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Healthy Aging And A Good Nights Sleep

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Healthy Aging and a Good Nights Sleep

Healthy Aging is getting good nights sleep

As we grow older, we need to stay active to keep our bodies and system in shape. The older a person gets the less our bodies want to function so keeping it in shape is very important for all of us, even the younger people.

Sleeping is very important to all of us as we are aging. Aging brings on a different sleep pattern and we need to learn how to control it so when it is time to sleep we sleep well. It is normal as we age that it becomes harder to get a good nights sleep and feel rested when we wake up. Sleeping is as important as our diet and activities.

Did you know that it is hard for woman to sleep more so than men in their aging years? Women have more tendencies to feel stressed out more and they sometimes are just too busy to get themselves into an exercising routine. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, it will reduce your alertness during the day because you’re tired. Long periods of sleepless nights can cause high blood pressure and isn’t good for the heart either.

There are many reasons why some people can’t achieve a restful nights sleep. Sometimes you might sleep but it is a light sleep and we need to have a deep restful REM sleep. Sometimes you may awaken during the night from pain perhaps caused from arthritis. Sometimes you may experience heartburn, which causes you to get less sleep. Snoring or feeling depressed sometimes can also cause you to loose sleep. You may have a stressful day followed by the lack of sleep. Muscles spasms can also cause a person to loose sleep.

How you can reduce the problems that cause you to loose sleep:
Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine can cause us to lose sleep. Try not to drink liquids before going to bed, and stop smoking. Smoking not only harmful to your body but it can cause you to lose sleep. Excessive noise in the house, the TV or radio in the bedroom and snoring are some more reasons that can keep us from sleeping. Don’t try to go to bed and watch TV or listen to the radio; this will only keep you awake longer. You can learn to enjoy exercises to reduce muscles spasms and/or arthritic symptoms. You can also reduce eating unhealthy foods that cause heartburn, or drinking caffeine-based substances before you go to bed to improve your sleeping pattern.

Do you have a pet that sleeps with you? Even though you think they are giving you comfort it could cause you to lose that precious sleep you need. You may not realize it but everytime your pet moves, maybe snores; you can hear this while sleeping. Maybe you might have to get your pet a bed and let him sleep on the floor next to you. If you have allergies, your pet may be the cause, which can make you loose sleep as well.

Napping is not good if you take one during the day for more than 25 minutes. I realize that maybe your not getting enough sleep during the night and you get tired in the afternoon. However, when you lie down during the day and sleep for a long time, when it is time to go to bed, you’ve had just enough sleep that you’re not as tired.

Before you lie down to rest, you should also consider drinking a warm glass of milk. Studies have shown that warm milk helps a person to relax.
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BONUS : Healthy Aging and Doctor Visits

Many of us despise visiting the doctors all the time although doctor visits can help keep us healthy. Some people enjoy visiting the doctors, since they are aware that it will keep them updated with their health issues. This is a good thing.

How visiting your doctor regularly benefits you:
We should all go see our doctors at least once a year to get our yearly exam, unless we have illnesses that require frequent visits. This will help your doctor keep watch over your health. The doctor keeps a watch on your blood pressure, check your heart and so on. Breast exams, vaginal exams and other exams are essential for women. Every six months women should seek a pelvic exam and once a year depending on age, the patient should get a mammogram. There are a million reasons to see your doctor regularly. If you stay healthy you will feel better and you will be running stronger when the rest of us are laying in our bed wishing we would had listen.

How do I find a doctor?
Finding a doctor is not hard for some and harder for others. You can check with people and ask them whom they have for a doctor or you can call your local hospital in your area and see who is in your area. Keep in mind that because you do not have a doctor now, it may make you feel uncomfortable when seeing a doctor for the first time. You need to find a doctor that makes you feel comfortable for this reason.

You have to have a friendship with your doctor this way you will feel more a rest. If you do not like your doctor, other doctors are available that you can visit. You just have to find one that you like and go with that one.

How frequent doctor visits make you feel healthier:
You will feel healthier for one thing when you visit the doctor frequently. Frequent visits will make you feel much better in the end. If there is something, wrong with you the doctor will be able to see it and can with hopes fix the problem but it you don’t go the doctor will not be able to fix the problems.

Doctors are your best friend. When you have a doctor in your corner the doctor will take extra care to make sure you are healthy.

The doctor can help you to live a healthier life so you will look younger and feel younger. Do you know that saying ole’ saying, “you are as old as you feel?” This saying can become yours by visiting your doctor frequently.

As we grow older, we often feel sluggish. The reason is that our living cells are not replacing dying cells as quickly, as well other mechanisms within us, such as metabolism is not producing as quick. This causes us to feel sluggish. To feel better we need vitamins, herbs, and medications sometimes.

What we need is accomplished when we seek professional support, since that support, team will evaluate and diagnose your problems. The diagnostics is what determines what the doctor can do to help you feel better. If you ignore the doctor, you may face Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes and so on. Most diagnosis have cures, the problem is most people do not seek medical attention until it is too late.

If you are seeking medical support, you can go online, type in your zip code and conduct a random search. The sites online will offer you a list of doctors in your area.

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