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Bodily Changes And Healthy Aging

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Bodily Changes and Healthy Aging

From the beginning of our birth, our body endures many changes. As we reach young adolescence, however the body experiences a series of senescence, or bodily changes abnormal, which the bodily functions start to decline. The body makes these changes, which most people will notice, the difference.

The musculoskeletal system is the first area that most diseases and illnesses start. For this reason once, a person turns 35 years of age regardless of their activities, athletic nature, etc. Still, one can reduce such disease by avoiding injuries to the muscles and joints. You can do this by avoiding accidents when possible, abuse, excessive alcohol, drugs, tobacco and so on. You can increase your health by exercising, eating healthy, socializing with positive people, and avoiding environmental toxins.

Visiting your doctor is essential to prevent disease as well. When you visit your doctor, he takes the time to study your physical status based on the family history you gave to him. The doctor will consider family history, including hereditary diseases. Your doctor will take family history into consideration as he studies diagnostics, cures, prevention, and treatment to help you avoid disease. As noted earlier, our body starts to refuse by age 35, which our sensory organs will also start to take a rain check. At this time, the eyes are affected since they cannot remain focused on objects up close. In medical terms, this condition is known as presbyopia. This is why you see many people in the world over the age 40 wearing glasses, contact lens, bifocals and so on. Still, you see the younger generation with these same needs, which is a clear sign that aging progression is starting earlier for some. This is a note signaling hereditary makeup, or lifestyle based on environment, etc.

Many people as they grow older lose a degree of hearing. In some instances, people go deaf after 40. This condition is called presbycusis, which is a sign of aging. Since this condition is common for those aging, it is natural to dislike things you once liked. For instance, if you enjoyed concerts when you were younger, and now find that you do not enjoy concerts at all, it is because your hearing has changed, which means that the high-pitch of hearing is affected, which slowly wore down the lower hearing tone. When hearing is impaired, it often seems like those talking are inarticulate. Since the hearing is tarnished, the person will hear speech differently. For instance, the use of K may sound distorted, which affects comprehension. In other words, a person older may here the CH in a word, such as Chute Up, and think that someone is telling them to shut-up. The CH is distorted. You can help those with hearing difficulties by learning sign and body languages to help them relate to you. These people can also benefit from hearing aids, or Assistive Listening Devices. The devices act as hearing aids, since it allows a person to block out noise in the background while focusing on the speaker.

We see natural healthy aging in this picture, yet in some instances aging signs are unnatural. For instance, if you incur lung cancer based on your history of smoking, or being around second-hand smoke, then the cause is unnatural.

As a person grows older his or her, weight changes as well and more so for those with family history of obesity. The body fat starts to change up to 30% by the time a person reaches 40. The changes affect the body tremendously, since this is the start of wrinkles and other natural aging signs.

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BONUS : The body colon cleanse is all the rage these days. What is it and why is so important to clean out a certain part of your intestines? Basically, you build up a lot of gunk in your system and this keeps you from losing weight. The body colon cleanse helps you lose weight by cleaning your system out.

One body colon cleanse is called the lemonade diet. It was created by the late Naturopath Stanley Burroughs. It consists of fasting to rid the body of toxins, created by improper diet, lack of exercise and negative mental attitudes.

The body colon cleanse will dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion. It will cleanse the kidneys and digestive system. It aims to purify glands and eliminate waste and hardened materials in the joints and muscles. You’ll start to build a healthy bloodstream which in turn leads to developing optimal blood pressure

Also, the body colon cleanse will help you lose weight. Most people lose about 2 pounds a day with no harmful side effects.

The lemonade diet should be followed for exactly 10 days. During this period, you will not eat anything and you will only drink a specially formulated lemonade. You need to drink at least 10 servings of the lemonade a day, which can be difficult to manage without discipline.

The recipe for the lemonade is as follows: fill a one gallon water jug with the juice of five lemons, 1 and ¼ cups of Organic Grade B maple syrup (no substitutes), 1/10 tsp. or more of cayenne pepper, and fill the rest of the jug with purified or spring water (do not use fluoridated tap water.)

When you get up each morning that you are on the body colon cleanse, you need to do a salt water flush. Mix two level teaspoons of unionized sea salt with a quart of lukewarm water and mix. Drink this all right away.

Then in the evening you’ll want to take an herbal laxative tea which you can find in most grocery stores.

You should be prepared to need to use the restroom a lot while on the body colon cleanse. Specifically, that means that you should be prepared to go every 15 or 20 minutes. If you have a job or other activities that will not accommodate this need, you may want to consider putting the program off until you can use the facilities whenever you need to.

You may think that drinking only lemonade, saltwater and tea with no food for 10 days is dangerous. Well, you are certainly not going to die on this diet, but you will be hungry. Surprisingly, you will probably find that you have more energy as the diet goes on, despite the lack of food.

At the end of the body colon cleanse, you can expect to have lost anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds (this is mostly water weight and will be quickly regained if you don’t follow a reasonable eating and exercise plan), feel increased energy, have an increased desire to eat healthy foods, and feel somewhat different about life in general.

Those who make it through a body colon cleanse are generally very glad that they did it.

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