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Garlic & Aging Slowing Down Time

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Garlic & Aging: Slowing Down Time

Garlic has been used for centuries as a medicinal healing plant. Originally an antiseptic, garlic has been proved to enhance the functions of the immune system, protect the body against bacteria and viruses, and provide a broad spectrum antibiotic.

Used in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese practices, garlic has been used as an antibiotic, potion ingredient, anti-septic, and immune booster.

Just recently, garlic has been used to fight serious lung infections such as pneumonia. It is effective at eliminating the bacteria responsible for the disease. In addition, garlic has been tested against other powerful antibiotics such as amoxicillin, penicillin, tetracycline, and others. It proved to compete significantly with all of the mentioned drugs, some bacterial strains only responding to the use of garlic.

As an anti-oxidant, garlic is effective at obliterating the effects of stress in the body, energizing body cells, reducing fatigue, treating headaches, and regulating body temperature.

As an anti-aging substance, garlic enhances the circulatory system. It can help regulate high blood pressure and cholesterol, manages fat deposits beneath the hypodermis, and minimizes clotting (thus preventing heart attack and stroke).

Garlic can be administered in different ways. Fanatics choose to boil garlic gently and drink the juices, while others simply add it to everything that they can.Garlic supplements can also be found, it should really be used in its pure form for the anti-oxidants to be thoroughly absorbed by the body.

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BONUS : Getting Older Doesn't Have To Be The End Of The World

There are some misconceptions when you are get older, people often think that old people are gullible. This is far from the truth for many, who have overcome lots of the challenges associated with aging and live healthy, enjoyable lives. The following tips will help you be a person who is living healthy and aging gracefully.

Make sure that you get your yearly check-ups from your physician. Seeing your physician for a regular exam can help identify any major health concerns or potential diseases. A huge number of health conditions, even serious ones like cancer, can be treated very effectively, especially if the problem is diagnosed before it progresses too far.

Enjoy your life to the fullest. If you make time to enjoy the milestones in life as you did with your children as they got older, you will be able to feel the same way they did when you reach them.

Look to the foods that you eat as a source of good health. Healthy food can be important to aging gracefully. Replacing unhealthy snacks and junk food with organic and natural products can enhance your feeling of well-being for life.

Taking care of your skin is especially vital as you age. It is important for young people to protect themselves from the sun's ultra-violet rays. Excessive time in the sun can further the progression of wrinkles and skin cancer.

Make sure you focus on ocular health as you age. You will likely suffer from a decline in vision as you age. Getting regular screenings can catch problems, like any serious diseases, early and prevent further deterioration.

With aging can often comes a lack of interest in sex. If you are an older woman who no longer has interest in sex, you may wish to see a doctor. It is possible that lower sex drive is due to a hormone deficiency. The doctor may recommend supplements to restore the libido.

Your daily diet plays a big part in how good you feel as you age. Strive for a balanced diet that includes fruits, veggies, lean protein, whole grains and a minimum of healthy fats. Avoid processed food that is low in nutritional value which often speeds up the process of aging.

Have a list of which medications you take. This is important both for emergencies and for keeping track of what you are taking. This list will let pharmacists cross-reference your medicine for side effects and interaction warnings.

When many people get older, they tend to gain weight due to the natural decline of their body. If you maintain your weight, your risk of stroke, diabetes, certain cancers, and high blood pressure will be lower. A combination of diet and exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight.

Love life! It is this time in life that you are able to do the things you have always wanted. Looks for ways to make your days more interesting and fun-filled.

Balancing your hormonal levels is a great way to address some of the concerns that come with the aging process. Hormone levels decline with age and can result in lower levels of energy, stamina and libido. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, have your hormone levels checked and start HRT, if appropriate.

Eight hours is the ideal amount of sleep that you should get each night to hold signs of aging at bay. Every time you sleep, your body is renewing itself. That is why you need a full night's sleep. Eight hours of sleep is ideal, but you might need more or less depending on your age, schedule, and other factors.

Anti-oxidants should be taken daily. All experts recommend doing this so you can neutralize the appearance of free radicals in your body. Vividly colored vegetables contain the most antioxidants; these include tomatoes, carrots, squash, spinach, blueberries and blackberries.

Make sure you have proper protection against fraud. Many scammers target elderly people because they see them as easy targets. Protect your identity by withholding your personal banking information whenever possible, destroying documents with your personal data and limiting access to your home to include only known individuals. These steps will help you keep your money secure with you.

Always look for ways to increase the antioxidant levels in your food. Antioxidants have been shown to have an affect on giving you a longer lifespan. Antioxidants get rid of waste products called free radicals that are created when your body converts nutrients from food into energy. Increase your antioxidants, and you will feel better before you know it.

Extreme temperatures and weather are a definite no-no when it comes to your skin. Staying out in the blazing sun or freezing cold for 12 hours at a time can cause skin damage. It can increase your risk of premature aging of the skin as well as more serious problems, including skin cancer.

During this time, you can actually find life more enjoyable than ever. If you take control of your life and diet, the next fifty years could be great.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de Rémy LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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