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Skin Care To Prevent Pimples

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Skin Care to Prevent Pimples

One of the most annoying problems adolescents and adults often face is the problem of pimples or acne, but with a good idea about how to prevent or minimize the effects, be on the know about skin care to prevent pimples.
Many people often get frustrated upon seeing that much- dreaded zit right smack in your face or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth as you wake up one morning, most especially when it appears during an important appointment or meeting about to take place.

But fret no more, since there are practical and effective ways to prevent a pimple from coming out and making your day.

Pimples occur when the skin pores are clogged with a oil called sebum, which is normally secreted by the skin to lubricate the hair and skin.
This is prevalent especially among adolescents as they enter puberty where hormones tend to overproduce sebum.

It is the face that is often suspectible to this condition since the face especially the forehead, cheeks nose and chin where many of the sebaceous glands producing sebum are found.

However, there are ways to prevent, better yet, avoid pimples from occurring or breaking out and here are some of the most common yet practical ways to prevent pimples or acne from breaking out.

Wash the face twice a day, most especially if you have just been subjected to dust and grime by using a mild soap and warm water.

Make sure to gently massage the face with circular motions and do not attempt to scrub, since scrubbing or even overwashing can irritate or damage the skin.

To further prevent pimples from coming back, also apply an over the counter topical ointment or cream with benzoyl peroxide, which will help decrease skin oil and bacteria.

Do not pop or squeeze out the pimple, no matter how tempting or irresistible it may seem, since it will only serve to cause more harm than good.

Popping a pimple will only tend to drive infected sebum deeper into the pore and result further in redness, swelling and even worse, scarring. If you feel the need to have it removed, see a dermatologist who can better get rid of it for you without the fear of getting infected or scarred.
Always avoid touching the face with your bare fingers, especially without sanitizing or washing your hands thoroughly, or allowing the face to come in direct contact with objects that would tend to collect sebum from other people, like the handset of a telephone or borrowing a facial towel, since it may cause your pimples or acne to become more irritated or infected.
If you often wear sunglasses or eyeglasses, make sure to keep it clean all the time, most especially parts of the eyewear that come into contact with the skin, since it could collect sebum that would aggravate pimples or acne.

For people who get acne on parts of their body, make sure to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes that prevent your skin from breathing, thus further causing more infection. Also avoid wearing scarves, caps, headbands and any piece of clothing that would prevent the skin from breathing and may collect oil or dirt.

Always make it a point to remove makeup before going to sleep. Look for makeup products that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" since these are formulated to prevent pimples. Don’t hesitate to throw away old makeup that smells or looks different from when it was first bought.
Always keep hair clean and away from making contact with the face to prevent dirt and oil from clogging the pores.

Lastly, protect the skin from the sun. Although many believe that a tan can conceal acne, it's but temporary and may even cause the body to produce extra sebum. Worse, too much exposure to the sun can increase the risk of getting skin cancer.

Always be on the winning edge in the war against acne and it does not take much to know these tips on skin care to prevent pimples.
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BONUS : Sleep Disorders and Healthy Aging

The US studies has shown that around 70% of the citizens do not get the proper rest they need. For this reason, people are suffering poor health, depression and so on. Getting proper rest will help you keep your health in good condition. When you lack proper rest, it affects your concentration. To stay health you need proper rest, sustenance and exercise daily.

As a person ages the body goes through senescence, or changes out of the ordinary. The bodily functions start to decline its actions. For that reason we may suffer, sleep disorders, including insomnia.

What you should know:
According to philosophers, theorists, experts, etc women are likely to experience insomnia more so than men. While many citizens find it difficult to fall asleep, some of us suffer insomnia, which is harder on our health. On the other hand, if you sleep too much during wake hours, it will affect your concentration, impair your memory and cause other problems as well, such as sleeping at night. If you get too much sleep, just like insomnia you may incur high blood pressure. Heart disease and strokes are commonly caused from insufficient or oversleeping as well. You should also learn about Sleep Apnea, which is a common sleep disorder. This disorder is harder to detect than any other sleeping ailment. Sleep apnea is often noted by sleeping partners. Doctors can rarely detect the disorder until a sleeping partner comes forward. The disorder causes the person to wake up all through the night gasping for air. During the day hours, the person often drifts into sleep uncontrollably.

The factors behind sleep disorders:
Sleep disorders, which causes interruption of restful relaxation can alter your internal organs. Your patterns and rhythms may change often. Your bodily functions will flip out and feel confused, causing a series of interruptions. You may experience joint and muscle pain, especially at the legs, or you may snore at night. The factors can lead to high risks of illnesses, depression, etc. To avoid such complications you will need to reduce stress and perhaps seek help for your sleep disorder.

What should I avoid?
When you find it difficult to sleep, try staying away from caffeine after 7 p.m. Avoid nicotine and alcohol also before going to sleep. If you find it difficult to drift into sleep, try counting sheep. This will bore your mind watching visual captures of sheep jumping over a fence repetitiously. Some people can fall asleep watching television. If it works for you do it. If you are one of those people who listen to music and television and it starts your adrenaline flowing, then leave it alone. You want to avoid eating or exercise before heading to bed as well. Exercise will boost metabolism. Eating may cause indigestion.

Helpful tips:
If you find it difficult to sleep at night, try adjusting the room temperature, especially if you feel uncomfortable. Turn out the lights so that the room is dark, unless you need a night light due to consistent waking at night due to restroom visits. If you are afraid of the dark, keep in mind that burglars can easily trip in dark areas verses lighted areas. This gives you the advantage of calling for help, since you are aware that someone is in your home. If the lights are on, you are inviting the burglar to stroll freely, tip-toeing through the house without awakening you. This country unfortunately teaches us to run to a lighted area when in danger. Sometimes the light can get you killed.

If you find it difficult to sleep at night, you will likely need medical attention, especially if the problem is on going.


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