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How To Make Money

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How To Make Money

With affiliate programs, it really pays to work well
with others. Also known as referral programs,
affiliate programs are normally commission based
sales. You'll recommend a site to your visitors and
then pick up a percentage of any sale that those
visitors make. You'll benefit from the commission
and the merchant benefits from the sales.

If you already have a website set up, you can run
an affiliate program from it, or you can simply
build a site to promote a particular product or
service. As long as it brings in more cash than it
takes to build or run it, you'll be fine.

With any marketing program, you'll need to be careful
when you select an affiliate program. The benefit
of an affiliate program will give you another way
to make money from your users. Instead of selling
them a product, you simply send them to a partner
then take a cut of the profits.

Even though it may seem tempting to go for programs
with the highest commissions, those programs won't
pay you anything if your visitors don't buy them.

Below, you'll find some tips to help you select an
affiliate program that's right for you:
1. Do not accept any less than 25% with
commission. You can find many programs with great
payment structures and high percentages of pay in
just about any field.
2. Look for statistic pages that list the
number of click throughs, sales, and earnings so
you'll be able to see how you are doing.
3. Always look for programs that offer a
wide variety of tools to put on your web site,
including banners, text links, and of course graphics.
4. Find out hwo often you'll be paid and
be sure that the payment schedule meets with your
own expectations. Some programs will pay monthly,
while others will pay quarterly.
5. Be sure that top level support is
included. If they can't answer your questions in
a quick and timely manner, you don't want to work
with them.

Once you learn what you are doing with affiliate
programs, you can make a lot of money. If you
are just starting out, you should always use common
sense and not rush into anything. As you become
more familiar with how things work, you'll be well
on your way to making a lot of money - and
enjoying making it. If you have to work hard, you'll
be glad you did.

(word count 407)

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BONUS : Identifying an Existing Hot Demand

Every small business owner knows that competition is tough, but he or she may not be able to pinpoint exactly what changes are needed in order to get to the top. Conducting business as usual may no longer be sufficient. Investing in the technology that is now available can be a great help or a bank breaker. It seems that most small business and home based business are either starving (they donÂ’t have enough technology) or they are obese (they have everything piece of new technology that comes down the pike).

There is, however, some fairly new technology that every small or home business owner needs. It can answer questions like; how can small businesses identify noteworthy trends, Identify an existing hot demand and make better decisions faster? Answer: business intelligence software. Business intelligence is the crystal ball of the 21st century.

Purchasing business intelligence (BI) software is one of the most strategic investments that a business can make. Using data mining, reporting and querying, BI helps businesses understand, monitor, manage and respond to specified situations. This software empowers decision-makers — and staff — to connect the dots around key business numbers in a way previously unimaginable. BI helps you figure out:

· Which customers are profitable?
· Which customers appear profitable but aren't?
· Are you close to — or far from — reaching critical milestones?
· When is the best time to launch a marketing campaign?
· What was the best performing product or service last quarter?

Business Intelligence software may be more of an investment than small businesses can bear. It can certainly be pricy. Small business or home business owners, however, can subscribe to BI services on the Internet at a fairly reasonable cost. There are several to choose from.

eBay also published a “Hot Items” list the first week of each month. It gives valuable information to eBay sellers who use drop shippers.


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