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Are Affiliates In Demand

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Are Affiliates in Demand?

Is there a demand for affiliate marketers today? Yes, there is a huge demand. One of the challenges faced in the affiliate marketing industry is that it sometimes sounds too good to be true: advertising that's guaranteed to work or it's free! Newcomers wonder if it's possible, and skeptics claim that the cost effective prices of affiliate marketing lower the bar for online advertising. But there is a good reason that affiliate marketing has experienced steady growth throughout the ups and downs of online advertising—it works. And affiliate marketing has evolved to become a reliable source of sales for a wide range of marketers.

Affiliate marketing has evolved from the early years when some touted it as the future of online advertising, and others claimed it was the downfall of the medium. It's now a sophisticated channel that generates anywhere from five to 25% of online sales for many of the world's biggest brands.

Almost all major multi-channel marketers have an affiliate program of some kind. The important thing to remember is that affiliate programs now come in all shapes and sizes. The concept of a wide-open affiliate program with an unlimited and uncontrolled number of affiliates is a thing of the past. Nearly all marketers agree that affiliates add value to an online marketing effort, but the program must be tailored to meet the marketer's objectives.

Affiliate marketing did not bring an end to other, higher priced forms of online media advertising. The success of the affiliate marketing in delivering sales cost effectively by way of a pay-for-performance model paved the way for other forms of performance-based advertising, such as CPA-based search and portal advertising, to create acceptance among direct marketers. Affiliate marketing has evolved, with affiliates and marketers becoming more sophisticated and programs more integrated with other forms of online marketing.

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BONUS : Back End Affiliate Marketing

within affiliate marketing, everyone involved in the
program will benefit. Each time the affiliate refers
a visitor to the website of the merchant, he will earn
income. On the other end, the merchant will produce
sales without spending a lot of money for advertising
and promotion.

With the goal being to earn more income, both the
affiliate and the merchant should be considering the
practice of back end selling in their business. Back
selling is a great and well known support for affiliate
marketing, as it can greatly comment the income that
is produced from affiliate marketing.

Back end selling is the selling that's conducted after
the inital sale. When a visitor becomes a paying
customer for a product, another product can then be
advertised and sold to the exact same customer, with
the second product being called the back end product.

Now, the customer will already be aquainted with
the merchant or affiliate, meaning that is already
a level of trust between them. Therefore, selling
the back end product may actually be easier than the
initial sale.

For many years, back end selling has helped boost
sales for both online businesses and land bound
companies. If the customer is happy with the initial
product that was purchased, he'll logically assume
that the online company is offering quality products
and will come back again.

The normal technique with back end selling is to
make the customer aware of other products, as these
products can cater to other needs that the customer
may have. When the customer becomes aware of
the second or back end products, he will look into
it and may make a purchase.

The technique of back end selling has been both
known and proven to be very powerful in augmenting
the income of many companies. Therefore, back end
selling has made hundreds of online companies
flourish and expand. If you use it correctly,
it can work very well with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing will attract many new customers
and lead to the initial sale, while back end
selling will build loyalty among the buyers. To
put it in other terms, back end selling is a major
ingredient in creating a winning formula in
affiliate marketing.

Each and every affiliate should look into the
financial promise of back end selling when it's
coupled with affiliate marketing. The two of
these can make the affiliate earn an amazing amount
of income.

(word count 402)


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