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Guided Meditation

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Guided Meditation: Let Someone Guides You in the Right Path

Meditation in its truest sense does not only help people in developing tranquility, calmness, and inner peace but also to grow as a true person. However, some people have misconceptions about meditation as being a hippy act or something associated with marijuana smoking. They did not realize that meditation is done so that the mind can think better to improve the condition of life.

Guided meditation is a form of meditation wherein someone guides you throughout the meditation process and helps you to obtain the result of some descriptions. Many people associate meditation with just sitting cross legged on the floor, eyes closed and repeatedly go humming. This is not the result that most people want because the essence is totally absent.

Compared to other things, meditation must be done with a purpose. Take for instance; you are applying for a job out of a purpose. Once hired, you will have a monthly salary that you can use for example; purchasing a car, house, food, or spend on vacations. Probably, you will not work if you don't have any purpose.

Meditation is precisely the same. A purpose is needed when meditating and it can vary in many ways. Meditation is done to achieve inner peace, bring about concentration, relax, change the state of the mind, improve learning and creativity, build self-esteem and confidence, focus on healing oneself, control external and internal pain, and overcome fears. The reasons for doing meditation are really unlimited.

You don't have to be afraid during the guided meditation process since someone ensures that you are taking the right path for achieving your objectives. Thus, it is very important that you choose your meditation guide properly. Different practitioners and experts on guided meditation have different strategies. They facilitate people to experience the different meditation paths according to their objectives.

Most meditation experts are teaching deep breathing methods for beginners to orient them in practicing relaxation as well as in maintaining focus. Meditations paths will not certainly work if you failed in the first step. Keep in mind that meditation guides are unique from one another. So, ask the meditation guide for a free meditation lesson before paying for the services.

In a single meditation center, meditation practitioners dramatically differ in their guiding process. Make sure that you choose the one who works best for you. For example, you are challenge to find new thoughts and ideas about meditation. Then you are encouraged to purchase a guided meditation CD. You try to listen to it at home, but after a few minutes, you burst out in a loud laugh. The voice sounds totally unreal because it was altered digitally. This tool for guided meditation will not work for you since you are not serious about it. However, this meditation CD can work for other people.

So, choose from other guided meditation styles. You can get it from the internet or local bookstore. Guided meditation DVDs, CDs, and videos are very much widely available. Again, never rush in buying one for yourself or as a gift. Check out if free samples are available. Meditation programs with good quality are usually open for viewing and testing. This is the same if you wanted to go to meditation centers or health retreats. Finally, guided mediations will be successful if you are patient enough to do regular meditation practice.
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BONUS : Guided Meditation: Six Simple Steps on Stress Reduction

Adjustment is always needed since our environment constantly changes. Thus, it affects both the emotional and physical aspects of the person creating either negative or positive feelings. This can result to stress.

Stress is a part of everyday lives since time immemorial. But if an influence is positive, stress can motivate a person to an action resulting to a new consciousness and a stimulating new perspective. But if the influence is negative, stress can create a feeling of rejection, distrust, depression, and anger. In return, health problems can be developed such as an upset stomach, headaches, insomnia, rashes, heart disease, stroke, ulcers, and high blood pressure. People can experience stress during a job promotion, new relationship, child birth, or death of a person close to them.

Stress can hinder or help people depending on their reactions to the circumstances of life. It does not matter if all are positive stresses since it adds excitement and anticipation to life. But somehow competitions, deadlines, frustrations, sorrows, and confrontations also add enrichment and depth to life.

You don't need to get rid of stress. All you need to do is manage it in a way that it can give you benefits. Remember that insufficient stress can act as depressants letting you feel dejected or bored. While excessive stress lets you feel stocked.

To avoid stress build ups, you can try meditation. Besides it being cool to do, you can obtain an immediate calming effect regardless of your meditation posture. In this manner, you can reduce your stress.

1. Practicing your breathing is the first process you should learn. If you observe that stress is starting to disturb you, just do a couple of light breathing. Concentrate on your breathing quality. Make sure that it's light and still. Then slowly breathe deeper.

2. The next step is to balance your posture and make it even, head up and back straight. Most people who are stressed out often do a slouching posture while frowning.

3. Clear your thoughts. Start to imagine that you are swimming in relaxing waves. Feel the flowing waves in your consciousness that is taking away all you stress and anxiety. Make sure your body receives the constant flow of the waves.

4. Acknowledge your stress and review its root causes. This is a very important step. Denying stress in the meditation process is not good. Clearly speak to your mind that the stress is true but you have the capacity to handle it by thinking straight and finding ways to deal and cope up with it immediately.

5. Repeat this statement during your meditation process for at least ten minutes or more. Then take control of your stress totally. Think of the person who caused you such stress and made you out of control. Control your mind and remove the stress from it.

6. Finally, concentrate on a decision that you have the right to a peaceful and free mind and nobody can say or do anything against this right, as you end the meditation process. Every time you need meditation, just dictate this decision to your mind.

These steps can do something to change your outlook whenever stress disturbs you. Never be afraid to try, just believe on the benefits that it will give you in the end.


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