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Meditation Pillow

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Meditation 101: Pillow, Pillow which is the Softest of Them All

Customary pillows are usually utilized as head or neck support. Normally, the said pillows are used when sleeping or resting. These days however, pillows are also used to support one’s buttocks and back while seating and meditating. The said pillows are termed as a meditation pillow.

A pillow is a necessity while doing meditation since it aids you to maintain proper posture all throughout the session. In general, there are two types of pillow suitable for meditation use.

1. Donut Pillows – donut is the shape of this type of pillow. The space in the center provides relief while sitting on the tailbone area.
2. Lumbar Pillows – this is used to maintain and support the lower back.

Donut and Lumbar pillows fall under the category of orthopedic pillows that serves its purposes for support and treatment.

Any other pillow may not be appropriate for you and the task you will be undertaking. There are considerations you need to mull over when choosing a meditation pillow. One important pillow factor to consider is the place of meditation.

Where to Meditate

The place of meditation is an important consideration when choosing a pillow. You will have to select the appropriate pillow that will be well suited with the place.

Many practitioners undergo their meditation process on hard surfaces. A floor made of concrete or wood are examples of a hard surface area. A two-stage pillow is apt for this kind of flooring. A firm foam is the usual base of the said pillow while the top is filled in with synthetic materials.

On the other hand, there are individuals who prefer to meditate on grass or grass-like areas. A gentle pillow that is filled with smooth material is well recommended for grass areas meditation. It is also best to choose a pillow with nylon as its base. Additionally, machine-wash compatible pillow is recommended since such pillow is prone to dirt.

Other considerations that can be taken into account are:

What’s In a Pillow?

There is wide-array of pillow fillers. You must choose a pillow with the appropriate filler to use for meditation. Foam may be hard for you or perhaps feather-fillers may be too supple.

The most common pillow filling are feathers, foam, and synthetically made fillers.

Pillowcases cover the pillow fills. The choices of pillowcases vary from one person to the other. You need to choose a pillowcase that will not be infuriating. If a green pillowcase adds bothersome to you, why choose green when you can opt for purple or any other color.

An inappropriate type of pillow can cause uneasiness that will then lead to distraction. Use a pillow that can withstand your weight and most importantly can provide support to your back. If you are slumping on the pillow or you feel yourself moving into the floor, then those are signs that the pillow is badly chosen. Instead of meditation, you might end up accumulating more worries.

Several pillow manufacturers offer meditation pillow. All you need to do is assess its features for you to decide which will best suit your need. The internet is a good venue for you to scout meditation pillows.
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BONUS : The Philosophy and Benefits behind Meditation Practice

The practices of meditation are increasingly becoming popular because of its importance and benefits. Most people incorporate meditation in their lives for spiritual journey. It can expand their awareness and perception about life's experiences. Some just wants to relax. Other people are specifically interested on the benefits of promoting health. However, successful meditation is achieved through deep relaxation so that your mind and body can be revitalized and refreshed.

Meditations are not created without any underlying principles. Whether these principles are revealed or not, you should learn that most forms of meditations have its philosophy. Basically, it focuses on the state of the body, mind, and nature. Meditation experiences are influenced by your reason and understanding of what meditation is all about.

The guidelines for meditation are reflecting a philosophy. This philosophy supports belief in oneself and belief in life. Increasing your belief can deepen peace and relaxation. People are receiving the benefits of meditation through a reflection that they have the capacity to relax besides any circumstances of life. Thus, the effects are positive such as emotional ease, physical health, mental clarity, good relationships, and fulfillment as a person.

The energy that flows in the human body is dynamic and varying. Everything is an intelligent expression of life's energy from planet movements, blood circulation, and others. Moreover, what you see, what you hear, what you think, and what you feel is all expressions of that energy flow. If you can adapt to the movement of life without any resistance, then you can experience peace and tranquility. But if you are fighting and resisting the flow of life, then you can experience suffering and stress.

Meditation can provide both short-term and long-term benefits. It includes better sleep, faster healing, less anxiety, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, stronger immune system response, and decreased use of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.

Meditations can help you make the flow easier. It encourages trust so that things can naturally unfold in your life. Your awareness on how you control, resist, or let go the flow of life is deepened.

Keep in mind that life does not only revolve on easy things but also on difficult things as well. In fact, life has always its pair of opposites such as pleasure and pain, sorrow and joy, success and failure, love and hatred, and others. Still, it is not impossible to achieve true peace. It is not too late to learn how to drop and let go of any resisting forces that is blocking the normal movement of life. Letting go of hindrances can result in an insightful relaxation. The flow of energy must be used not for resisting but to help your natural intelligence in supporting your mental, emotional, and physical well being.

The energy that is flowing into your life must never meet any resistance. Most people have the habit of resisting pain and certain emotions. But if you can still relax in such situation, then you are not robbing yourself from feeling relieved and alive. Embracing whatever comes to your life is simply an act of loving. Today, meditation is more broadly used to describe a lot of practices that can bring different results.

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