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Vision & The Process Of Aging

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Vision & The Process of Aging

We've all heard the saying "the eyes are the windows of the soul." They too suffer from the adversities of age and are perhaps the most commonly affected.

You'd be surprised to know that as we age, the thin transparent layer that covers the surface of our eyes is not replaced, but covered by a new layer year after year. As a result, the eye's lens thickens and the older layers of tissue are buried under. Because of this, we have a tendency to experience far-sightedness.

The muscles that control the movement of our eyes weaken with age. The networks of arteries, veins, and capillaries that feed it with oxygenated blood are also subdued. Arteries build up with collagen and calcium deposits that reduce their output, and the muscles are weakened and suffer from atrophy.

The cornea is essential to the perception of images through reflected light into the eye. The cornea of a young adult, for example, shows a rounded shape, while that of an older adult appears flattened. This can result in either short- or farsightedness and is easily fixed with spectacles.

The iris in the eye is composed of muscle. Because of the muscle's rigidity, the pupil's ability to expand is diminished and we require more light to see what a younger adult would easily register.

The reduced amount of light entering into the retina also compromises our ability to distinguish color. As the protective layer builds up over the eyes, the lens acquires a cloudy, yellowish hue that also alters our perception of color, making it difficult to tell the difference between blues and purples, for example.

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BONUS : Vitamin E and Healthy Aging

Did you know that at least 200 UI daily of vitamin E can help fight various diseases? Studies found that alpha tocopherol, or Vitamin E has proven to fight particular diseases. Studies show that Vitamin E may help with oxygen preserving and potentially offers cure for various disease. Taking 200 IU daily may trim down up to 40% or more of oxygen preserves, which controls bodily organs and the heart. The vitamin seems to have a “anti-coagulant” that has proven to support the overall bodily functions. Vitamin E was discovered to reduce blood clotting and can help prevent heart disease.

The vitamin is said to assist with dilating flowing blood vessels. This means the heart will receive the blood flow it deserves to stay healthy. Vitamin E has also been linked to an anti-aging solution. Many doctors believe that this helpful vitamin will stabilize a person’s overall development or maturity. In fact, German doctors called Vitamin E the fountain of youth. In extensive studies, vitamin E was found to promote blood flow. According to the findings, Vitamin E when present is an resister to aging.

Vitamin E is linked to promoting hemoglobin. Since aging has an unknown affect on blood cells and bone marrow, doctors believe that Vitamin E’s support to hemoglobin is a potential solution to solving disease related to hemoglobin. Our hemoglobin structure detains oxygen for an extended time, which means that oxygen will flow smoothly. Vitamin E has been linked to reduced risks of disease, since it is said that oxygen will stay within the cavities of hemoglobin at a lengthier time. This means that the person will live a healthy, youthful life.

Sometimes as we grow older, the blood that forms in our system slows. Vitamin E works to allow blood to flow smoothly. In view of the facts, doctors found that this vitamin may reduce the risks of anemia. Vitamin E was discovered to perhaps purify the blood, which allows it to flow smooth throughout the body. As we grow older, our body experiences many changes, which prompts aging plaques. These plaques when build will cause wrinkling, sagging, crowfeet, and other aging signs. Vitamin E works to maintain metabolism by potentially keeping away fatty acids, which are saturated. (Learn more about hydrocarbons and peroxides, which are aging toxins)

At what time saturated fats join with Vitamin E to slow aging. We need a degree of fatty acids, yet when the acids build it creates elements that promote aging. Vitamin E has shown signs of controlling the blood fats, keeping the fats at bay. Blood fat is also linked to aging. Therefore, we can see that vitamin E has much to offer. Yet, some experts argue that Vitamin E has side-effects that could cause harm; many other experts uphold the ability of support that Vitamin E offers.

Vitamin E has also shown signs of reducing ailments of the muscles. The healthy regimen of vitamin E daily according to experts can reduce arthritic symptoms. According to experts, arthritis and its sister components may link to rapid aging.

Vitamin E has shown to reduce leg cramps. In fact, studies were conducted by qualifying doctors who tested their patients. The patients complained of leg cramp, which doctors recommended Vitamin E. During this particular study the patient who ceased Vitamin E reported cramping in the legs. The patient was asked to start up the vitamin once more and when he returned to visit his doctor, the leg cramps ceased. The studies were conducted at the California or American Colleges of Physician. To learn more about vitamin E and what it can do for you, research your topic to find your purpose.

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