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Antioxidant And Its Promise For A Younger You

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Antioxidant and Its Promise for a Younger You

The emerging market for products claiming to slow aging is undeniably astounding. Among these, supplements containing antioxidants perhaps give the best promises to the consumers. Aside from the fact that these are a wound to the pocket, antioxidant products offer a delight to those who would like to look young in a flash. But how does this “free-radical sponge” really work?

Free Radicals Defined

First identified by Moses Gomberg in 1900, free radicals are molecular species that are highly reactive. These tiny things play a role in chemical reactions including that of the human. As the cells produce energy (for function and survival), the also create oxygen molecules that are unstable because its electrons are unpaired. These unpaired electrons make this thing to be highly labile.

In the human body, if these unstable molecules go together with other molecules, they would kill their newly acquainted fellows, thereby speeding up the aging process. Drinking, the radiation coming from TVs and computers, drugs, and cigarette smoking spawn free radicals. If we persistently have stress and do not take them away by way of exercise, we give way to the formation of free radicals. If we don’t have a good sleep at least seven hours, we are actually exciting production of more fee radicals.

A lot of changes in our body are as a result of the activities of the free radicals. They damage the DNA and impair other vital functions of cells, causing premature death to these cells. Over time, all these damages would mount up and cause our body to accelerate aging.

Upon breathing, oxygen induces a process called oxidation. And it is in here where free radicals form. This process is likened to the oxidation of metals. Once oxidized, aluminum turns to be white, iron becomes rusty, and copper transforms into green. In the same logic that oxidation damages metals; free radicals are also detrimental to our body.

How Antioxidants Work

Antioxidants are molecules that have the capability of preventing oxidation of other molecules (by the name itself: antioxidant). In the light of anti-aging, antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals. Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances found in plants. If our body has an abundance of antioxidants, we will be able to prevent the harm brought about by free radicals.

Benefits of Antioxidants

Antioxidants can help you look younger, live longer, and be at your optimum health.
Foods rich in antioxidants like fruits and vegetables can give you great protection from coronary heart diseases, and age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.
Antioxidants can also strengthen our immune resistance to diseases such as influenza and other bacterial and viral infections.

These substances also reduce a person’s risk of acquiring cancer, an incurable disease. Antioxidants also prevent glaucoma and the age-related degeneration of our macula, the part of the eye that is dedicated for superior acuity vision. Antioxidants also beat down the passing of the aging clock making your skin and other organs rejoice.

Carotenoids, zinc, selenium, and the Vitamins A, C, and E are some of the main antioxidants. Glutathione is said to be the most powerful among all forms of antioxidants. They are naturally present in our body since we were young but depletes as we get older.

If antioxidant supplements are not your type, you may take some delectable bite of the super fruits such as blueberry and raspberry which are said to contain the most number of antioxidants.

So now that you have understood well how these miracle supplements work, you would realize why these wonder tablets cost a lot.

May you have a healthily long and young life!
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BONUS : Anyone Can Age Well When They Know How!

Getting older opens you up to a world of stereotypes. Who hasn't seen a movie in which a little old lady is so deaf that she has to shout, or an old man who refuses to wear a hearing aid? The fact of the matter is that many people age with grace and dignity and are even enjoying the aging process! Keep these tips in mind and continue to enjoy life just as you always have.

Be sure that you are getting enough sleep for your age. You should get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, it will help you stay healthy. The less you sleep, the more irritable you will be in the morning.

Your daily diet plays a big part in how good you feel as you age. Try to eat a balanced diet that has fruits, veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains. Processed foods should never replace the fresh and whole foods your body needs.

You should take all food purchases seriously as what you consume most certainly impacts your health. There are lots of foods with anti-aging properties available for purchase. Replacing unhealthy snacks and junk food with organic and natural products can enhance your feeling of well-being for life.

If you're a smoker, do whatever it takes to quit as quickly as possible, so you can start looking your best. Smoking can increase wrinkles and your lips will be thinner and less attractive. Additionally, smoking speeds the aging process, taking years off of your life.

Facial massages feel wonderful and they also help to reduce the appearance of aged skin. These massages can bring blood up to the skin which removes bags under the eyes. Take three fingers and make circles across the skin of your face.

To feel better about growing older, come up with a new hobby or return to an old one to keep you busy during retirement. After all, when you no longer have to work or do not have as much time wrapped up in raising a family, you can focus on interests you may have neglected over the years. Hobbies not only keep you active but also fill those times when you may feel lonely or overwhelmed with what to do with yourself.

Keeping hormones balanced is very important for adults as they reach middle age. Hormonal imbalance can cause weight gain, sleeplessness and depression, any of which can lead to even more health issues. Your physician can help you find the best methods of balancing your hormones in order to increase your overall health in the coming years.

Have fun! For the first time in a long time, you have the free time to explore life and learn new things! Embrace the changes and advantages that come with age and make the most of them.

You should have a healthy diet. Your diet should include lots of fruits and vegetables but limited amounts of fats and sugars. A healthy diet can help you maintain both your physical and mental health, as well as give you the proper fuel you need to get through your day.

As the years pass, your home becomes more of a place of refuge and security. Make it personalized and able to fit your needs, especially if you deal with age related limitations. Your home should be comfortable and a refuge from the outside world. At the end of each day, your home awaits your return.

A good way to keep your skin smooth and youthful looking is to avoid powders and foundations. Hydration is key to having healthy, wrinkle-free skin, especially as one gets older. To keep your skin the healthiest as you age, choose makeup that doesn't go directly on your skin such as eye or lip makeup.

Exercise keeps people young. Studies show that people who get regular exercise and follow a balanced diet show fewer signs of age than those who don't. Exercise is vitally important to a quality life, especially as a person ages. Exercise maintains and improves stamina and muscle tone, increases circulation and keeps your skin looking great with a youthful vibrancy.

Laugh a lot. Laughter and happiness nourish both the mind and the body, so it is important to ward off the effects of aging by cultivating friendships and joyous experiences. Listen to jokes, read funny books, and peruse the comedy section when you pick out movies. Laugh until you cannot laugh anymore.

Always drink copious amounts of water. You can become dehydrated more quickly when you age, you should get enough water.

This could be the opportunity for you to do things you have always wanted to. Work this information into your daily life routines, and take control over your health so that you will have the energy to be even stronger for the best half of your existence.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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