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The Lungs Explained

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The Lungs Explained

The lungs are essential to the function of all organs. They are just as important as the heart and the brain. Even though many of us take our lungs for granted, they fulfill a very important function: the oxygenation of our blood.

The better our lung functions are as we age, the better our tissues will be oxygenated. In a good respiratory system, the effects of aging are slowed down as cell regeneration is maximized. Because of this, and other obvious reasons, keeping our lungs pristine is an important part of healthy aging.

If you look at a human lung, you can see that is consists mainly of endless networks of tubes that are engulfed in soft tissue. The lungs are fed by the trachea, which connect the mouth and nose for oxygen input. Subsequently, the trachea splits in separate tubes called the bronchus, which are responsible for distributing that oxygen evenly throughout the lungs.

Bronchioles emerging from the bronchus aid the dispersing of oxygen into the lungs, and are followed by terminal bronchioles, which are attached to sphere-shaped soft tissue called alveoli. The alveoli become inflamed as we breathe in and deflate as we breathe out.

As we inhale, the alveoli are responsible for extracting oxygen off of the air received. As we exhale, they are in charge of disposing of any carbon dioxide coming into the alveoli through the surrounding capillaries.

Mainly controlled by the heart in the extraction of oxygen and disposal of waste, the lungs are continually functioning. Their optimum efficiency is achieved as a balance between inhalation and exhalation exists, as well as the body's innate ability to take in oxygen and process waste.

As a balance is maintained, the lungs and bodily oxygen work just like it should. But as we age, that balance is disturbed by changes in tissues and systems, reducing the efficiency of the lungs and declining its function.

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BONUS : The Right Water To Stay Young

A dry skin is one of the signs of an aging body. As we get old, skin lose sebum, and in turn, lose moisture. Drinking plenty of water is imperative for someone who wants to slow down the signs of aging such as dry skin. Any doctor would say we have to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. But most of them did not mention what kind of water we should drink. And I guess we ought to know.

What does water do?

Water cleanses our body. It promotes the efficiency of blood circulation to help expel the toxins out of the body. Water aids the body in swilling out waste from particular cells, keeping them in good state. While it carries away toxins from the skin, water also transports necessary vitamins and minerals into individual cells.

The need to rehydrate skin

Water comprises 70% of our body. Skin, being the largest organ, has a lot of water in it. But the body consumes and expels lots of water in a day. Because of this, our skin needs regular rehydration. The most powerful moisturizers are not enough to take the place of the element that comprises our body most. Not enough rehydration causes the skin to look dry, tough, and old.

Getting old

We get older since we are not flushing out of all the generated wastes within our body allowing these toxins and impurities to mount up within our body. For our body to operate and to maintain its temperature, we consume nutrients inside our cells. The chief ingredients of all foods, real or junk, plant or animal, alkaline or acid, costly or not, are proteins, fats or carbohydrates. And these are nothing but the amalgamations of these elements: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen.

After undergoing the digestive and circulatory processes, these nutrients will be oxidized in the cellular level. After this, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen will all turn into organic acids: fatty acids, ammonia, uric acids, etc.

These acidic rubbishes are expelled in the form of urine or sweat after having undergone some processes in the blood. Regrettably, as a result of our lifestyles (i.e., too much stress, not getting enough sleep, not enough workout, too much ingestion, smoking, etc.), the body can’t rinse out all those acidic wastes produced in our body. These waste products build up in an area in our body. What’s worse is that we don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables which are alkaline foods. We get old by this process.

The Right Water

To reverse aging caused by acidic waste products, we should drink alkaline water. Acid free alkaline water or microwater is created by cleaning a tap water (typically with a pH of 7), and letting it go through an electroanalysis chamber. Alkaline and acid minerals found in a tap water is split b a device called water ionizer. The system would release water with a pH of 9 (alkaline) and another set with a pH of 5 (acidic).

Drinking alkaline water is one of the most helpful and trouble-free ways to flush toxins and delay the process of aging. Its effectively lies in the fact that it penetrates deeper than ordinary water. There, it dissolves and transports wastes out of the body.

Alkaline water is more than twice as effective as ordinary tap water. In fact, the effectivity of three glasses of alkaline water is greater than six glasses of a regular one. With this alkaline water, 4 glasses is enough to suffice your daily water need, and delay aging, in turn.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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