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The Body And Mind In Healthy Aging

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The Body and Mind in Healthy Aging

As we all grow older, we notice many changes going on in our minds and with the body.
At this time, the body and mind is saying you need to take charge and keep yourself active and in shape. Our health in very important and needs work everyday to keep it in control.

Getting older is something we cannot control so taking charge now is very important. It is always best to start youthfully. Our diets change as we grow older, which the body starts to loose nutrients it requires to stay healthy. As we grow older, the body loses vitamins it needs to stay strong. You might want to think about taking a supplement to increase your daily vitamins, which you are no longer getting from your meals. Aside from meals, you also need activities to keep you strong.

Activities play an exceedingly important role in keeping our bodies and mind in shape. As we age, we have a tendency to slow down. The slowness causes the bones stiffen and the brain starts to slow down as well. Our brains and body need as much activities as they can get to keep them from loosing the ability to function, as they should.

Our bodies need exercise everyday or as much as possible. Get yourself into an exercise program to keep the movement going and it will help the brain at the same time. An exercise program can be done with a group making it more fun and you’ll enjoy doing it with others and at the same time as you meet new people. Keep the body moving all the time so it doesn’t get lazy and want to stop. Exercising will help you lose weight, tone up, keeps you from getting stiff and will give you something to look forward to each day. If you get bored doing the same thing each day, try walking every other day for 30 minutes and on the off days enjoy your curriculum with your new friends.

When starting a new exercise program take it slow and easy so you don’t get sore. When you start something new, such as workouts you are using muscles and parts of the body that where out of use. The muscles are tight, so you want to take it slow at the start. Begin with stretches always and end your excise with stretches as well. Don’t stop once you’ve started a program; keep going and you’ll notice a big difference? It takes time to see growth but it will benefit you in the end.

If you’re feeling sick, don’t always take it into your own hands. Some things have to be taken care of with medications, so if you’re feeling sick especially for more than a couple of days you need to consult your doctor. See your doctor on a regular schedule for a check up, he can sometimes catch something that you can’t before it starts to develop.

Your diet plays a vital part in maintaining your health. Being overweight is common and it should be evaluated regularly by your doctor. If you’re overweight, it can cause many things to go wrong with your system.

Diabetes has become increasingly in young and old alike. Diabetes if caught in time can be controlled by medications and diet. Be sure to get the right amount of carbs, fats, and protein in your diet each day to help keep the doctor away. A well balanced diet slows down the aging process and makes a healthier you. The best choice for keeping healthy, as you grow older is to exercise first, diet next, visit your doctor often, and take control of your mind and body.
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BONUS : The Brain and Healthy Aging

Growing older and learning from your mistakes is a clear sign that our brain is improving. The brain will improve as we learn. In return, it helps us to live a better life. We live longer and learn new skills that help us to develop a healthier way of living.

Our brain has learned a lot from our younger days. All those skills you accomplished made the brain stay healthy. Remember practice makes perfect and as we grow older the more practice we get. The more we learn the quality of talking grows and improves even more. We need to learn how to manage stress too because stress will damage the circuit in your brain.

As you grow you, become wiser. The challenges and opportunities along with making decision were all improving the brain. Be positive on life and ready for new challenges.

The brain works by increasing knowledge and it builds the connecting elements in the bran that make us function well. You’re never too old to learn something new.

As you grow older, keep your connection with your family and friends. The more we stay in contact with our family and friends we are keeping our mental sharpness working. You can learn from them and it will help to maintain your mental sharpness each day that goes by.

Your diet is very important to keep the brain healthy, as we grow older. Eat as many colorful fruits and leafy vegetables as you can. Vegetables are known to help your brain to perform and become better. If vegetables can help prevent cancer, it has to be good for the brain as well.

Fruits and vegetable are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals along with being low in fat and calories. Antioxidants have proven to benefit us, since it contains Vitamins known to reduce dying or damaged cells. Eat those blueberries the color is known to improve short-term memory.

Very few doctors disapprove of taking multivitamins and herb supplements. As we get older, our diets change by eating less just is careful and make sure that your dosage isn’t going to react to your medications. Vitamins are good to take to replace what you don’t get in your diet but first consult with you physician to make sure your taking what you need.

Stress busters:
Stress can take over our lives making it harmful to your bodies and brain as well. There isn’t any way a person can relieve all stress but we can decide what can be eliminated and concentrate on what you can do to relieve the rest by bring pleasure to yourself. It is very important that you don’t let stress take over your life. Stress causes depression easier as we grow older.

The brain releases stress hormones to help use manage some stress but if to many hormones are released it can damage the nerve cells. Depression can set in if the hormones are released too much and fast.

Relieve those stressful elements that cause you misery:
Relieving stress isn’t easy for anyone. You have to forget about the things you have no control over and fix the ones you do. Try taking a walk or do somekind of activity to relax that brain not stress it. Putting some fun into your life and make yourself happy again.

Sometimes it takes awhile to make changes in your life, as we grow older to fit your health and needs. Changes are hard to do and it sometimes becomes a challenge but in the end, it will relieve stress and improve the brain by giving it a new learning experience.


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