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Cleansing Toxins Purge Your Body Of Toxins

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Cleansing Toxins-Purge Your Body Of Toxins

Today, you may have been hearing a lot more about cleansing and purging your body of all the buildup of toxins. It's really not that new of an idea, but it is becoming more popular in the West. If you are looking for more information on how Cleansing toxins out of your system can help... read on.

The whole method behind Cleansing toxins out of your body is a step by step process. It will involve more than just taking a pill. It will need to be done, depending on the type of cleanse you choose, for anywhere from one to three days in most cases. It should also be done several times throughout the year for optimal results.

Most of the most popular cleanses involve taking some sort of liquid mixture. Generally these mixtures will consist of a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables. All of which are combined to accomplish two things: one, to help your body rid itself of excess toxins and fecal buildup, and two, to help your body stay nourished throughout the cleanse.

Most cleanses will involve a certain amount of fasting. You will only drink your meals by drinking the mixture mentioned above. You will cut way back on or completely cut solid food from your diet during the time you are on the cleanse.

Of course, if this sounds kind of intense, it is. For that reason, and a few others, you want to make sure you talk to your doctor before you undertake any cleanse.

Even all natural herbal supplements can have a negative impact on you if they are combined with certain prescription or non prescription medications.

Some herbs may also have an impact on certain medical conditions. For there reasons, make sure you talk to your doctor before you start any type of cleanse or diet.

And, if you think you don't need to cleanse because you aren't overweight or in poor health, you may want to think again. No matter how healthy we try to be in our day to day lives, no one can guarantee that we don't ingest many potentially toxic chemicals.

Chemicals are everywhere today from the food and water we eat and drink to all of our personal care products and even in the air we breathe. Even with exceptional lifestyle habits, it would be virtually impossible to completely cut all toxic sources from your life.

If you are thinking of using some sort of cleanse to help rid your body of a buildup of toxins and / or a buildup of impacted fecal matter, there are a lot of different types of cleanses you can consider.

In most cases it's best to do some research, find a couple of cleanses that you like and then discuss the various options with your doctor.

Cleansing toxins out of your system may be a very good idea to keep your body functioning at it's fullest. Just use common sense and don't go too long without eating solid food (as well as talk to your doctor) and you should be just fine.
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BONUS : Combat Aging Wisely

Suddenly, looking in the mirror is a burden. Suddenly, you don’t go out that much. The sight of crow’s feet haunts you even if you don’t have them. Face it, you’re aging.

Technically, aging means a process that includes changes in the structure and elasticity of the skin over time. Usually, it starts as early as your late teenage years and may start as late as in your late twenties. Our skin does a lot of things. It analyzes sensations such as pressure, pain and touch. It also protects us from the environment, helps balance fluid and electrolytes and most of all, helps in the regulation of our body temperature. With that said, our skin is clearly overworked. The least we can do is protect it from further harm.

Aging is majorly caused by either of these two: normal physiological aging (no matter what we do, we will wrinkle in time) and UV exposure (accounts for 95% of the wrinkles that you might have now). The enemy that we have to combat is the UV exposure. How can we beat it?


There are three kinds of UV rays: the UVA, UVB and UVC. These are graded according to their wavelength. The longest wavelength rage are UVA rays and the shortest, UVC rays.

UVA wavelengths are almost harmless. The hazard is not non-existing but it’s highly negligible. Sunlight, when passing through ordinary glass contains UVA wavelengths. Short UVA wavelengths are those used for sun/UV tanning. However, this form of tanning is not completely safe. It still exposes your skin to UV rays and hastens its aging. Also, around 50% of skin cancer is acquired through sun tanning.

UVA does not damage DNA directly, unlike UVB and UVC. It doesn’t cause sunburn but it can penetrate deeply. UVA can produce reactive chemical intermediates which can harm the DNA such as hydroxyl and oxygen radicals. UVA rays damage the collagen fibers of your skin.

Next, let’s talk about UVB. Your skin can only take small amounts of UVB rarely. Meaning, no matter how small the exposure is, it is dangerous if it’s every day. UVB, like UVA, can deplete the Vitamin A in your skin. Unlike UVA, UVB light causes DNA damage directly. It awakens the DNA molecules in the skin cells, causing a modification on the DNA’s growing strand. This is a mutation that is commonly found in most skin cancer cases. UVB also causes collagen damage, albeit slower than UVA.

UVC is the least penetrating since the outermost portion of your skin, the epidermis, is made of dead cells. This portion protects you from UVC. UVC is quite damaging to living cells and has burning effects.


The best that you can do to combat these culprits is to wear sun block/sunscreen every day. The higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor), the better. Experts suggest wearing sun block/ sunscreen with at least SPF 15 for everyday use. However, if you are at the beach, or biking, or hiking, your sun block should have a minimum of SPF 30. It’s like having 15 layers of skin every day or 30 layers of skin when you are heavily exposed to the sun.

Don’t think that if there’s no sun you can steer clear from UV damage. Wear sunblock EVEN IF there is no sun. Remember that the stronger UV rays can penetrate through the clouds and these can still damage your skin. These are the rays that you should protect yourself from. Also, some bulbs contain UV rays, albeit weaker. So even if you’re just indoors, it’s still advised to wear sunblock.

There. That is just everything you need to fight aging. Remember to keep the principles handy. First, learn about your enemy and then arm yourself. It’s the “art of war”…of beauty war.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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