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The Heart And Healthy Aging

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The Heart and Healthy Aging

As we grow older we, experience higher risks of heart disease, cholesterol increase, weaken joints, muscles, and so on. Most people who experience illnesses often feel frustrated and experience feelings of despair. People who suffer illnesses or tragedies unfortunately set themselves up, saying, “It can’t happen to me.” It can happen to any of us, which is why we should take the steps in our youth to prevent illnesses and tragedies.

Many of us fail to take the steps in our youth. It hinders us to a large degree, yet we have options regardless of what we endure.

According to experts in aging and heart disease is rising higher these days than ever. The aging progression alone slowly builds up through impulsive changes of the body and mind. The maturity phase carries on starting at childhood as the person works through puberty, teenage and so on. At this time the body and minds starts to decline. As the person reaches mid-age or moves into advanced aging, the person starts to decline its natural physical functions.

Aging alone starts as we are born and carries throughout our life. Through the process, the body has positive reflections on our bodily components and development, yet as we age negative effects take fold, which include the declining phase.

According to experts in medicine, no one can determine when our body becomes aged. At one time people 65 and older where considered the aged, yet today people are working further on than 65 years of age. In short, people are working in the 70s, 80s and even 90 years of age today, which returned a different view on the aged.

Still, millions of American citizens are falling victim to heart disease, strokes, etc. What can they do?

How to relieve emotional strikes after a heart attack:
If you’ve experienced a heart attack, likely you feel frustrated, hopeless, etc. The emotions are common after any illnesses, yet you must take steps to control these negative emotions, since it only causes stress on your body. The stress will wear you down and perhaps lead to another heart attack. Let’s stop it now. After illnesses, including heart attack learn to focus on the day, instead of yesterday and tomorrow. You only have control of each day you live. Instead of sweating weeks ahead, try doing something you enjoy. Walking is a great way to reduce the risks of heart attacks. You can also visit friends or family members that make you feel good about you.

Support is essential. If you have support, you will have friends and family members who will open their minds to your feelings. You should never allow your feelings to linger in your own mind without expressing what you feel. Express your feelings to people you trust. Take time to listen to them and let these people know what you need. For instance, if you just need a friendly ear, then let them know. Holding back emotions leads to soaring complications.
If you can find support groups in your area that is experiencing the same thing as you, then join the team. The support will help you to share information with people who understand what you are going through. It is frustrating to express feelings with people who have not experienced similar illnesses or experiences as you. Try to find someone that you can relate to and speak your feelings.

Exercise is the leading element we have offered to us in life that helps to reduce any disease, emotional reactions and so on. When you sit around feeling anxious, depressed, or despaired, you are working toward worse health conditions. Reverse your actions and take the steps to live longer by exercising each day.

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BONUS : The Importance of Antioxidants in Anti-Aging Treatment

For the past several years, the antioxidants have been extensively publicized linking these substances as important agent relevant to anti-aging issues. But while it is only in the later years when the antioxidants have been put enormously to media exposure, issues about the anti-aging skin problems have begun much talked about fifty years ago. And ever since the science has not stopped studying and finding ways to combat this dilemma most women and men experience as they start to be in their 30's. Some book published during the time the theories saying it is the free radical damage that causes aging. In other story, it is called the oxidative stress process.

The antioxidants were thought to play a great role in countering this oxidative stress phenomenon after a certain fruit fly was genetically altered by adding in enzymatic antioxidants and it lived a 30% longer life than the normal. In addition, the fruit fly also showed less age-related aging or oxidative damage. This result has pressed the scientists to conduct the same study on humans to prove that antioxidants are great alternative to combating the many unpleasant signs of aging process.

In the mid of 1990s, a study was conducted and showed that the highest count of oxidative damage occurred with disabled elderly while the lowest contents were found on younger healthy adults. In the same study, it was found that the high blood levels containing the antioxidants vitamins E and C were associated with few disability and aging signs while free radical damage was associated to those with the deficiency.

Surprisingly, this has changed the way people look at old age. Whereas, it is common culture that elderly people are associated with wrinkling skin, senility, disability, different diseases, and other aging signs, most experts believe these are not habitual result of aging per se but rather of unsuccessful aging. This is rather a very interesting pointer that is worthy to be taken note of by everybody especially those who are so concerned about aging and the things that it comes with.

Unsuccessful aging, or may be considered by some as ungraceful aging, is the process that happens when your human body is not capable of fighting off damaging elements and oxidative stress. As a result, the immune system weakens and fails skin to successfully regenerate and recover. When an elderly individual is evident with various aging skin signs and diseases, it is thought that they have not lived a rather healthy, positive lifestyle.

Instead, the careless way of treating oneself has caused many aspects of the human body to be neglected and thus deteriorated slowly until it has become visibly transparent not only on the outer aspect but on condition presented by the greater health. What these points are telling the individuals is that the antioxidants play a very important role to allow everyone to grow old healthily and gracefully. Antioxidants, in addition to a good, healthy and positive lifestyle, will inhibit those dreaded nasty aging signs, which often make an individual less confident and weak in their later years.

It is crucial then that as early as possible in our lives, taking care of our body and health is fundamental. The intake of antioxidants strengthens the core of our human body and thus reflecting on the outer part, which is the skin. Nowadays, there are different methods to take antioxidants some of which in the form of supplements and of course those directly coming from food rich with such.

Maybe, this substance will give you more years to live longer, just like what the fruit fly has gone through.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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