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Anti Aging Treatment The Rationale Behind It

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Anti-Aging Treatment: The Rationale Behind It

In a culture where people, especially women, are obsessed on reversing the process of aging, the anti-aging skin care industry is nowadays a multi-million dollar market. People continue to look for solutions, study and find the fountains of youth, and invest in the multi-million dollar market. Why do people get so crazy over anti-aging treatments and products? Is it because of pure vanity? Or is it simply because women, and even men, want to take care of themselves healthily? Whatever it is, there is no denying that anti-aging treatment has become the best friends of the men and women who are undergoing the process of aging.

What happens when aging process starts to show?

When you start stepping on the 30's, you also start stepping on the fact that aging starts to process. If you haven't been too careful about your daily lifestyle, you may even start to feel the sad truth about unpleasant physical change that is associated with aging in as early in your late 20's. The first part of our body that starts to accumulate changes is the largest, and ironically, the most visible human organ, the skin. It starts to show fine lines, it wrinkles, it hardens, it sags, it cracks, it dries, and it breaks down.

Why do these things happen? It is because as people age, there happens the free radical change, or more specifically damage. A study about free radical damage insists that there is occurrence of skin layers flattening, collagen that stabilizes enzymes is decreasing, the blood vessels are thinning out, which causes the normal blood flow. All these things cause the skin and the parts underneath it to work abnormally so that it can no longer exfoliate more often and produce sebum in the right amount.

What is the role of anti-aging treatment?

Anti-aging treatment and products are intended to slow down the aging process, or to correct whatever signs the skin has accumulated over the aging years. There are treatments and products meant to treat minor signs of skin aging while a good number of those are designed for the major skin falling apart. They target wrinkles, black circles, and bugs under the eyes, lines on forehead, the creases on the outer sides of the eyes or the crow's feet, the laughter lines, and other marks of aging.

Science has made for humans possible to sport a youthful glow and innocence even when age is there. It has innovated different kinds of anti-aging treatments such as the botox, diamond peels, elastin enhancers, and a lot more others. All these products and treatments will make you feel youthful because with the highly-advanced technology it is now possible to plump your thin lips, straighten or diminish those lines, raise the eyebrows, flatten the paunch, and much, much more others.

All these treatments and products can help diminish the marks and scars that you get all through those lifelong battles and hardships you fought through the years. An anti-aging treatment can never stop your accumulation of your age years, but it slows down the manifestation. And depending on your perspectives, you will slow it down even more so if you have a positive outlook in life, you have a great, healthy, and fun daily lifestyle. After all, nothing can match up these things, even the most expensive anti-aging treatment or product, when it comes to wanting to sport a youthful body and spirit.
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BONUS : Anti Aging Treatments – Grey Hair Treatments

Aside from wrinkles, sagging facial muscles and the tired haggard look, one of the most obvious manifestations of looking aged is graying hair. The sad part of it is that it affects men and women alike and could happen at any age. This may probably be the reason that many anti-aging treatments especially hair dyes were formulated ling before most anti aging treatments came to be. With rapid advances in science though, gray hair treatments are today not only limited to the manufacture and sales of hair dyes. There are several approaches that could be resorted to in combating the onset of graying hair.

Treatments for graying hair could be categorized into the following basic approaches:

Cosmetic Treatments

Hair dying is the most convenient, most common and the oldest approach to treating gray hair. Hair dyes are formulated so that the molecules could penetrate through the hair cuticles without causing cuticle damage. While most hair dyes employ chemicals in their formulas, the most common ingredient being ammonia, there are also hair dyes that use vegetable colors for those who have concerns regarding applying dyes with chemicals on their hair. Henna and sage are the best examples for these.

Medical Treatments

What gives the hair color is the amount or the concentration of melanin that is present in the body. Melanin gives skin color as well as hair color. It is also a determinant whether a person will tan or burn in the sun. The production of melanin in the body slows down as a person ages. The purpose of medical treatments for graying hair is to reverse the slowing down process of melanin. Drugs are applied to reverse the depigmentation some of the drugs used are Auxins, Imatinib Mesylate and Gleever. These drugs are always dispensed by qualified physicians as others may cause side effects, are not commercially available or are in fact treatments that were originally intended for other ailments.

Application of Topical Nutrients

The following are universally accepted topical solutions that are applied to improve the nutrients that the hair receives and fight against graying hair. Some of these are ancient remedies and are proven trough time.

Eugenol Oil – Applied topically, the active ingredients of eugenol oil come from cloves. Eugenol oil has demonstrated to restore the dolor of the hair.
Amla Oil – This oil strengthens the follicles of the hair facilitates pigmentation and hair growth.
Ligustrum – Has long been used by the Chinese to prevent graying of hair.
Ashwagandha – This one increases the melanin in the hair treating the grays and giving back its color.
Superoxide Dismutase - Are compounds that are often found in hair gels to protect against graying of the hair.
Shampoos with Omega-3 – Omega 3 are anti-oxidants that fight against degrading of the cells. Omega-3 provides nutrition for the hair follicle to fight against premature graying.
Melanin – Could also be applied topically in the scalp.
Retin A – When combined with alpha-hydroxyl acid are powerful agents that give back the hairs natural color.

There are also several nutrients for the hair that could be taken orally. They could be in combination with other drugs or are their main ingredients. These oral treatments could come in the form of capsules and tablets. Some of these are vitamin 12, minerals, Biotin, folic acid, Para - Aminobenzoic Acid, and Inositol.

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