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Caring For Aging Parents

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Caring for Aging Parents

The aging process can be difficult to fully understand if you are not going through it yourself. It's hard to grasp how it will affect our lives - and that of others - in the future.

Caring for aging parents can be difficult, mainly because of this aspect. It's easy to gain knowledge of the event to take place, but we won't really know how aging feels until we experience it for ourselves.

Because of this, being patient with our elderly parents can be a challenge. Loaded with our own responsibilities, attending to aging parents can seem inconvenient at times.

Understanding aging is the first step to devising the best way to care for your aging parents. Since everyone is unique, it is unpredictable how the transition will affect an individual, so planning ahead is always best.

Aging adults' needs are not much different than everyone else's. They do, however, participate in activities that don't require as much mobility. Because of this, older people enjoy chatting and gatherings best. They love sharing their memories and stories with you, if you let them. It is important to give older adults a chance to communicate and relate, as social activity is crucial at this stage of their life.

Because of limited mobility, our aging parents will likely benefit from a smaller space in which to live. Smaller spaces also aid older individuals in their feelings of loneliness, and have been proven to enhance the mood of aging adults.

As we age, our memory becomes impaired and things become harder and harder to remember. Childhood memories and activities, like cooking and cleaning, are clear in our thoughts, but short term information and details are lost in translation. Because of this, older adults enjoy hobbies. It offers them a chance to be productive while applying an innate or learned skill.

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BONUS : Celebrity Secrets To Staying Young

Whether we idolize them or criticize their behavior, there’s no denying that celebrities now are the epitome of beauty. But how come they are often mistaken for their age- at their flattery at that. Well, let’s find out some secrets why celebrities look younger than they are.

Eating lots of citrus and vegetables

Greens and citrus like lemons, grapefruit, and oranges are high in Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant. This wonder worker serves as a primary ingredient of collagen, a glue-like protein that binds cells together to form tissues, and makes up about 25% of the whole-body protein content. Collagen production is vital to skin suppleness, firmness and averts the onset of premature wrinkling. Collagen is, in fact, a much-endorsed ingredient in facial moisturizers and hand lotions Therefore, the more citrus and veggies celebs eat, the softer their skin becomes.

Avoiding excessive alcohol

Celebrities going in and out of rehabs due to alcoholism look worn-out and spoiled. That is why a lot more celebrities keep their alcoholic intake to a minimum. Despite the sparkling delight it brings, alcohol causes skin damage and loss of moisture due to its dehydrating effects. In turn, this will cause sagging and wrinkling of skin.

A High School Musical star says its even better to soak one’s self o he beach without sun protection that drinking too much of alcohol.

Alcohol causes dilatation of the blood vessels in the skin and every time you drink, the blood vessels will dilate and stay permanently dilated until they lose their tone. Abusing alcohol will also deplete the body of Vitamin A, an important antioxidant.

Avoiding Coffee

Despite its antioxidant content, too much coffee causes skin dehydration, and even causes the body to eliminate needed liquids and minerals. It causes skin to look like crepe paper and have very little elasticity if you pinch it up into a peak. A country music diva even shared that drinking too much coffee stains her teeth and causes little winkles around her eyes to look horrible.

Celebrities who drink coffee suggest drinking a cool glass of water after a cup of coffee.

Drinking LOTS of Water

No one can dispute the role good hydration plays to a healthier skin. If hydration does not come from sodas or alcohols and only from clean water, then it has potentially helpful effects on your skin. Furthermore, water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out, which leaves skin looking better.

Paris Hilton disclosed that she drinks more than ten glasses of water a day cause if not she notices her skin to look dull, vapid, and gray.

Limited exposure to sunlight

More exposure to sunlight puts the skin at higher risk for aging caused by free radicals. But if you cannot avoid it, use a quality high sun protection factor lotion.

A former Mickey Mouse club member uses SPF50 on her neck and face and SPF35 on her body to develop nice brownish tan where she likes.


Lastly, for celebrities, using a night time moisturizer is the simplest yet one of the most necessary parts of their beauty routine. They choose a night cream with proven age-fighters like retinol.

If applied at night, this will reduce the effect of aging and the environment on your skin.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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