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Take Time To Relax On A Business Trip

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Take Time to Relax on a Business Trip

When traveling for business you need to focus on what you need to achieve for your company. It’s important to know your objectives on a business trip and to set out with those goals in mind and to accomplish them. But along the way, something rather amazing happens when you travel on business. You may get to go to some pretty amazing places and get chances to see things you would have never sought out if you have your wits about you as you travel.

Business trips don’t have to be all about business. There are times when you have completed your work and you can take in some of the local color, attractions and good food as part of your visit to an area. The first resource to tap to find out what is really cool to enjoy in the city or town you are visiting are the locals. If you go to a far away town to conduct business with a partner or vendor, they are often more than happy to show you the lay of the land and what is fun to see and do in town.

If you can secure the evening of a local in your destination town, you can get quite an amazing tour of the area and see things that tourists may never find. It isn’t that hard to woo a local to be your guide. If you have expense account money, you can arrange to buy your guide dinner on the company dime. They get a good meal for free and you get a guided tour of the area. The first lobster I ate in Boston happened when a person in the office I was working with took me to see the sights and find the best lobster in town. She got a great meal and I enjoyed the local haunts of one of the great cities in the country.

But don’t be afraid to be a tourist if you are in a great city and you want to see the big sites. If you are in New York and you want to take the tour of the Statue of Liberty and the boat ride around the island, by God, you just do that. It can be a fine memory of your visit to the town and after all, you worked hard on your business objectives while in town so your entitled to some relaxation.

One of the best ways to get some free time to enjoy the local events and attractions is if you are there on Friday but your work must be continued on Monday. Most businesses would rather pay for two nights in a hotel and meals rather than fly you home and back out again. So you can keep your rental car and have two days to simply be a civilian for a while and really explore the local haunts.

To find those unique events in town that not many know about, read the local paper and look for those little local culture or arts papers like the Village Voice in New York. These papers will carry details of festivals going on around the area, what is happening in the clubs and theaters in town as well. You may find a regional celebration not far away that you can be part of and pretend to be a local for a few hours and have plenty of fun along the way.

If you do have a couple days to explore, don’t be afraid to travel a bit to see some things not that far away. On the east coast, a trip up Highway One will move you through some of the most scenic New England towns you can imagine. And you can linger and take a whale watching tour if you want to. If you already have a rental car, usually it is no more expense to use it to see the state or go to the coast nearby where you are doing business. At most it might cost you a tank of gas and for that you may get so see one of the great sights in the country.

Take advantage of your business travel to see the world, have some fun and as the song says “stop and smell the roses along the way”. Combining business with pleasure can make those long nights away from home not so empty.

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Take a bath and relax with Bathroom Accessories

Bath time can be the most relaxing and enjoying time of the day. There are so many different things that you can use when relaxing in that big garden tub of yours. Lets talk about some of the things that can make your bathing more relaxing and enjoyable.

How to relax:
Your bathtub can be a major part of your relaxation time. There are many different kinds of tubs out now to fit everyone’s needs. Most people have standard size tubs for one person, they can be very relaxing too, just add some things around it to make it what you like. Fill up the tub with your favorite smelly bubbles or relaxing oils. The hot water and all those bubbles around you make you feel special and important.

How to create a romantic atmosphere in your bathroom:
Do you like getting romantic in the tub? Try the garden tub it is a good one for small areas and large enough for the second person to join you. Garden tubs are nice when they are sunken into your floor area. Box the tub in and install a music system into it. Music is always relaxing to everyone. Turn the music on a good easy listening music channel or insert a CD into it, maybe an mp3 player too. Garden tubs and music is just one type of tub to spice up your day.

When installing a tub for romance and relaxation be sure to think about where you’re going to install it and the sitting around it. Your décor means a lot when you’re trying to relax and enjoy the surrounding area. Choose a room away from the master bedroom where you can be away from everything and just be alone. Before installing your tub, decide on a theme and how you’re going to fill in the empty spaces. Take one end of the room and put up a wall to make a place for the stool and a shower separate from your tub. Putting the sink in the same room with the tub is ok, since you can color and coordinate the colors to both rooms to match the bedroom.

Put mirrors around your tub; box the tub in putting inserts at one end for that glass of wine you might want to have while relaxing. Add candles so when they are lit they can glow into the mirrors. Sounds romantic doesn’t it.

Install Garden tubs with jets in it. Jets are a good way to get that massage you’ve been wanting. Some of them even have heaters connected so your water doesn’t get cold. Be careful not to fall asleep and drown in there it can be done so don’t stay in there to long with the jets on they can make you to relaxed. Again, don’t forget to add the mirrors and candles.

Put a chair decorated to match your theme in one corner where you can sit to dry off and add that lotion you might have for your feet. After relaxing in that tub, you need to smell good afterwards. A little bit of body lotion goes a long way. Match your lotion smells to go with the oil you’ve used to take the smells with you when you’re done. Body lotions are affordable; as well, you can find coupons, deals, sales, clearances, etc online to help you save money.

How to find oils, bathtubs, candles, lotions, and more:
Check out the department stores; maybe go on line to check out the candles, lotions, and your oils. Try different smells and enjoy.

That Bare Wall Benefiting from Bathroom Accessories

How to fill in the blanks with rubber stamps:
Is there a bare wall in your bathroom? Is the wall bare so that you cannot find a theme to match? Have you considered wallpaper, yet nothing seems to fit? Why not put your creativeness and ideas to work and make your own wallpaper design. I bet no one else will have one like it.

Before you get started, decide what you really want to put on a bare wall you are trying to cover. Make sure you are creative and try to use the same theme you are working with, such as birds. This can be done in any room of you house where you have a wall and want to do something different.

You’ll need to shop around and find some rubber stamps or stencils; you can even draw the design if you want. The rubber stamps, stencils, all of these things can be found in the craft department of most department stores. Be sure to grab the brushes you’ll need; the variety pack of brushes is nice since you have different sizes and styles all in one.

Usually in the same department you’ll be able to purchase the paints you’ll need, use ceramic paint, it comes in many colors and shades to accommodate your needs. Clean up is a breeze just using warm and soapy water to clean up the paint to change from one color to another is all you need to do.

Whenever doing a project like this, you should do it twice to be sure you have the right design and colors that you’ll want to use. If you need more stamps or stencils just go to another department store, wherever craft supplies are sold, they all sell different ones. Cover the area that you are going to stamp on with freezer paper. The paper you can buy wherever groceries are sold, usually in the meat department. When putting up the paper just stick a thumbtack on the corner and a few places in the center to hold it in place.

Now you are ready to make the first copy of your wall project. Go for it and start stamping away.

It is hard to place everything so they are exactly spaced but don’t worry you can fill in those empty spots later. When going from one color to another, if the colors are going to touch make sure that the first color completely dries? When finished, let dry and look at it for a couple of days to make sure this is what you want. Then go on to the permanent design.

How to remove the paper?
Now you’re ready to do your wall, taking down the paper carefully so you don’t forget your color combinations. Keep it for a pattern to work from. Remember no two projects are the same. That’s the fun of the whole project; no one will have one like it.

Paint your wall in the color of your choice making it a light color to match the colors you are going to stamp on it. Using your pattern, you have set aside; start stamping again on the original wall. Again, make sure each color is completely dry before stamping another color so they do not touch each other. If do not like the pattern you’ve done just fill in the spaces with something else or add a new color somewhere. No matter how many times you use this technique you’ll never be able to do two projects the same. This is the tactic known as creativity. Now that you have your paints, consider the flowery bathroom accessories.


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