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Great Ways To Enrich Your Older Years

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Great Ways To Enrich Your Older Years

Aging is unavoidable, can not be stopped and is irreversible for everyone. When you get older you need to make sure you use your time in the best way. Keep reading this article for insightful tips on caring for yourself as you age.

Taking care of your skin in your younger years is crucial to having youthful skin when you get older. When you're younger, you need to remember to protect your skin from UV rays because they are harmful. Spending time exposed to the sun increases the speed at which wrinkles or even skin cancer develop.

Check your blood pressure on a regular basis. It is possible to have high blood pressure and not know it. It is sometimes known as "the silent killer" due to the lack of symptoms experienced by many people before an attack. The normal aging process includes the deterioration of various parts of your body, including your cardiovascular system. This makes it important to monitor your body, including blood pressure checks. As long as you're keeping tabs on your health, you can be sure that any problems will be noticed and dealt with immediately.

You should not concentrate on the numbers of your life. Your copay is meant to ensure that you receive an excellent quality of care from your doctor; let him analyze your measurements while you focus on the more important things in life. If you put to much focus on these things yourself you will only help yourself age more quickly.

Your diet and nutrition are essential to aging gracefully. Try and incorporate a balanced diet that includes all major nutrients into your diet. Stay away from processed foods which are not providing any worthwhile nutrients to your body and not aiding in your aging process.

As we age, sometimes we get to a point when we can no longer take care of ourselves. There is a point in time when someone cannot care for their self. When it gets to this point, you should consider looking into a nursing home. While this can be an unpleasant thought for some, it may be the best option. You can receive quality health care with the help of licensed professionals when you are no longer able to care for yourself.

To avoid wrinkles, stop frowning. Beyond ruining your mood, frowning is bad for the face. When you realize that you are doing it, force yourself to stop. Over time, you should be able to break this unattractive habit.

Not only is smoking bad for your health and the health of those around you, but it can also cause unsightly wrinkles. If you smoke you are likely to get wrinkles prematurely, especially around your eyes and mouth. If you stay away from smoking cigarettes, you can take an important step towards having better and younger looking skin.

Many of the disadvantages of aging including weight gain, loss of energy, and memory problems can be mitigated by living a healthy life and staying fit. Simply eating healthy foods and exercising can keep your mind and body sharp.

Laughing helps you stay younger. Happy people with lots of social support tend to do better and stay more active as they age. Get laughs from funny movies or books. Take a trip to see your favorite comedian. If you're with your friends, or even if you're alone, laugh as much as you can.

As you age, don't worry about numbers. Far too many people focus almost exclusively on what the scale, calendar and various other metrics say to them. You pay your doctor to worry about your numbers, so throw them out of your mind and focus on things that are more fun instead.

Regular activity is vital for anyone who wishes to age gracefully. By staying active, you will not only keep your body healthy, you will also help keep your mind fit, which will make you feel and appear more youthful. On the other hand, being passive will lead to premature aging, and you will not be able to do the things you want to do. Find a physical activity, or activities that you enjoy and do it every day.

If you are addicted to nicotine, find resources to assist you in breaking your habit. Smoking damages your skin by increasing your wrinkles and thinning your lips. Of course, smoking also speeds up aging and you could die much sooner.

There are endless ways to make your retirement years enjoyable and fruitful. By keeping your mind and body in shape you will be prepared to get the most out of life as you get older. Find more great ideas in newsletters and articles. Not allowing yourself to get in a rut or lapse into inactivity is essential to making the most of your senior years.
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BONUS : Hair and The Age Effect

If you are an adult man, you are probably paying extra attention to the title of this newsletter. But if your hair has been thinning and graying, fear not; you are not alone. More than 50 percent of males experience hair thinning and graying, many even starting have these "symptoms" very early in their life.

While hair thinning, graying, and hair loss is often associated with men, women experience it as well. The average adult loses around 70 to 100 hairs per day, depending on the lifestyle that the adult leads. Poor diets and higher incidences of stress lead to more hair loss than average.

Although 70 to 100 hairs seems like an awful lot to shed in just one day, it is a minimal amount compared to the over 5 million hairs that reside on our skin. The hair sheds as a natural means for renewing old cells, replenishing the body with new ones to maintain the body's integrity during our young adult years.

During the young adult stage, the rate at which hair cells are renewed is equal to or greater than that of hair cell loss. As an aging adult, cell renewal slows down, eventually shutting down all cell production.

Hair follicles contain "germ centers" where hairs are produced and pushed out. The protein that hair is comprised of is keratin, the very same protein present in our skin and nails.

Much like skin, hair follicles also contain melanocytes, responsible for the production of melanin and phaeomelanin that gives hair its color. If your melanocytes produce melanin, you'll have black or brown hair. If your hair is blonde or red, it's pheaomelanin that is responsible for its color.

Coming to your inbox shortly will be the causes of hair thinning and graying.


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