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What Anti Aging Treatment Moisturizer Does To Your Skin

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What Anti-Aging Treatment Moisturizer Does To Your Skin?

People continue to look for the best skin moisturizer. It seems they never find the perfect one that can match the need of their skin. What is a skin moisturizer anyway? How does it affect the skin that makes people continue searching the best moisturizer? For anyone who hasn't found the right moisturizer for their skin type, these are probably questions they continue to seek real answers for. Here are some information you might be interested learning in order to understand why you need moisturizer as your anti-aging treatment product to keep your skin looking and feeling supple, young, and radiant as always.

The skin is prone to damaging elements.

The skin is prone to drying because of many damaging factors you can get outside, such as sun light, weather changes, wind, friction, toxins, and many other elements. These elements not only damage the skin outer layer but make it dry, cracked, and develop fine lines. The inner layer of the skin needs proper hydration in order that the outer layer maintains suppleness it needs to look young and refreshed. A good moisturizer will help protect the skin from the damaging elements while it lubricates the outer part to develop premature aging signs.

Your skin has natural lubricants, in the form of sebum and water. Sebum is the fat being produced by the skin's sebaceous glands, which are found in your pores or hair follicles. Tiny, light hairs are found in these follicles where behind each hair is found sebaceous gland. A good moisturizer that you should be looking must be similar to sebum's molecular level. With this idea, it should be easy for you to spot a good moisturizer among the bad ones.

So, what is a good skin moisturizer?

A good skin moisturizer should contain oils similar to your skin's sebum. When applied this should be quickly absorbed by your skin without the greasy feeling at all. Because it is readily absorbed, it instantly protects your skin outer layers while it hydrates its inner layers. And the best part is? It leaves no clogging to your skin's pores.

What is a bad moisturizer?

A moisturizer that you shouldn't be looking for is products that consist of any petroleum based oils, such as mineral oil, petrolatum, and paraffin. These are no way similar to your skin's sebum. If you use this kind, it won't give your skin the benefits it needs. Instead, it will clog up your pores, leave greasy feeling, and can lead to blemishes. If used for a long time, it can change your skin's pH balance, thereby making it susceptible to infections.

How moisturizer should be applied?

Using a good moisturizer cream or lotion is a fundamental part of anti-aging skin care treatment. It should be applied daily and will be best if done after your cleansing or showering. If you use skin moisturizers which contain protein complexes and antioxidants, this is even better. Scientific studies suggested that antioxidants are best agents to protect your skin from free radicals, which are provided by different damaging elements.

A moisturizer with lots of protein complexes and antioxidants should help in neutralizing these free radicals, therefore avoiding your skin's fibers and cells from getting damaged. So, when it comes to choosing the best anti-aging treatment moisturizer product, you should remember looking for one that does not only contain oils similar to sebum but one that has different antioxidants, proteins, and antibacterial agent.
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BONUS : What is Aging?

Even though it is a natural process that we will all eventually face, aging is a mysterious phenomenon that can only be truly understood if its experienced. Because of the infinite organic changes that place in the body during aging, it's hard to pinpoint aging as one, unique event.

Like all organic substances, a shelf life is assigned to every living creature. Just like food can go bad overtime, so is the case of the human body. You can store cereal for over a year - its shelf life. Store it incorrectly however, and its shelf life will be reduced. Whether the cereal is stored properly or improperly, its taste and texture will change as time goes by. Why is this?

The cereal, like the human body can exist under specific conditions. After its shelf-life reaches a certain point, the cereal's composition changes. If it is not protected while in storage, it can turn foul before its assigned shelf-life is over.

The human body was deigned to endure over 100 years of life. Nevertheless, specific lifestyles can seriously modify the true life expectancy of a human being. Today, humans' life expectancy averages around 75 years of age. The difference lies in the effects of the world we live in today, which is filled with chemicals, pollutants, preservatives, and other synthetic products that alter our body's endurance and life span.

Aside from the detrimental effects of common environmental factors, aging is also ruled by genetic factors passed down by generations of family history. Hereditary traits play a crucial role in how an individual will age, and they are especially important after the age of 30, which is when the aging process beings to take place. At this time, hereditary traits are more likely to develop as the body's preparation is reduced. In air of reduced immune function, disorders can develop more readily.

To simplify the definition of aging, it's a phenomenon occurs in our bodies as soon as we stop developing, and it increases exponentially as time goes by. Aging consists mainly of the deterioration of body tissues as a result of wear and tear on the body throughout the years. While everyone ages differently, the effects of aging are the same in all of us. To best preserve our bodies, it's all about identifying how we are aging so as to tackle our aging weaknesses.


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