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Meditation Also Gave Me Something Else

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Meditation Also Gave Me Something Else

Some of the greatest benefits for me have been my ability to tap into 'my well of inner peace' whenever I need to, my connection with, and to, spirit, achievement of greater clarity and balance at the end of each session, and overall wellbeing. Meditation also gave me something else.

The meditation journey for me involved profound inner change as I stepped into enlightenment. Once that door opened for me, well that was it! No turning back...ever - something which no-one ever told me.

Enlightenment, for me, is such a strange thing, and of course is many things to many people. When I stepped into this state of being, I waited for the whiz bang fireworks to begin, hear the blaring trumpets and the voice of God (which I imagined would be kind of booming and earth shattering!). I’m not sure what else I expected but what I experienced was a deep sense of stillness. The door opened, I stepped through the doorway, and how I perceived life changed forever. The clarity with which I saw things in that moment almost blinded me – yet it was so gentle.

This didn’t mean to say I ceased doing mundane things such as housework, cooking and cleaning. No - unfortunately that continued and continues to this day and will in the future also. Nope, for me enlightenment meant that I simply knew things and accepted; some possibly call this ‘Truth’.

I believe that Truth or Enlightenment is knowing absolutely everything about all things at the exact same time without pinpointing one solitary thing.

Truth is much like acknowledging anything really, in a passive way. Words are grossly inadequate in describing this sense of being. All I can say is itÂ’s simply too HUGE to explain with words but itÂ’s something I experience whenever I meditate, or zone out.

IÂ’m not immune to daily issues however IÂ’m not impacted to the same degree as before either. I can say that whilst chaos reigns around me I can easily tap into my well of inner peace. ItÂ’s helped me through the many trials and tribulations I call life and thank my lucky stars that I started practising meditation when I did.

Of course this practise is open to anyone whoÂ’s willing to put in the time and practise (it took me five months to really get going). Once you begin this journey youÂ’ll notice how much more peaceful, centred and balanced you become.

I've often heard say "I'd love to meditate because of my anxiety and stress levels, however I have absolutely no time..."

If you have next to no time – many don’t and sometimes I don't – however you’d really love to begin meditating because you believe there are benefits for doing so, consider this. Three minutes is a passing conversation with a work colleague at the elevator door, three minutes flicking through a magazine at the newsagency or news stand, or three minutes admiring a merchandise display outside your favourite store window. You could do a three minute breath meditation, three minute journal writing, three minute focus on an object, or even take a three minute walk. See! In next to no time at all you could be meditating and accessing your own well of inner peace!

Meditation could bring about profound changes for you too, as well as achieve overall wellbeing, peacefulness, clarity and balance, and connection to spirit and yourself. There are six billion people on this planet so your experience will be different to mine.

If youÂ’ve never tried it before why not try it sometime soon, you might just get to thoroughly enjoy the benefits it can bring.

Michaela Scherr Transformational Coach
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BONUS : Meditation and Relaxation

Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between meditation and relaxation. What distinguishes this from the other techniques is that with meditation, your mind continues to be focused and alert when you learn to focus on an object, a thought or by visualization.

But which should you focus on? The answer depends on the individual. The important thing is that it is something that they are comfortable with.

One of the simplest things to concentrate on is your breathing. In fact, most meditation techniques start out this way so that your muscles will be relaxed and your mind and body become one.

Sometimes, staring into an object can produce similar results. The best part about is that it doesnÂ’t have to be physical because when you are trying to get some sleep, you can focus on a cloud or the open ocean.

If thinking about an object is not your thing, then you can try to focus on sounds or words. This is the reason that there are CDÂ’s that you can buy which play calming music or with someone in the background talking to you during your meditation and relaxation session.

When such things are used, this is better known as a mantra mediation or transcendental meditation. This technique has been studied widely in the medical field because the body gains a state of profound rest. As you wake up, your brain and mind becomes alert ready to get back to work.

The biggest challenge with meditation and relaxation is the fact that you will often be distracted with other thoughts as you try to block them out. When you are doing this at home, it is beyond your control if a car drives by or there other sounds coming from the outside. The same goes if you feel an itch and the tendency is to scratch it.

Since ignoring it won’t do any good, you just have to accept it. This skill is called “poised awareness” or “attention awareness” and by being able to have a passive attitude these things will no longer affect you.

LetÂ’s face it. All of us need time to relax when the pressure builds up otherwise we crack. You can drink a beer after work or watch television when you get home but the truth is, such activities does not truly relax the body.

For that, the best answer is meditation so you not only relax the body but also the mind. You should do your best to stay awake because instead of concentrating on your breathing, you could already be dreaming which is not what this exercise is all about.

Those of you who feel more energetic with meditation and relaxation should do this on a daily basis. After all, it only takes 15 or 20 minutes or so to recharge your batteries.

Does this change who you are as a person? The answer is no. You just become more calm and disciplined when everyone around is going crazy so you can make the right decisions at the right time. Soon, people will notice the change in you and say something about it. Some might even ask how you do it and when that happens, you will know that this activity which you have been doing for the past few days or even weeks has finally paid off.

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