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Master Cleanse Ingredients Effective Weight Loss And Body Cleansing

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Master Cleanse Ingredients - Effective Weight Loss And Body Cleansing

It's not often that you can find a highly effective weight loss and cleansing mixture with such easy to find and easy to put together ingredients. When it comes to the master cleanse ingredients it's really just four main things: lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. That's it, what could be simpler?

Some things to keep in mind before you start: for one thing I'm not a doctor and can't give you medical advice. Make sure you talk to your doctor before you start this or any other diet and detoxifying programs. Also, make sure that when you are assembling the ingredients for your cleanse mixture that you use only all natural organic ingredients.

After all, it's called a 'cleanse' for a reason. You are clearing out the accumulation of toxins and chemicals in your system. If the ingredients you are using for the cleanse are filled with more chemicals and toxins, what's the point?

When you go on this ten day cleanse you can expect to lose anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds of weight, though not all of the weight loss will be in the form of excess body fat, but rather water weight. Even so,losing that much weight in just a little over a week is a great way to get yourself motivated for your new, healthier lifestyle.

It's also very beneficial to your body to lose that many toxins. Your body will function so much more efficiently when the buildup of toxins has been removed.

To increase the chances of succeeding on making it through the full ten day course, you can do some things to prepare yourself. Remember, it's about mental stamina as much as it is about physical. Give yourself a few days up to one week to get used to the idea of the cleanse. Set your start date sometime in the near future and during that 'waiting' time start talking yourself into the fact that you can and will succeed on the cleanse.

It's also helpful to cut back a little on the high calorie, high carbohydrate foods. Get your body used to eating less so that when you are on a strictly liquid diet your system won't feel such a shock.

After the cleanse is over it's also very important to slowly ease back into your normal eating habits (though by normal I don't mean to completely undo all the benefits of the cleanse by going out and gorging on fast food and caffeine). The first few days after the cleanse you shouldn't eat any solid foods but eat soups and protein shakes. Then after a few days of that you can slowly start adding solid foods back into your diet. Add the 'lighter' foods such as soups, salads and chicken or fish.

Don't expect to be working out full bore while on the cleanse either. You will be providing yourself with the nutrients your body needs, but nothing more. If you over work your body while only on a liquid diet your body may fight back. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water during the cleanse so your body doesn't get dehydrated.

The master cleanse ingredients are just common things found in most households. Use this mixture as a way to rid your body of excess fat and toxins but only if your doctor says it's ok.
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BONUS : Memory & Aging: How Are they Related?

Memory loss has been closely linked the effects of aging. Stick around to learn everything about how our memory is affected with age.

Memory exists in different types. Short-term memory refers to our ability to retain events that occurred in a recent past. It is the first most step to achieving long term memory.

Procedural Memory refers to our ability to remember activities like driving, even if we haven't driven for a while.

Declarative Memory is that which helps us remember learned warnings, such as not touching a hot plate or not leaving knives unattended if children are present.

Long Term Memory is that which sticks memories into our consciousness for good, such as remembering what our sixth grade math teacher's name was.

As studies have suggested, the main areas of the brain that are affected by aging are the frontal lobe and the hippocampus. Both of these are proved to affect recollection abilities dramatically with age.

Short-term memory is the first type of memory affected by the deterioration of the frontal lobe and hippocampus. It is thought to diminish by up to 50 percent by the age of 70.

Similarly, long term memory is also affected, but in a different manner. Since long term memory is the most deeply-founded type of memory, its loss occurs in certain fragments of memory that cannot be retrieved by the aging individual. Because memories are stored for a long period of time, especially by the time that we begin to forget about long-stored memories, they are harder to retrieve than recent declarative memories.

As memory tends to fade with age, individuals experience an unusual feeling of total understanding of a fact that isn't really evident to them. The memory is there, and the individual has the instinct of comprehension, however he or she can't manage to retrieve enough information to fully know what it is they understand.


"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

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