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Why Finish Your Detox With A Salt Water Cleanse

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Why Finish Your Detox With A Salt Water Cleanse

As you near the end of your detox diet, top it off with a complete and immediate flush such as the salt water cleanse. Also known as the salt water flush, this process is great for clearing out your digestive tract after your cleansing program. It's important that you keep in mind that the salt water cleanse is not for use as a detox, if your desire a more thorough detoxification regimen try either the lemon juice detox the raw food diet, the salt water cleanse process is only intended to give your digestive tract a final cleansing before you return to your usual diet.

In order to complete this cleanse you'll need 1 quart of water boiled or distilled and 1-1/2 teaspoons of sea salt. Natural store bought sea salt is better and if you can find natural freshly ground sea salt in your health food store that would be best. However under no circumstances will regular table iodized salt do. The refining process alters the molecular weight of the salt rendering it no good for this purpose.

As you know, if you were stranded on a boat in the ocean you could die of dehydration. This is because the weight of sea salt water is the same as your blood therefore your body does not recognize it. This is the same premise working with this flush, this saltwater mixture is as indigestible as ocean water and your body will expel it within 2 hours like an internal enema.

To prepare your cleanse: with your water at room temperature, add the salt and mix until the salt is completely dissolved and chug. As difficult as it may be, it's important to finish as much of the liquid you can in one sitting. If you're having trouble getting it all down within 20 minutes you may want to decrease the amount of salt to 1 teaspoon.

Because the salt water cleanse is similar to an internal enema, you must have immediate and regular access to the bathroom. Everyone is different but the mixture can travel through your digestive tract in as little as 45 minutes so be ready. Also keep in mind that when this flush evacuates your colon it will be accompanied by everything you've eaten for the past couple of days, this is another reason why the salt water cleanse should only be used following a detox diet. It would become quite painful to your stomach and senses to attempt this level of intestinal flush on a system filled with regular food.

As with any water cleansing program, results will from person to person. Some people can finish their bowel cleaning in a couple of hours others may take a little longer especially the first couple of tries. One thing that is common among all who try this is that there is quite a bit of additional energy and a great appetite.
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BONUS : Why You Don't Need To Fear The Reaper

Do you feel helpless against the many effects that aging has on your body? You don't need to feel that way any longer! This article will give you some of the very best aging tips available. Keep on reading, if you want to learn how you can start fighting back against the aging process.

Tell the important people in your life that you love them at least once a day. This will help you to feel better about how you are living, and will let others feel loved by someone. It will show people that they are not alone in this world, and there is always someone who loves them.

Prevent wrinkles! The best way to combat aging around the eyes is to start early. Applying eye cream before even a single wrinkle appears will help to keep your healthy skin smooth and supple for as long as possible. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate of all, so take care of it!

Use free time to give back to the community. Staying young is all about feeling great, and you can feel your greatest, when you are giving back to the community. When you have a lot of free time, you can volunteer with local programs and groups and give yourself great feelings about yourself at the same time.

Fight the look of an aging face by getting enough sleep. Many people either have a problem getting enough sleep, or their busy schedules don't allow them to sleep enough. Either way, it shows on your face in the form of under-eye bags, pasty, white skin, dark circles under your eyes and a face that looks gaunt and tired. Even a 20-minute nap can make a big difference.

Keeping your brain agile as you age is easy if you continue learning. Working on puzzles or crosswords is a great way to keep nimble, so keep a pencil and book in the washroom for quick pick-me-ups. Reading is also an excellent mental work-out, so take time out every day to enjoy a book, newspaper, or magazine if you can.

Aging is inevitable for everyone. One of the first things to deal with when becoming older is accepting this fact. When you realize that it will happen to absolutely everyone who is lucky enough to survive it will become a bit easier for you to deal with the day to day realities.

Try to maximize the amount of sleep that you get at night. When you sleep, your body can recharge and restore the nutrients that you lost during the course of the day. In addition, you will feel more energized and can prevent stress by getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night.

A great tip for healthy aging is to see your doctor regularly. Your doctor has the same goal as you - keeping your body in optimum health. By taking the time to have regular check-ups, you can usually catch small health problems before they turn into big health issues. It is also important to schedule regular eye and dental exams too.

As you get older, it is essential to choose friends who maintain a positive attitude. Unhappy people will make you feel unhappy too. If you surround yourself with laughter and love, you will never feel as old as the numbers indicate. This theory extends to family members as well; if there is a person who always makes you feel bad when you are around them, try to spend less time in their presence.

Make sure you're getting a balanced diet. If you want to age gracefully, you need to make sure that your body is getting all of the vitamins and minerals that it needs. This will make sure your body has all of the tools it needs to age properly and gracefully.

Get a tea break into your daily routine. Teas have some fabulous benefits when it comes to age prevention. They are chock full of healthy antioxidants and other cancer-battling ingredients. Plus the break itself can be an amazing stress reliever in its own right. Tea breaks are one of the healthiest habits you can form!

When aging, there is nothing more important than your personal health. If you feel good, consider what you have been doing and find ways to continue the momentum. If you feel mediocre, look for ways you can personally improve your health. If you feel sick, seek help and do so right away.

To help get rid of dark circles or bags under your eyes, you may want to use cold spoons. The cold from the spoon helps to constrict blood vessels that cause redness, poofiness, and discoloration. To use this method, place the spoon in a glass of cold water. Once it is very cold, simply place one under each eye for a few minutes.

Don't stand still as aging changes the way you look and feel. Do what you can to fight back! Now that you've read this article, you're armed with advice that will help you deal with whatever the aging process throws at you. You won't need to feel helpless against aging anymore.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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