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Whole Body Cleanse

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Whole Body Cleanse

More and more people today are becoming interested in learning more about a whole body cleanse. There are many health benefits associated with cleansing your entire body. You can clear out the buildup of toxins in your body as well as possibly alleviate some health issues by doing a cleanse.

It is disconcerting to realize that we take in a lot of toxins in our day to day lives. Virtually everything we eat, everything we drink and even the air we breathe can have contaminants in it.

When those contaminants are allowed to build up it can cause a myriad of health problems. In most cases the toxins will build up in the colon, but they can also spread to areas of the body like the muscles and even the lymph nodes.

Some of the most popular methods for doing a whole body cleanse are drinking certain cleansing "cocktails", using colon cleanses, dieting and even using certain supplements.

One of the most common methods of cleansing is to go on a liquid only fast for several days. Before you do this or any type of cleansing, make sure you talk to your doctor first. This is really important if you have any existing health issues and / or take any type of prescription medications.

Only your doctor can adequately advise you whether or not a juicing cleanse will be safe for you to undertake.

The basic idea is a simple one; you don't eat any solid food for a few days while consuming a juice drink to provide you with the nourishment your body needs.

The right combination of fruit and vegetables in your drink will help encourage your body to flush the toxins and unwanted bacteria out of your body and also provide needed nutrients to keep you healthy.

There are many cleansing recipes available online. It's really just a matter of finding one that you like the taste of so it will be easier to stick with. Some common juicing recipes include an odd sounding combination of garlic, cayenne pepper, lemon and possibly even garlic.

If you prefer something a little more "extreme" you can go to a spa that specializes in doing cleanses. One of the more common type of cleanse is a colon cleanse. This method uses purified water which is literally pumped into your colon and will rinse out any impurities and excess toxins.

The water temperature will be hot enough to kill off any parasites that you may have living in your colon and it can also clear out any impacted fecal matter that is in your colon as well.

No matter how much you exercise or how careful you are about the foods and drinks you put in your body, you will come into contact with some toxins in your day to day life. Toxins that can lead to many types of illnesses and disease.

Doing a periodic whole body cleanse can be a great way to eliminate these toxins and prevent them from building up to well... toxic levels. Find the best form of cleanse for you and your desired results then talk to your doctor to make sure she is on board with the idea.
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BONUS : Why Finish Your Detox With A Salt Water Cleanse

As you near the end of your detox diet, top it off with a complete and immediate flush such as the salt water cleanse. Also known as the salt water flush, this process is great for clearing out your digestive tract after your cleansing program. It's important that you keep in mind that the salt water cleanse is not for use as a detox, if your desire a more thorough detoxification regimen try either the lemon juice detox the raw food diet, the salt water cleanse process is only intended to give your digestive tract a final cleansing before you return to your usual diet.

In order to complete this cleanse you'll need 1 quart of water boiled or distilled and 1-1/2 teaspoons of sea salt. Natural store bought sea salt is better and if you can find natural freshly ground sea salt in your health food store that would be best. However under no circumstances will regular table iodized salt do. The refining process alters the molecular weight of the salt rendering it no good for this purpose.

As you know, if you were stranded on a boat in the ocean you could die of dehydration. This is because the weight of sea salt water is the same as your blood therefore your body does not recognize it. This is the same premise working with this flush, this saltwater mixture is as indigestible as ocean water and your body will expel it within 2 hours like an internal enema.

To prepare your cleanse: with your water at room temperature, add the salt and mix until the salt is completely dissolved and chug. As difficult as it may be, it's important to finish as much of the liquid you can in one sitting. If you're having trouble getting it all down within 20 minutes you may want to decrease the amount of salt to 1 teaspoon.

Because the salt water cleanse is similar to an internal enema, you must have immediate and regular access to the bathroom. Everyone is different but the mixture can travel through your digestive tract in as little as 45 minutes so be ready. Also keep in mind that when this flush evacuates your colon it will be accompanied by everything you've eaten for the past couple of days, this is another reason why the salt water cleanse should only be used following a detox diet. It would become quite painful to your stomach and senses to attempt this level of intestinal flush on a system filled with regular food.

As with any water cleansing program, results will from person to person. Some people can finish their bowel cleaning in a couple of hours others may take a little longer especially the first couple of tries. One thing that is common among all who try this is that there is quite a bit of additional energy and a great appetite.

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