reported experiencing convulsions and cardiovascular irregularities. These drugs, while requiring a prescription before being purchased, are significantly cheaper and easier to avail of than more potent narcotic substances. The fact that these medications can also be habit-forming makes them a serious problem, in terms of people developing addictions. According to some authorities, muscle relaxant drugs have also been used by some addicts as substitutes when more potent narcotics are unavailable, owing largely to the fact that they're much easier to obtain. It is known that high enough doses of relaxants can be used to achieve a mood-altering effect.
Unfortunately, since these are legal medications, anti-drug authorities do not seize them if shipments are caught. Their legal status also makes them readily available to anyone who can get a prescription and afford regular purchases. If Anna Nicole Smith's death, and the understated reaction of people in Hollywood, were anything to go by, it would appear that addiction and overdosing on relaxants are not as uncommon as initially thought. Some reports claim that a large number of people in the entertainment industry have abused relaxants and other medications, though these reports are unconfirmed.

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BONUS : The Relaxed Marathoner is a Winning Runner

At the starting line, one can always see the determined faces of runners. Even before they take a single step, they already fix their eyes on the finish line. And in their overwhelming desire to win the race, they sometimes show signs of tension and stress. But if you're a highly competitive athlete, the tension is just part of the job.

That is why it is already axiomatic for endurance runners and other athletes to have physical strength and endurance, will power, and discipline. It is also part and parcel of their job to encounter a number of physical and health concerns that come as a result of strenuous physical activity.

Long-distance runners, for example, are very prone to fatigue and muscle cramps. Most marathons involve a long-distance run of about 42 kilometers or about 26 miles. These runs can be either on-road or off-road.

The marathon event is actually a centuries-old sporting event that traces its roots to Greek legend about Pheidippides, a soldier who was sent from the town of Marathon to Athens for the purpose of bringing the news about the defeat of the Persians in the “Battle of Marathon.” It is said that the Greek solider ran all the way from the battlefield to Athens so that he could announce the news of Greek victory as soon as possible. The marathon race was revived during the first modern Olympics in 1896.

It can be said that the marathon run of ancient Greece and the modern-day races share the same thing: both runs take a toll on the runner. The training alone is enough to cause physical stress on any runner. Recreational runners usually target a training run of about 32 kilometers while elite marathon runners can have a weekly mileage of at least 160 kilometers.

One can just imagine the sheer pressure put on a runner's knees and leg muscles. Muscle cramps, which are experienced by most if not all runners and other endurance athletes, is an exercise-induced muscle pain that results from fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance. Overexertion, structural disorders, prolonged sitting, and inappropriate leg or sitting positions can also cause muscle pains. The most commonly affected muscle groups include the back of the leg and calf (gastrocnemius); the back of the thigh (hamstrings); and the front of the thighs (quadriceps). Cramps can be as tolerable as a slight tic or it can be painfully agonizing. Usually lasting only a few seconds to as long as 15 minutes, muscle cramps can become recurring difficulties even for the most well-trained athletes.

Muscle cramps or muscle pain does not only affect runners or athletes. Even people who do not engage in sports may get muscle spasms. In fact, muscle pain is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the United States. But for endurance runners and other athletes who engage in long periods of physical activity, the problem of muscle pain is not only a distinct possibility during training or in an actual event. It can also afflict them at night long after a running event.

To address this problem, most endurance and marathon runners have a doctor or sports therapist as a member of the running team. The medical professional or health care specialist helps monitor the physical condition of the runner. If necessary, the sports therapist may even ask the runner to take a muscle relaxant after a marathon event or during breaks in a long-distance, multi-day running event. The muscle relaxant helps the athlete to regain physical shape by removing muscle tension and pain associated with overexertion. A muscle relaxant like Carisoprodol is often administered to relieve pain and discomfort that comes with muscle sprains, strains, and spasms.

Over the counter muscle relaxants are available although many doctors prefer to give athletes prescription drugs like Carisoprodol. The efficacy of the muscle relaxant is not only important in terms of relieving the pain but also in helping ensure that the runner or athlete is able to complete an event with little or no discomfort. Indeed, the use of a muscle relaxant drug has become a necessity for many athletes who compete to win. It is no longer enough to train and have the right equipment. The availability of medications that will help them conquer pain during a competition or after an event is important to their sports career. Knowing the limitations of the human body, even the most hardy and experienced athletes need to relax their muscles naturally and through appropriately administered medications. Winning a race does not only take strength. Sometimes, a runner must make sure that his muscles are in a relaxed state so that he can push his “engine” to work all the way to the finish line.


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