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The Skin The Largest Aging Organ

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The Skin - The Largest Aging Organ

Today we will discussing the largest organ in the body, which is the skin. Skin is a huge indicator of a person's age. It makes up an average of six pounds of body mass. It is characterized for being elastic, sensitive, and durable. It's composed of three main layers, which are subsequently subdivided into sub-layers called tissues.

The uppermost layer is the epidermis. Homing the protein keratin, its role is that of protecting the under-layers of skin from adverse weather, water, high and low temperatures, and so on. Keratin is a hard protein, also present in nails and hair, utilized by the body not only for structure but for permeability control and heat protection. Also prominent in the epidermis is melanin, a protein responsible for giving your skin its pigmentation and tone.

While these are the main cells affected by aging, there are numerous other important cells on your skin. They migrate to the surface daily, sloughing off to be replaced by new, regenerated skin.

Beneath the epidermis is a layer called dermis. Its main function is to provide structural integrity and strength to the skin, as well as granting it and elasticity. Because the dermis must be so prone to stretching, it is comprised mainly of collagen and elastin.

The third and final layer is the hypodermis (from the Greek "hypo," meaning under, and "dermis," meaning skin). The hypodermis provides the skin's sensitivity (ability to respond to touch), as it connects the upper layers of skin with the body's glands and nerves. Below the hypodermis lies a layer of fat, useful for insulation and heat preservation.

Also found in the hypodermis for the purpose of temperature control are the sweat glands. These are found parallel to the sebaceous glands that reside right beneath the hair follicles.

Skin is as important to the body as any other vital organ. Especially when it comes to aging, how your skin looks is the first indicator of how old you really are. Stay tuned future newsletters to read all about how the skin ages and how to slow down its inevitable effects.

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The Social and Physical Environment Slowing Healthy Aging

As we age our mind and nerves are not as good as they were 20 years earlier. Living day to day brings a lot of stress into our lives. Some of the stress can be controlled but not all of it can. Everyone will always have a certain amount of stress on a daily basis. The excess can either be your best friend or worst enemy. It takes you to make it your own.

Are you a person that stays in the house all the time who does not know your next door neighbor? Everyone need to get out and socialize with other people, it will help you relieve the stress of being alone. Sometimes being with other people, you can learn from them about how they handle stress just by observing and being welcoming.

Get rid of as much stress as you can or it will lead into depression, maybe a heart disease, stress can cause many things to happen to your body. As aging progresses, we body lack the functions or abilities to maintain good health.

You have control:
Get out of the house and join an exercise group. Take in some vitamin D that comes from the sun by walking 15-20 minutes a day; make it fun by asking someone to walk with you around the block. The sun is good for you if you know your limits on how much you can handle and you can socialize too at the same time.

Being around people is good for all of us. People teach you new things about life. Having friends or acquaintances prevent us from drifting into depress. Depression can be caused from many things; being alone and just thinking about things you have no control over. If you become depressed for more than a couple of days see your doctor and he can give you medications and advise you on how to control it. Depression will take over your life and when it does, you can’t get out of it alone. Don’t let this happen to you.

What about your environment?
Is there a lot of violence in your neighborhood or do your neighbors argue often, keeping you awake at night? If the neighbor’s are making too much noise talk to them and ask them to please quiet down because you can’t sleep. As we age, our sleep is very important to our health. Losing sleep effects our mental capability as well as body functions. If we don’t get enough sleep, we feel tired all the time; we stop enjoy activities and begin lying around the house, and maybe even to tired to eat.

Is there a lot of violence in your area? Does your area have too many breaking and entering or stealing going around where you live? Violence and crime can scare all of us to the point that we’re afraid to go outside for that 15 minute walk. Locking yourself in the house is not good, which depression will step in again. Maybe it is time for you to relocate to somewhere your closer to family or to another area where you’ll feel safer to be.

We all need to be and feel safe and if it requires moving to another location then that might be the answer. Don’t let things around you be a problem if you have to go to the area police, maybe they can drive around the area once in awhile to keep an eye on things. Safety is very important for all of us.

Remember we all need to socialize with others and be safe at the same time. As we age, things change everyday including the environment around us. Keep talking and enjoying your friends and check with others about safety; maybe they can help you decide on how the handle it.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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