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Escape Aging

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Escape Aging

What if you can escape the inescapability of time and just enjoy the pleasure of looking young? Quite difficult? Definitely not. Looking youthful and chirpy is just a matter of giving extra care for yourself and emphasizing your features, surely bringing out the best of what you got. So start defying your age now with some easy steps.

Stopping smoking

As early as 1800Â’s, it was already observed that smoking has detrimental effects on the skin. Two centuries later, people became more aware of this because these effects are evident among chronic smokers. Some of these consequences include premature lines and folds stemming from the corner of the eyes to the zygomatic area (in the aging process, wrinkles are a natural element , but smoking speeds this up); dry and leathery appearance of the skin; grey-pallor complexion; a haggard appearance; and some more.

These changes are brought about by the processes that a cigarÂ’s ingredients bring about to the body. Nicotine, a vasoconstrictor (one that constricts the blood vessels), inhibit the smooth and easy flow of oxygen and nutrients to their destination. Nicotine also causes a diuretic effect on the body which causes a reduction of the skinÂ’s moisture level, hereby making it tough and dry.

Carbon monoxide, a harmful component produced by smoking, has higher affinity to blood cells than oxygen. That means it reduces the amount of oxygen to many areas.

Smoking also contains a large number of free radicals that attack healthy cells and damage normal tissues.

Smoking reduces Vitamin A and collagen in the body. Vitamin A is used in the repairing function of the body. Collagen, on the other hand, is a protein that produces new and healthy skin.

Proper posture

Sitting up straight and putting shoulders back are very important for your health and appearance. A good posture can make you look slimmer, taller, and confident. Many regard people with correct posture as young, happy, and at ease with their disposition. A good posture can even give you an instant weight loss of

10 pounds in the eyes of others. Its benefits, by the way, are not just for the outside.

A correct posture primarily puts muscles, joints, bones, and your organs to where they are supposed to sit. It reduces the risk of having back and neck problems, arthritis, and other pains. A proper one too can help prevent the spine from becoming abnormally fixed which can lead to fatigue, headaches, and some problems with organs and functioning. With a proper posture, one can also experience less strain because one wouldnÂ’t overuse his muscles.

Stretching hourly and practicing the proper posture every hour can help strengthen the muscles that will be needed to hold the body erect.

Having sex at least three times a week

A 10-year study indicated that couples who are in their 40Â’s who have sex at least three times a week look younger than those who enjoy it less often. The study even indicated that the faces of these couple have less lines and wrinkles, and have smoother and suppler skin. They credited this to the wonders of Oxytocin. It is a hormone released during sex that reduces stress. Having sex at nighttime is helpful, too!

It helps you to have a tight sleep so body is more rested. So, what are you planning to do now? Go ahead and feel young.
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BONUS : Essential Tips On Growing Older With Style

None can stop the aging clock and none can reverse this process either. As you grow older, you want to spend your time wisely doing worthwhile activities. The advice in this article will help you take proper care of yourself as your age.

Staying active is one way to help lessen the effects on aging. Fun physical actives help to slow down the aging process, and also help to keep your mind young.

Having close relationships as you age is important. Active involvement in the community has been tied to both a longer and a healthier life. Seek the company of people you can relate to and who can make you laugh.

With increased age, you tend to view your home as your very own sanctuary. Try personalizing your space and try to make it more comfortable so that you have a refuge from your daily struggles. Your home can be ready for your return.

One method for handling age gracefully is to quit obsessing about data and measurements. Many people focus on their height, age and weight and can get easily stressed out. Let your doctor crunch numbers and worry about feeling better and having fun, instead.

Keep only the positive people in your life. Laughing and having a good time will help you look younger. Choose to spend time with people who make you happy, smile and laugh, and not those who are so negative.

How you care for your skin is a massive aspect of how well you age through life. Young people need to constantly protect their skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. If you spend too much time under the sun, you are more likely to get wrinkles and even skin cancer.

Be on the lookout for scams. Scammers target older folks because they think that they are easy marks. Protecting yourself starts at home. If any paper has personal information on it, shred it before you throw it away. If you receive phone calls, never give out any personal or bank information. If you have not requested any services, do not allow a person into your home without seeing identification and confirming with the company that this person is indeed an employee. This will keep you from losing money to a scam artist.

To enjoy a happy retirement, it is important that you have enough money to handle all your bills, including health issues, when you are older. You will need enough money saved up in order to pay for any emergency health problems that may come your way.

Try putting more into your exercise routine. When you get older you will need to be more active to stay strong. Take at least five 30-minute walks each week. Round out the week with two days of doing strength exercises. This will keep your body in shape and will help stave off some of the physical effects of getting older.

Eat properly. Keep your diet low in fat and sugar, but balance it out with many fruits and vegetables. Having a healthy diet helps you maintain not just your physical health, but your mental health, too, and it gives you the necessary fuel you require to help you through your day.

When men and women age, it is very important to keep those hormones in balance. Hormonal imbalances are the root cause of many serious conditions from depression to insomnia to obesity. Consult your physician for the best advice on how to control hormone imbalances. This can benefit your later years in tremendous ways.

Get enough sleep nightly. Depending on your own body, most people need between seven and nine hours of quality sleep each day. Insufficient sleep is a risk factor for many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and depression.

Taking the steps to stop smoking will help you age gracefully since smoking can worsen the facial features that are tied to aging. Many smokers have wrinkles that form by their mouths, negatively affecting how young they appear. Cigarettes are not only dangerous to your body, but will also make you age significantly faster than a non-smoker.

It's possible to have fun during your retirement. Do all you can to keep your mind and body healthy. The best place to find tips about aging would be to read senior articles and newsletters. If you wish to live a long and healthy life, make sure you are trying new hobbies and focusing on having an active lifestyle.

"Jeunesse Illimitée"
de RĂ©my LOUIS

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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