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Skin Care Basics For Everyone

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Skin Care Basics for Everyone

Many people usually neglect the importance of ensuring the need to take good care of their skin, however, many also are not aware that there are simple and effective skin care basics for everyone and anyone.

Many experts agree that skin care is not just a concern for a select few, but a must for everyone, be it for hygiene, sanitary or aesthetic purposes.
Are you even aware that basic skin care can be as easy as a two step process that would not eat up so much of your time everyday, and can even help you achieve the maximum desired results if followed through diligently and consistently.

Basic skin care is not rocket science, it is simply the practical and logical process by which we take good care of our skin and the need, plus the process by which we naturally care or our skin, is initially inherent among ourselves.

There are two basic skin care steps that works for everybody and is often the most effective one that can be properly and routinely practiced regularly and ensure that your skin is properly maintained and cared for.
Let us go through the two basic skin care steps,
First is cleansing. We cannot deny the fact that skin, especially the one that gets exposed to the sun, wind and water is subjected to dirt and other conditions that exposes the skin to dirt and oxidation, that leads to dryness and oxidation.

There are varying skin types ranging from oily to dry skin and one may be able to tell which skin type he or she has.
Knowing your skin type is key in determining the type of cleanser that you will need for basic skin cleaning.

If you are having difficulty trying to determine which skin type you have, you can consult a dermatologist or skin care expert for advise on which ones are appropriate for your skin type.

Also take good note that facial skin is more delicate compared to body skin, so it is also crucial to note that skin from the neck up requires a bit more delicate and careful attention.

Skin care cleansers are widely available in supermarkets and drugstores and there’s no need to spend for the more fancy and expensive ones, since what is key to knowing which is which is to know what’s in it and what it is made of and not particularly that company that made it.

One good word of advise though, is to avoid soaps that has the tendency to dry the skin and one good suggestion for cleaning facial skin is a cream -based cleanser for dry skin and a cleanser made without oil for those with oily skin types.

Step two is exfoliation, which is the process by which the dead skin cells on the surface or the top layer of the skin are removed through a gentle skin abrasion process with the use of natural or synthetic –based cleansers. This process effectively helps in rejuvenating new skin cells and providing for good and hygienic conditions for which skin cells regenerate.

Exfoliation is often the most widely-practiced process of the skin care process and makes up the weekly skin care routine of almost everybody.
These are basically the two most common skin care basics for everyone which should not be ignored by everyone who wants to maintain to have a beautiful and healthy skin.
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BONUS : Skin Care to Prevent Pimples

One of the most annoying problems adolescents and adults often face is the problem of pimples or acne, but with a good idea about how to prevent or minimize the effects, be on the know about skin care to prevent pimples.
Many people often get frustrated upon seeing that much- dreaded zit right smack in your face or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth as you wake up one morning, most especially when it appears during an important appointment or meeting about to take place.

But fret no more, since there are practical and effective ways to prevent a pimple from coming out and making your day.

Pimples occur when the skin pores are clogged with a oil called sebum, which is normally secreted by the skin to lubricate the hair and skin.
This is prevalent especially among adolescents as they enter puberty where hormones tend to overproduce sebum.

It is the face that is often suspectible to this condition since the face especially the forehead, cheeks nose and chin where many of the sebaceous glands producing sebum are found.

However, there are ways to prevent, better yet, avoid pimples from occurring or breaking out and here are some of the most common yet practical ways to prevent pimples or acne from breaking out.

Wash the face twice a day, most especially if you have just been subjected to dust and grime by using a mild soap and warm water.

Make sure to gently massage the face with circular motions and do not attempt to scrub, since scrubbing or even overwashing can irritate or damage the skin.

To further prevent pimples from coming back, also apply an over the counter topical ointment or cream with benzoyl peroxide, which will help decrease skin oil and bacteria.

Do not pop or squeeze out the pimple, no matter how tempting or irresistible it may seem, since it will only serve to cause more harm than good.

Popping a pimple will only tend to drive infected sebum deeper into the pore and result further in redness, swelling and even worse, scarring. If you feel the need to have it removed, see a dermatologist who can better get rid of it for you without the fear of getting infected or scarred.
Always avoid touching the face with your bare fingers, especially without sanitizing or washing your hands thoroughly, or allowing the face to come in direct contact with objects that would tend to collect sebum from other people, like the handset of a telephone or borrowing a facial towel, since it may cause your pimples or acne to become more irritated or infected.
If you often wear sunglasses or eyeglasses, make sure to keep it clean all the time, most especially parts of the eyewear that come into contact with the skin, since it could collect sebum that would aggravate pimples or acne.

For people who get acne on parts of their body, make sure to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes that prevent your skin from breathing, thus further causing more infection. Also avoid wearing scarves, caps, headbands and any piece of clothing that would prevent the skin from breathing and may collect oil or dirt.

Always make it a point to remove makeup before going to sleep. Look for makeup products that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" since these are formulated to prevent pimples. Don’t hesitate to throw away old makeup that smells or looks different from when it was first bought.
Always keep hair clean and away from making contact with the face to prevent dirt and oil from clogging the pores.

Lastly, protect the skin from the sun. Although many believe that a tan can conceal acne, it's but temporary and may even cause the body to produce extra sebum. Worse, too much exposure to the sun can increase the risk of getting skin cancer.

Always be on the winning edge in the war against acne and it does not take much to know these tips on skin care to prevent pimples.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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