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Be Breakfast Pretty

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Be Breakfast-Pretty

A guide to at-home facials and skin-friendly processes

After a stressful day, take some time to relax. Put on some scented candles, put your feet up and tune up Norah Jones on your stereo. Take deep breaths as if they’re the last ones you have. Stress is already the second strongest killer in the medical field. Stress can lead to a lot of complications later on. So while it’s early, learn to combat stress by feeling good and keeping beautiful.

If you know how to cook, you might consider the kitchen “the heart of your home”. However, if you’re the kind of person who is always outside, it’s safe to say your heart is not really in your home. Maybe you’re out partying, socializing and (darn!) working. That’s not so hard to imagine if your home is usually connected with clutter and some work. Change that image! Start prettifying in your home and make it your own Beauty Mecca.

Here are some at-home skin-spoiling masks and creams to help you maintain that youthful glow.


The egg is composed of two parts: the egg white and the egg yolk. You’re lucky both can be used as facial masks raw!

First, let’s tackle the egg white. Separate carefully the egg white from the yolk after you’ve broken the egg shell. Next, beat the egg white until it’s foamy. Spread it all over your face in a circular motion. Avoid touching your eyes during the process. Wait until the egg white hardens on your face. You will feel a tightening of your skin after 15-20 minutes. After that, wash the egg white off your face and pat your skin dry.

Also, if you have oily skin, it is advised that you add a few drops of lemon juice into the egg white mixture. It will help minimize the oil on your face. However, if your skin is oily, do not add lemon juice. It will only irritate your skin.

Next, let’s tackle the egg yolk. The egg yolk is actually very high in Vitamin A. It helps in the “healing” of your blemishes. Just apply the yolk to your face in the same manner that you applied the egg white. Wait for 30 minutes for it to dry. Wash with warm water and pat your skin dry.

Though it may smell a bit, many experts actually swear by this technique. Eggs are better off as skin spoilers than food. At least you don’t get fat when you spread it on your face!


Experts advise using oatmeal for trouble-prone or acne-prone skin. This breakfast wonder is actually famous for its gentle exfoliating features. First, clean your face with water and facial wash. Never use soap as they are not designed for the skin on the face. Next, wash your face with warm water and follow it up with hot compresses (using a washcloth). Moisten pinches of oatmeal until it looks like paste and use it to scrub your face. Again, avoid the area around your eyes. Wash off with cool water to close pores.

You may also use the oatmeal as a facial mask. Just repeat the process mentioned in the preceding paragraph but instead of washing the oatmeal paste away, let it stay on your face until it dries.

You are highly encouraged to use natural ingredients in taking care of your skin. Remember that our skin is like a sponge. It absorbs everything that we put in it. In this case, if you are confident about the things that you put on your skin, then everything will go just right.

There have been countless positive feedbacks about these home-made masks. Try them! Breakfast will mean a lot more than a morning meal to you now!
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BONUS : Being Young And Healthy With Apricots

This delectable yellow-orange drupe is a source of glee to its avid fans. Whether you like it straight from your hand or in a sweet dessert, this pubescent-surfaced fruit surely delivers lots of benefits to the body. As tasty as it is, an apricot is as well helpful to boosting your youthfulness.

A younger-looking skin and healthier lives of those who include a couple of this fruit in their daily diet is an obvious evidence of what it can bring. Now let us take a closer look at how this wonderful fruit can be very useful to you.


The secret of apricot’s power lies in its high-level of a mighty antioxidant called carotenoids. The oxygen-free forms of carotenoids such as lycopene, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene are the organic pigments helpful to men.

Beta-carotene is being converted by the body to Vitamin A which is beneficial to the eyes- it protects the eyes from functional deterioration, lessens the risk of acquiring cataracts, and prevents the eyes from xerophthalmia – a disease that dries the conjunctival epithelium.

Apricots also protect the heart through its famous bright red carotenoid called lycopene. Lycopene protects the heart by reducing the blood levels of Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) which causes formation of plaque in the blood vessels, which in turn, precipitate a number of heart diseases. The Department of Agriculture of the United States says that Lycopene is the most potent antioxidant among other carotenoids as this extinguishes peroxyl radicals that damage the DNA that initiates cancer. Lycopene helps in fighting breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Dried apricots are good sources of lycopene. People susceptible to these diseases should include apricots in their diet.

Other properties and benefits

Velvety apricots are also high in fiber. Apricots are used to prevent and allay constipation and can even induce diarrhea. Three apricots are enough to take effect. This means also that it can help you slash your weight, have a normal digestion, and control high blood levels of sugar. Fiber also keeps the blood vessels from being congested.

Apricots are also high in potassium that helps in regulating the blood pressue and the contraction of the heart.

The kernels of apricots are equally nutritious. Each kernel has several helpful properties that are proven to assuage cough and helps the respirator system to be toned. But before eating a kernel, the tip of the seeds should be cut off as this contains high levels of laetrile that can upset the stomach.

Apricots are also rich in Vitamin C and iron.

Apricots also help the body fight Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, and an eye-disease called Age-Related Macula Degeneration.

Around the World and Beyond

Apricot is a traditional Chinese medicine that helps in restoring lost body fluids (which also prevents dehydration) and in detoxifying the body. Without knowing why they did, the Chinese also ate apricots to improve their fertility. Now we know that this fruit is abundant in minerals that boost the production of sex hormones.

In the Hunza Valley in Himalayas, people used apricots as staple food. Many centenarians live in this area.

Because of that benefit, Europeans have long thought of apricots to be aphrodisiacs. In fact, William Shakespeare depicted apricot in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as such. In The Duchess of Malfi, apricots were depicted as an inducer of childbirth

Three centuries ago, the English used apricot oil to fight tumors and ulcers.

Officials of National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that astronauts (in flight) included apricot on their menu for a number of occasions already. In fact, apricots have been on the menu of the Apollo 15 trip.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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