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Healthy Aging Means To Take Care Of You

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Healthy Aging Means to Take Care of You

The aging process is going by each and everyday of our lives. Stopping the clock is impossible so we all need to stay healthy and take care of ourselves. There is no way you can turn around the process, as we grow older so except it and take care.

Start working now to take care of yourself as you age. Taking care of yourself now will help slow down those aging diseases. A person can do many things, as they get older to take care of their health.

You can start out by taking your multivitamins and all other prescriptions your health care provider has prescribed to you. Taking vitamins is as important as anything else you can do is. Vitamins will provide your body with repair tools. Vitamins will lessen the dangers and the risk of you getting some of the chronic diseases that you can acquire as you age. Diet alone doesn’t normally give a person all the vitamins that they need. In fact, experts show that millions of people in the world suffer malnutrition despite the fact that they eat three healthy meals per day. People are known to eat too much fast food, go on fads or quick weight diets that harm the body. This builds stress, which causes loss of vitamins.

Maybe you’re a person who eats many processed foods because of your busy life style and there is just no time to cook the right meals. You could be one that stops off at a fast food place to eat three or four times a week before going to work or home from work because you are just to tired to fix supper. Remember eating all that fast food isn’t good for the digestive system and all that fat from them fries isn’t good. Take time to fix a meal and sit down to enjoy it; doing this will cut down on the calorie intake and it helps to relieve stress because your doing something good for you and or your family.

Stop worrying about everyone else; take time out for you. Stress is bad for your heart, which affects your blood pressure, nervous system, and is hard in general on your body. Stress can cause many things, even causing a person to become obese. The world is turning at such a fast pace these days that there is never time to take care of us, so start now.

Try doing a little exercise to stay healthy as you age. Every little bit of exercise you do is better than not any at all. An average person should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. A person has many options when it comes to exercise. Walking is a great exercise, since it helps you keep those muscles more flexibly and stronger.

How happiness makes you live a longer life:
Happiness is another way to stay healthy as you age. If you are not happy find out why and turn it around so you will be. Being happy and being with friends is always a good way to keep the stress away to. Don’t let yourself get depressed and down; it will make your aging come upon you sooner than you want and it can cause you to be a very sick person. Depression is a sickness and you want to stay away from all that.

Again, there is no way you can stop from aging so stay in good health and slow it down. Keep yourself happy, do those exercises and take those vitamins. Staying active helps keeps the stress down, keep you stronger and you’ll feel better for doing it.

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BONUS : Healthy Aging Starting in your Home

We can all appreciate the term, aging gracefully. Do we know exactly what this means? When we think of growing older, it is always affiliated with pain and discomfort. We read about ways to improve our inner mind and body but the focus should also be about our environment. By taking care of our surroundings of where you reside, can lead us to a healthy and happy years to come.

It is said that home is where the heart is, and your home should be a place of sanctuary. It should not be a source of element and emotional stress. Creating a healthy home is more complicated than you think. Many of us have allergies that sometimes lead to illness. You may want to remove unwanted carpets or other dust catchers, bathing pets on a regular basis, and investing in an air filter. You will find dehumidifiers and humidifiers online, which can help reduce elements in your home that causes allergies.

Your home should be nurturing. If there is lack of comfort in your living space, try the following:

Bring the outdoors in. Cut flowers bring in pieces of rocks or other natural elements that gives you a sense of nature.

Put green plants in your home. This is essential to filtering indoor pollutants. The recommendation for the quantity of plants is two plants to every 100 feet. In addition, the plants will distribute natural oxygen throughout your home. What a great way to live a healthy aging life.

Fewer items means less frustration, clean out the clutter, let go of the things you do not use or need. If you think you need these items, sit down and weigh out the pros and cons. If you see that the cons are higher than the pros, get rid of it. Let it go.

In addition, take advantage of the sun; allow as much sunlight as possible to flow through your house. This gives you’re home a feeling of warmth. Take care that you avoid direct sunlight however for prolonged periods, since the sun can cause harm.

Did you know that colors effect your emotionally and affect the way you feel in a home? Every color has a significant meaning that could represent our physical and mental state. For instance:

Red room: Energizing, supports energy and passion and creates movement. Great for an exercise room, not beneficial in your bedroom.

Yellow room: Inspires organization, intellectual clarity with happy thinking. Even by using the color yellow as accents instead of painting, all walls will be positive.

Green room: Brings balance and tranquility but has the same energizing qualities. Often used as a calming place for thinking for people in trouble or just needing to feel refreshed, since natural is our first established home. We all love nature, rather most of us do. Green plants, flowers, etc all bring nature into focus, which makes the heart feel good.

White room: Essential for feeling cleansed and purified. Remember that too much white brings a sterile environment that can also become isolated. Make sure to accent a white room with a vibrant color when painting all white. This is a perfect color for ceilings to brighten up with sunlight.

Improving your life could easily start in the home, whether its trying something new with something natural or changing a color, these are easy methods to create harmony and balance in your surroundings, not to mention inspiration and warmth. The more effort you put into aging healthy, the more you will see good results.

Tip: Animals has proven to be a source of healing. Allow a friendly critter to touch your heart.

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