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Managing Waste As We Age The Kidneys

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Managing Waste as We Age: The Kidneys

The kidneys play a crucial role in the cleansing of the blood and the removal of toxins and other waste from the body. Over the years, the kidneys significantly change, dramatically affecting their functioning and reducing their effectiveness along the way.

Also important in the removal of waste products is the bladder. It works side by side with the kidneys and aids in the removal of toxins from the bloodstream.

Much like other organs, with age the bladder suffers from connective tissue growth. This expands the size of its walls and restricts its ability to expand. It loses elasticity and flexibility, as collagen and elastin are not readily produced. In lack of these vital proteins, the bladder can't contract and relax, and its volume capacity is significantly decreased.

The amount of urine that can be held is thus diminished, as is the time that urine can be stored for. The thickening of connective tissue also weakens the muscles responsible for emptying the bladder as they contract. As a result, urinating can take a greater effort as the muscles don't work as readily for elimination.

The kidneys provide the bladder with urine that is to be disposed. Like most vessels, nephrons within the kidneys become stiffened by calcium buildup, diminishing their filtering ability and reducing their effectiveness at separating impurities from the blood.

They perform the final filtering of the waste product so as to extract any nutrients and water that remain. As we age, the size and weight of the kidneys is reduced, thus condensing the surface area for the filtering nephrons to do their job.

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BONUS : Managing Your Life As You Get Older

No matter who you are, growing older is unavoidable. Some people do not show the signs of aging as much as others. We offer these tips on how to enjoy a long life and extend your ability to do the things you like to do.

Having healthy relationship is vital to aging healthy. People who are more active in their communities live longer and are more healthy. In order to get the greatest benefit of your social interactions, you should focus on those which involve intimacy with people you can pour your heart out to.

Eating excessive amounts of sugar over the course of your life can drastically reduce your lifespan. Eating significant amounts of sugar can cut years off your life. Studies have shown in every animal on the planet that sugar will reduce the lifespan by significant reductions.

Consult your personal physician about supplements for anti-aging that are going to work for you. He or she may decide on a program that includes supplementary vitamins, anti-inflammatory medications and antioxidant-rich foods. With the right balance of these supplements as you age, your activity levels will increase and your down time, decrease. Ensure that each of these elements becomes a part of your everyday routine.

Keep a list of your medications handy. If you use different pharmacies, this will allow the pharmacist to cross check all medications. Having this list will allow pharmacists to cross reference your medications for certain side effects.

Physical activity is a necessary component of aging well. In some cases people slow down and become less active the older they get, sitting on the sidelines instead of playing the game. When people age they do less and they get weaker. An easy way to assure you stay active is to plan regular outdoor activities, a walk, playtime with pets or grandchildren, or gardening.

Exercise will help you stay young. There are many studies that show that those who exercise regularly age slower than those who don't. Exercising will help you develop your muscles, your heart and your lungs. In addition, it keeps your skin looking vibrant and young.

One of the keys to successful aging is to always be willing to learn new things. You are never too old to learn.

Make sure to drink a lot of water. If you are older, you are more prone to dehydration. Everyone should drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

You must get enough sleep each day. Seven to nine hours is the amount you want to shoot for. There are many diseases that can be instigated by insufficient sleep.

Enjoy your life to the fullest. If you set goals for yourself, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment after you reach those goals and have a higher quality of life overall.

If you wish to stay wrinkle free, avoid frowning. While it may seem difficult to achieve, controlling your facial muscles is possible. Every time you feel that you begin to frown give yourself a tiny pinch so that you stop. It may help you to break that bad frowning habit.

As you age, you may experience a drop in your sex drive. This can be very disheartening to you or your spouse. If you are an older woman who no longer has interest in sex, you may wish to see a doctor. A simple hormone treatment could restore your zest for life and sex.

Remember to laugh often. Being happy and frequently laughing will make you feel and look younger. Try watching comedies or reading books that are filled with humor to make you feel good. Therefore, to help keep you young, laugh often.

If you don't want to age before your time, give up smoking as soon as you can, as this can make your skin look incredibly old. If you smoke you are likely to get wrinkles prematurely, especially around your eyes and mouth. If you do not smoke, you will have a better chance of keeping a youthful look and have healthy skin.

Don't focus on the numbers in your life. Your doctor is watching those numbers like a hawk and will alert you if something is off. If you worry that you are 84 years old, weigh 10 more pounds than you did last year, and that have lost an inch of height, you won't have any time to keep yourself useful by doing fun activities.

Go back to doing an old hobby following a child moving out or retirement to positively age. You now have ample time to focus on the interests that you had to leave behind over the years. When you have hobbies, you are able to stay active and have activities outside of the home.

With the information you have absorbed from this article, start taking the measures required to stay looking and feeling young. Best of luck to you and stay young!

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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