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Delay Aging With These Herbs

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Delay Aging with These Herbs

Use echinacea to protect the immune system. Astralagus can be also used for the same purposes. Avoid these if you have an auto-immune disorder, as these can worsen the condition severely.

Dandelion is known to enhance liver function and production of bile.

Use burdock root to eliminate toxins from the blood. Red clover is also efficient in the cleansing of the blood.

Noni has recently become more and more popular. A Hawaiian plant, noni has been used for centuries in the treatment of inflammation of the joints and the calming of joint pain. Noni is also effective at balancing digestive function, enhancing circulation, and strengthening the immune system.

Also used for anti-inflammatory purposes, licorice root supports the functioning of many vital organs and tissues alike. Do not use licorice root if you have high blood pressure, as your condition can easily worsen.

For pains associated with arthritis, nettle is consumed to reduce inflammation. Due to its soothing, anti-inflammatory properties, nettle is also useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections and prostate swelling.

To enhance sleep induction and improve sleep patterns, use St. John's Wort or valerian root. They are known for their calming properties, and are also utilized to reduce anxiety associated with depression.

Garlic is a popular antioxidant. It enhances our ability to fight disease, improving the immune system and supporting cardiac function.

Wild yam is perhaps the most well-known anti-aging herb. It is famous for its rejuvenating properties. A natural source of steroids, wild yam enhances the production and regeneration of muscle tissue, reducing fat deposits and accumulation beneath the lowest layer of the skin. Naturally found in the body as DHEA, wild yam should not be taken for longer than two weeks per month.

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BONUS : Delay Aging With These Helpful Tips

There is no magic wand that anyone can wave to get rid of aging, but there are a few practical strategies that can help you age a bit more gracefully. Make living longer your goal. With the right attitude and information, you can grow old on your own terms. The following advice should help you to find the right attitude to take it on.

Do not preoccupy yourself with numbers. Doctors get paid to think about the things such as age, weight, and height. If you are always dwelling on your age and height and not paying much attention to other things in life you are not going to enjoy many different things in life which help you stay young.

Take part in fun activities you enjoy - safely. Participating in fun and games will keep you feeling young and help fend off the effects of aging.

Stress can greatly affect how quickly you age. It is important to stay as relaxed as you can to prevent stress. A good exercise routine of at least twenty minutes every day is great for maintaining proper health and making you feel more at ease.

One of the keys to successful aging is to always be willing to learn new things. The willingness to learn is important at any age.

Improving your diet can combat the effects of aging. Your body needs even more nutrients as you age, so be sure to pursue a diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. Be sure to eat three meals in moderation while cutting back on snacks by only eating several healthy ones throughout the day.

It is important to schedule regular checkups with your doctor. Your doctor can find problems with regular visits. Catching diseases and other issues early is important to avoiding major health concerns. When caught early, many diseases, including cancer, can be more successfully treated.

As you age, you will come to think of your home as your sanctuary. Make your space your own; it will make it more comforting to come home to after a bad day. At the end of each day, your home awaits your return.

Sometimes when people age they start to get a decrease in their libido, which can damage their sex life. If you are a woman who has lost interest in sex, see your doctor for advice. A simple hormone treatment could restore your zest for life and sex.

If you are caring for an aging loved one who needs constant supervision, it can be difficult to be there at all times. If you need a break, or have a job that needs your attention, consider enrolling the family member in adult daycare. This will provide a fun, safe setting for your loved one so that you can have some time off.

Be cautious of warnings of male menopause. While men's testosterone levels do naturally decrease with age, it is believed that serious problems only occur in cases of exceedingly low testosterone. Generally, low testosterone is condition than something caused by aging. Research has been done to test testosterone hormone therapy in order to help increase low levels, but no positive results have been found.

Step your exercise game up as you get older. Your body will need more exercise to stay strong as you become older. Take a thirty minute walk during the weekdays. Mix it up with some strength exercises twice per week. This will keep your muscles toned, while fighting off the effects of aging.

Avoid extreme environments. Spending too much time in the cold, wind, or sun can damage the skin. Cumulative skin damage will not only speed the aging process, but it can also be a catalyst for skin cancer.

Eating an excessive amount of sugar will surely shorten your life. Sugar is responsible for decreasing your lifespan. Studies on multiple types of animals have all shown that excessive sugar intake shortens lifespans significantly.

Alter your makeup to go with your gray hair! Gray hair can make you appear pale or washed out, so adjust your make-up accordingly. Use a blush and makeup base in a shade darker than you are used to, and use shades of rose or peach on the lips. These techniques will add warmth to the skin. Use a brow pencil to define your eyebrows, and a yellow-based concealer to hide under eye shadows. Using appropriate makeup is a great way to enhance the appearance of gray hair and remain youthful looking.

No matter which of the helpful, practical tips you use from the article above, you can see that can deal with the challenges of aging. The choice is yours and yours alone. Remember the advice in this article so you learn how to plan ahead to deal with difficulties versus being lost when something comes up.

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