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Face Washing As Basic Skin Care For Teens

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Face Washing as Basic Skin Care for Teens

If you are a parent with adolescents or teenagers in the house, you need to understand and also be aware of skin care for your kids and what better way than to impart to them the simplest method of face washing as basic skin care for your teens.

Surprised? Actually it is by understanding the fact that as children enter adolescence, they still have sensitive skin that requires delicate and constant care for them to have healthy skin.

Many parents usually worry over the prospect of their teenagers having problems with acne or oily skin, however, it is best to know how to deal with each possible skin problem teenagers are likely to encounter.

Probably one of the most common factor that leads to parents worrying over their children’s skin problems is knowing that as teenagers, they are already independent of washing and bathing themselves, wherein parents no longer have the idea of how their kids go about their skin care routines.

Are they simply using water to wash their faces? Or probably using your facial skin toners or cleansers or use bar soaps to wash their faces?

These things need to be carefully considered and corrected since this could lead to more harm than good if the incorrect method is not corrected right away.

Out of the three mentioned routines earlier, washing the face with water is the safest process of all, while the remaining two could prove harmful to your teenager.

Do remember that since adolescent skin is still sensitive, the appearance of acne does not conclusively indicate that your child’s face is really dirty, but is just a result of their skin’s sensitivity.

Also, adult facial cleansing formulas could also be too harsh for their sensitive skin and should also be avoided.

Using acne removal treatments could only lead to aggravating the problem or even do more damage to your child’s skin regeneration process.

Essentially, skin or face washing habits for adolescents should be limited to once a day since anything in excess of that can be damaging to their skin.

Parents, and teenagers as well, must be aware that adolescents should only be using gentle cleansers on their skin, for which the best choices are those made of natural or water based cleansers and cream-based cleansers that not only cleans but moisturizes skin as well.

Face cleansing should ideally be done once a day, as mentioned earlier, unless your teens are active in after –school sport or outdoor activities, where intense sweating or exposure to dust and grime are part of the activity.

Also avoid letting your kids use body lotion on their faces, if they feel that their skin needs moisturizing, since the skin from the neck up is more sensitive and requires delicate attention, most especially since majority of body lotions available in the market contain certain ingredients that can cause reactions on facial skin.

It is a rare fact for teenagers to worry about moisturizing their skin, but if the skin starts to become extra dry, a gentle water-based moisturizer would do.

You can ask a dermatologist or a licensed skin care expert for products that can be helpful for skin teenager’s skin conditions.

In a nutshell, skin care for adolescents should just be more of simply clearing the dirt or grime from the topmost layer of the skin and to ensure good skin care habits, like face washing as basic skin care for teens, is by instilling in them the responsibility and awareness of what needs to be done and what should not.
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BONUS : Fantastic Aging Advice For Anyone To Use

When it comes to aging, taking small steps can make a big difference. Aging gracefully, and with dignity, is possible if we just take care of our bodies. In this article, we will explore some of the small steps you can take today that will help you to age with dignity tomorrow.

Stay active and aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity everyday. Weight bearing exercise builds strong bones which will help to prevent fractures as you age. Exercises, such as yoga or pilates, also allow you to maintain flexibility, so you will retain your mobility as you get older.

As with so many areas of life, the secrets of staying young, and aging well, have to do with taking care of yourself. Eat right, drink plenty of water, get 8 hours of sleep each night and maintain a healthy social life. All of these things have been shown to reduce the appearance of aging, as well as keeping you healthier and happier.

One simple tip to take care of your eyes as they age is to apply a compress for five minutes, made of a washcloth wrung out in hot water. The compress will clear your eyes of "sleep" and other bacterial material that can contribute to eye infections and diseases as you age.

During the course of the day, act silly and joke around with friends and family. The more that you joke, the lower your heart rate will be and the better you will feel as the day wears on. This can go a long way in reducing your stress and helping you to become more beautiful.

Practice safe sex. Seniors in their 70's, 80's and upward are having sex more often than ever. Unfortunately, more are getting hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Medicare already pays for HIV testing and there's talk about covering other STD tests. Please use lubrication and wear condoms (polyurethane or latex).

Even though aging requires the color of your hair to change as you get older, you can use this gray hair to accent your looks. If you have part gray and part of your natural color and just have a touches of gray throughout your hair it will look very sophisticated.

Have your doctor or healthcare facility check your hormone levels. Hormone levels change as people age. If your levels are too low, it can cause not only a loss in libido but also in your stamina. Doctors can add a hormone regimen to both men and women. Restoring the correct balance of hormones can make a difference in your everyday life.

Know the signs of depression. As you get older, you may experience changes that leave you feeling down. If your feelings of sadness don't go away, it might be depression. Talk to a doctor if you have persistent feelings of hopelessness and especially if you think about suicide or death.

Having your blood pressure checked on a regular basis is a necessity to living longer and keeping healthy. Many people are unaware of their high blood pressure, yet it is a significant risk factor in stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease. If you are found to have high blood pressure take your medications that are prescribed; exercise, quit smoking, and maintain proper body weight to reduce your risks.

Though working out regularly is critical to maintaining your fitness level as you age. It is important to remember that your body is also increasingly susceptible to energy. Warming up and cooling down before you work out is an easy way to prevent energy and protect your heart while improving your flexibility.

You have reached a certain age. You exercise to keep fit, but physical work is not what you can contribute to society. Yet, you can contribute something unique; something no one else can do. Write the story of your life. Those events that seemed so ordinary to you will be utterly fascinating to your grandchildren.

Learn something new. There's an old saying that says, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"; it's a myth. Get out there and take a class or develop a hobby. Not only will it occupy your time. Your brain will get a workout from the new information you're learning.

Getting plenty of calcium will help you live longer and keep your bones healthy. When there is not enough calcium in your body, it will take the calcium from your bones. Over the years the bones will become weak and brittle which leads to fractures and osteoporosis. If you do not have enough calcium in your diet, consider taking a calcium supplement.

When it comes to aging, small steps are key. Starting to make changes in your life today will make all the difference as you age tomorrow. In this article, we have provided information on some of the most important steps to take if you wish to age well. Follow them and enjoy your long, healthy life.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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