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Meditation Technique

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Meditation technique for different environments

There are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their mind no matter what kind of environment they are into. However, there are also people who seem to be always disturbed. They can hardly concentrate, thus, affecting their judgment and quality of work. Meditation is a good aid for these types of people. During meditation, mental space is created in order to achieve a certain degree of enlightenment.

The effects of meditation to different people also vary. These could be affected by factors such as the mood, character and individuality. When a person hardly understands himself, his confusion reflects to his actions. That is why contemplation is necessary in order to achieve an enlightened consciousness.

A quiet space conducive for reflection, a mantra to be recited and absolute concentration are the essentials of meditation. While sitting meditation is considered the basic and most efficient form of meditation, there are other ways to modify the process. On the whole, you can only create other forms of meditation when you become habituated with the practice. When your mind had been set for meditation, it will be easy for you to stay tuned-up. Plus, you can integrate the spiritual essence and mental awareness with the physical and mental rhythms of life.

As meditation becomes part of your routine, you will always find time to stop and make a connection with the process of meditation. Naturally, you will seek the blissful state that you can experience only when meditating.

So what should you do when the place you are into is not conducive for meditation? There are ways to establish focus and concentration. You can capture your mind to be in the meditation state when you direct your attention to a spot in the room, or listen attentively to your breathing or focus on a small object. With the help of a relaxing music and tricky colors, you can employ meditation and extend such practice even beyond the meditation period.

Active people such as athletes need to stay focused in their skill or art while staying grounded. However, their physical ability could be more enhanced if they are in touch with their higher consciousness. A famous female boxer revealed that in her violent and aggressive profession, she never fails to meditate and chant. She constructed her own way of escaping the gym atmosphere in order to find peace within. She listens to the sound of the speed bag as she hits it one way. There is a distinct sound for a one-way blow and the sound varies with the difference in the impact of glove. Then all she had to do is close her eyes and meditate on the sound of the speed bag.

Even a basketball player can employ meditation at the free throw line if he is able to transcend the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the play. In this manner, he can manage stress and anxiety while connecting to his meditation process.

Be creative in modifying your own way of meditation. Break your patterns and make your imagination work.
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BONUS : The meditation timer, the guide to a scheduled meditation period

Meditation is one of the healthy activities that feeds both body and mind. The time you spent for meditation returns to you in the form of more accomplishments and a rejuvenated spirit. Imagine how much you profit from the twenty minutes twice a day practice of meditation? It is a good way to start and end the day with.

The interesting part of meditation is that when the habit of doing it enters your system, the time you allotted for it becomes a flash. And to guide you not to lose your other routines for the day, a meditation timer is a helpful tool especially for the meditation practitioners. The progressive chimes of the meditation clock are more favorable compared to the ordinary alarm clock. Another advantage of using the meditation clock is that it allows you to gently dwell back to reality when your meditation session is over and you are still too devoured with it.

A meditation timer has various features. This is usually made of light materials that make it handy and easy to carry. For athletes and active people who employ their meditation sessions in various grounds, the meditation timer is a comfortable gadget to carry along. A good meditation timer provides a calm way to signal the start and the end of the meeting. While you are in the deep contemplation, you can set the meditation timer to chime in a certain time interval.

Those who are practicing sleeping meditation can wake up gradually with the use of the meditation timer. This tool help lessen the grogginess in waking up. Because of this, your logic and your ability to recall are being developed. The meditation timer is an effective guide for people who need to stick to a schedule in a manner that the concentration is not disrupted.

The meditation timer is available in online stores. There are websites that offer meditation timers that can be downloaded right on your PC. The online meditation timer features a beeping sound at one minute up to 99 hours interval. It can also be set to stop beeping at the end of the 1-999 counts. This tool beeps once every after the time interval that you set and three times after the meditation period. It is a convenient timer to use that features big buttons for start and stop actions. There are also meditation timers that contain memory to store meditation processes.

Various styles of meditation timer can also be found in meditation supplies stores. The choice of which type to use depends on the kind of meditation that one practices. The meditation timer can also be made to fit the personality and fashion of the person especially if one is building a contemplative garden in his place.

However, the prime consideration in choosing the meditation timer should be the quality of the tool. And it will be wise to find for the meditation timer that will last through time.

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