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Stop Smoking In Healthy Aging

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Stop Smoking in Healthy Aging
Stop smoking now means you could live a happy and healthier life. As you already know smoking is bad for everyone, not just the ones that smoke but the ones that breath in the second hand smoke. Second hand, smoke is harder on you then smoking. Forty-five hundred Americans start smoking every year. Why would they want to do this to them self I can’t truly answer you. Because once you get started, you cannot stop. You are hooked and that is not very good for you. Most people start at an early age in life, they are curious or they want to be cool. The biggest problem is most people lack education that helps them to see how smoking causes them to age faster.
The problems smoking can cause:
Smoking can cause many problems when it comes to your health not to think about the expense. Smoking can cause cancer, heart disease, and strokes, increase cholesterol and so on. Your heart is affected, since smoking causes your blood vessels to build up with cholesterol and fat. The results leads to harden of the arteries. Harden arteries mean that the blood flow will not pump fast enough to support the heart’s natural requirements. This starts blood clotting, broken blood vessels etc. It can also cause angina which will make you think that your having a heart attack but your aren’t its just not getting enough blood to the heart to make it pump right. Then it can cause you to have a heart attack, since smoking is a blockage so that there is no blood going to the heart.

Smoking can cause strokes or bronchiolitis. This disease is contagious, which most people do not realize it. The viral infection affects the airway, which affects breathing. The common cause of this contagious disease is smoking or second hand smoke. Smoking promotes bad breath, stained teeth, smelly furniture and clothes. You also get common colds and flu more often. You will start to cough and then you won’t be able to breath they even may put you on oxygen. In addition, smoking is so expensive now days. It is not worth it you will end up regretting it in end. On top of this, you get addicted to the nicotine once you are hooked your hooked.

Bronchiolitis is a common viral infection, which affects the respiratory syncytial. The condition causes inflammation. Once the inflammation accumulates the airway is blocked, since the nicotine consumptions and infections causes the airway to narrow, which the flow of air is obstructed.
Why is nicotine addictive?
You get addicted to the nicotine because of all the chemical put into the tobacco. It’s not so much as the nicotine that makes you sick it’s the chemicals that they put in the tobacco, that cause you to get the disease like lung cancer and heart disease. In addition, what ever you get from smoking. Nicotine or cigarettes have several chemicals incorporated into it to causes addictions, and finally death.
How can I quite smoking?
Once you are hooked, it is going to be hard to quite. You have to decide that you’re going to quite regardless of what it causes, such as weight gain or being on edge.

You have to pull up the will power to do this and stick to it. You can say I will have one now and no more, yet it don’t work that way. You have to find the way that best fits your needs and build the will power. You may want to consult with your doctor who can offer you helpful suggestions on stop smoking.

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BONUS : Strategies On How To Achieve Slow Aging

The aging process is inevitable. Its effects are bound to be felt in how we live our lives. But these effects of aging can be remedied or slowed if we learn how. There are some useful tips below that will help you prevent problems related to aging.

Aging often causes a natural decrease in libido. This can be a disruption to your sex life. If you are an older woman who no longer has interest in sex, you may wish to see a doctor. In many cases, hormone supplements can reverse the loss of libido and improve the quality of your marriage.

Add more antioxidants to your diet. Antioxidants have been shown to increase the human lifespan. Antioxidants assist your body in removing free-radicals - the waste that results when oxygen and food are converted into energy. You will feel the difference when having more antioxidants in your diet.

Getting plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours per night, can actually reduce signs of aging. Sleep is your body's chance to renew and regenerate, so it is crucial for you to get enough hours in every night in order to look young and refreshed. The majority of people need about eight hours of sleep each day.

When people get older, it's important to take control of your hormonal balance. Any imbalance of hormones will cause weight gain, insomnia and even depression as we age, and all three of these problems will lead to additional problems which will really compound the negative impact of aging. Go see a doctor to learn more about hormonal imbalance and what you can do to prevent it.

If you have to be outside for a period of time, take precautions and do your best to avoid extreme sunlight or extreme cold. Intense cold and intense heat, especially if you're exposed to sunlight, can be harmful to your skin. Doing so leads to premature aging effects as well as increases your chances for skin cancer later in life.

As we age, we sometimes forget to complete our sentences, and we sometimes face even more serious problems. There will come a point as we age that we may lose the ability to take care of ourselves. When this happens, it is wise to consider moving into an assisted living facility or nursing home. While not the ideal situation for some, in actuality this might be the best available option. A nursing home or assisted living facility can provide the special assistance and medical care that is often needed in our later years.

If you are caring for an aging loved one who needs constant supervision, it can be difficult to be there at all times. If you need a break, try adult daycare. Your elderly loved one can spend some time in a nice place, and you can get some things accomplished.

Sugar causes a host of diseases, including diabetes, which can shorten a person's lifespan. Excess sugar can shorten lives and accelerate the aging process. Scientific studies have revealed that sugar has a detrimental impact on the life of every living animal.

When you get older, your home becomes a sanctuary and safe place. Make it personalized and able to fit your needs, especially if you deal with age related limitations. Your home should be comfortable and a refuge from the outside world. You will always appreciate coming home, or even staying there all day.

To battle aging, one of the things that you will have to do is improve the overall quality of your diet. Eat a variety healthy foods, such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and low-fat meats. Make sure you get the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. Be sure to eat three meals in moderation while cutting back on snacks by only eating several healthy ones throughout the day.

Getting fit and eating a good diet are great ways to avoid common aging problems like loss of energy, loss of memory, and putting on weight. Having a healthy diet including foods full of vitamins and minerals and engaging in exercise for both your mind and body will keep you healthy and happy for a lifetime.

You may want to take resveratrol. There have been promising studies done on this compound. Resveratrol, a compound found in grapes and nuts, mimics those benefits. Resveratrol is also in roots of the Japanese knotweed plant, which is the source for resveratrol in different supplements. You may also find it in a South African shrub called, Senna quinquangulata.

What you just read are some interesting tips that can help to reduce the effects of aging, and eliminate some of them altogether. It's never too soon to think about how to make your senior years your best. Age should not be a factor on how you look or feel.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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