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Learn How To Slow Down The Aging Process

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Learn How To Slow Down The Aging Process

Do you feel helpless against the many effects that aging has on your body? You don't need to feel that way any longer! This article will give you some of the very best aging tips available. Keep on reading, if you want to learn how you can start fighting back against the aging process.

Birds of a feather flock together, so carefully consider the people you spend the most time with. Are they helping or hurting you? People who are grumpy will drag you down, so spend more time with the upbeat friends you have to keep yourself in good spirits.

If you are planning on going out with friends, one of the things that you should do is limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol will make you dehydrated, which will cause you to look much older. Try to stick to water or fruit drinks when you go out to improve how you feel and increase your life span.

Avoid self-medicating when it comes to hormone replacement therapies or supplements. There are many products that are sold over the counter that affect hormone levels. Many tout awesome claims of restoring lost youth. Do not take these medications without consulting your doctor first. The body has a delicate balance, if you upset it you may regret it.

One of the best ways that you can do in order to slow down the aging process is to exercise on a regular basis. Try to have at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your day. This could be done either by walking or even playing basketball. Make sure that it is something that you enjoy.

As people age, muscle tone is compromised naturally. If you have jiggly skin between your elbows to armpits you will want to try to tone that area before it is too late to do anything about it. Getting rid of this type of flab can be done using very light weights and modified push ups.

A great tip for people who want to slow down the effects of aging is to get lift weights. People tend to lose muscle as they age so adding a weight lifting routine to your regimen is a great way to preserve that youthful look and prolong your wonderful life.

Try to quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes that you smoke each day. Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death. However, it is never too late to stop smoking, and as soon as you quit, your risk of having a heart attack decreases. By quitting you could also save yourself a lot of money.

Don't smoke! Smoking has been shown to prematurely age you. Not only can it make you look older, but it can actually reduce your life expectancy. If you stop smoking, your body will start to repair itself within a day of no longer smoking. This will lower your risk for heart and lung diseases.

Eat well to fight aging. One of the simplest ways to do a good turn for your body, and to suspend time, is to eat a well balanced diet. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can in a day. Make that your focus and do not avoid the other groups.

To keep your body healthy and strong and minimize the effects of aging, you should exercise for at least a half hour daily. A combination of weight lifting to build strength and tone muscles with daily cardio exercise will keep your body operating in peak condition. Remember to rotate which large muscle groups you exercise, and eat a healthy diet to fuel your muscles.

Focus on the things you can do and the things you like to do. Aging can be frustrating because you begin to be unable to do the things that you once did. That can't be changed, but your attitude can. Keep your focus on the things you are still able to do and then do them!

Try to remember that aging is a part of life, not a disease or illness! Bodies do become more vulnerable to common infectious diseases during aging, so taking care of yourself and getting adequate exercise will help you feel youthful. Keeping active is very important to keep your body strong and your mind sharp.

Stay positive about life and growing older. Just because you are getting older does not mean that your life has to end and stop right there. A good thing to do is to stay active with social activities and keep friends and family in your life. You will be happy you did.

Don't stand still as aging changes the way you look and feel. Do what you can to fight back! Now that you've read this article, you're armed with advice that will help you deal with whatever the aging process throws at you. You won't need to feel helpless against aging anymore.
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BONUS : Lie Without Saying A Word - Tips on Staying Youthful

Stop waking up in the morning and dreading having to look in the mirror because you look “old”. Instead, wake up to a relaxing full-body stretch and yawn unapologetically. Smile afterwards. If maintaining a youthful state-of-mind was as easy as that, everybody could just wake up to a good mood. Well, that can be a start. However, staying youthful means more than just those fancy chemicals advertised on TV promising you a “youthful glow” after seven days or so.

If you really want to take it seriously, first, you examine the things and the values which are attributed to being “old”. Examples of such are being “no fun”, “unfashionable”, “irritable” and “weak”. Let’s dissect these attributes and turn them 180 degrees around.


Remember when you were a teenager? When the world seemed to lack boundaries and when rules are made to be broken? Feel that rush. I am not suggesting you become a criminal. It’s just that when we get older, our priorities become tweaked. Readjust them again and insert some fun into it. Eat street ice cream once again! Have a Big Mac once in a while!

Get your nails painted regularly. Hang out with your younger peers—your nieces count!—once in a while. It will keep you on your toes about what “the funnest fun” feels like. And trust me, it’s a high that no other drug (or anti-aging cream) can provide.


Fashion is both an art and a discipline. However, it’s not as hard as you think. There are general rules like matching your bag with your shoes, not wearing more than three colors at once, etc. There are certain fashion styles that never fade. Jeans, for example, is a worldwide classic. Learn how to use them properly. Read fashion magazines apt for your age, surf the internet for celebrity styles or even chat to your peers about it.


Smile! Nothing brings more negative vibes than a sulky frown. In case you haven’t heard yet, it takes three times more number of facial muscles to frown than to smile. So smile! In fact, studies show that the mere act of curving your lips upward—even if you’re not really smiling—releases endorphins (the get-happy hormones) throughout your body.

If you’re trying to score a date, smiling will ease the tension down and makes you look more approachable. Moreover, notice the people in their 40s who always smile. They have an unexplainable, beautiful, youthful aura that works like an invisible halo that makes them always pleasing to the eye. You too, can be like them. It’s all about attracting positivity in your life. Start by smiling.


Oh come on! Who says you’re bedridden? Get those muscles moving! Take an early morning jog and release more endorphins! Try walking to your destination if it’s the sun is not so glaring. It’s about time that you get out of your home and welcome the world outside!

Experts suggest backyard sports like Frisbee, badminton and table tennis. However, if you seem to not have time for these sports (say, even on weekends) try doing a fifteen minute full-body stretch right after you wake up. It gives you time to meditate and plan your day ahead. Moreover, it also improves your flexibility. Work on it so you don’t have to ask someone to get the slipper stuck under the sofa again. It’s not yoga, but hey, you will get there.

The best thing about this is that you don’t have to eat a “special food” or buy “special equipment”. You will hate having to eat oatmeal and bananas for the rest of your life and without turning your state-of-mind the way it should be, the treadmill you might purchase will just look forlorn in one corner.

Youth is all about embracing life to the fullest. You can make youth eternal. Remember, Sex and the City? Samantha was still steaming hot even when she was fifty.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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