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Is It Best To Diet Or Exercise For Weight Loss

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Is It Best To Diet Or Exercise For Weight Loss

Obesity is a major health problem and many people struggle either to lose weight, or to keep the weight off once it has been shed. The weight-loss industry is rather intimidating, and some overweight people may feel pressured into committing to a weight-loss regime that they don’t really want.

The statistics on those who attempt to lose weight reveal that almost everyone gives up the attempt, and may even become fatter after trying to lose weight. This has left people debating the methods used to shed pounds, and ask whether diet or exercise for weight loss, or a combination of the two, is the way to good results.

Studies which seemed to show that diet is the main cause of obesity lead to people wondering whether they should just try to eat less than usual, or exercise for weight loss as well. It is perhaps true to say that people who become fat don’t do less – they live their lives the same as thinner people – but do eat more calories. Therefore a change of diet seems to be the best way of relieving people of excess weight.

Doctors and medical professionals will often recommend a change of diet to people with weight problems, and it is possible to lose fat just by watching food intake: calorie counting and the like; however, people who diet may find that they often just regain all of the weight lost, or even gain more, leading to a frustrating cycle of weight-loss and excess eating. Exercising alone may also cause problems; it is tiring and unrewarding to do exercises when overweight.

This is one reason why fitness experts no longer recommend a regime of just diet or exercise for weight loss, but suggest a program of both; a form of weight loss called “High calorie expenditure” suggests that a low or moderate intensity activity is better than merely dieting; the program recommends about 45 minutes of walking at least five times a week – at a moderate rate, this walking should burn around one pound per week, which is the recommended rate of fat-loss for a healthy program.

There are a number of reasons why doctors and other staff are now including more than just one method of diet or exercise for weight loss, and this is the understanding that exercise can do more than just burn calories; exercise actually changes the metabolism in the body, causing it to burn more fuel, even when the person is sitting down. Exercise also builds muscles, which require much more fuel to run than fat cells – muscles burn more calories even during stationary periods, helping to maintain weight loss even after the end of the diet.

For anyone struggling to lose weight, the key is not to rely upon either diet or exercise for effective weight-loss; in the long term, both of these elements are necessary in order to prevent the weight from being gained back as soon as the fitness program ends. Keeping an eye on food intake, and starting a daily activity, is the best way to ensure permanent weight loss.
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BONUS : Is It Healthy To Follow A Low Carb Diabetic Diet

Following a low carb diabetic diet is sometimes recommended to those that suffer from this illness. But is it healthy? Well it really depends on how the individual interprets low carb. The British Dietetic Association and the Food Standards Agency have expressed concern that people following low carb diets may be putting themselves at further risk.

People have tended to ignore the research as these low carb diets can result in very fast weight loss especially in the short term. Protein foods are very filling thus helping you to eat less. But eating too much protein can result in the over manufacturer of ketones, your body’s response to starvation. It is these ketones that are linked to bad breath, nausea and dizziness often associated with these diets.

It is more sensible to follow a long term method of losing weight by eating all of the food groups in moderation. It is not easy to stick to a diet that eliminates whole food groups as it can become very monotonous eating the same food day in and day out.

Carbohydrates are an essential component of our diet. We need to eat some every day in order to maintain health. Not all carbohydrates are created equal though and most people think of white bread, rice and potatoes when they think of carbs. While it would make sense to reduce your consumption of these foods, you should not cut out carbohydrates completely.

Type 2 diabetes, also known as late onset diabetes, is caused either when the insulin the body produces fails to control blood sugar properly or when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. Having too much sugar in your blood causes excessive thirst, fainting and can lead to stroke and an increased risk of heart disease.

Eating carbohydrates that release a lot of glucose (natural sugar) very quickly into your bloodstream makes diabetes more difficult to control. When eating carbohydrates, you should choose whole grain high fiber varieties. Not only will these help to fill you up and provide the nutrients you need, but you may also gain added protection from certain forms of cancer.

If you want to eat potatoes then eat jacket potatoes or those boiled in their skins. Avoid chips and roasted and try not to add butter or other fats as a dressing.

In order to lose weight, you need to combine more exercise with eating less. Exercise is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Just make sure you take your doctor’s advice before starting a new program. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. The more gradual your weight loss the less likely you are to put it all back on again. Don’t put any particular food off limits as that will only cause you to crave it more. Obviously you cannot eat cakes and biscuits every day, but having the odd diabetic chocolate won’t hurt.

Follow a low carb diabetic diet to kick start your weight loss but consider switching to a long term weight management program as soon as you can.

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