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Men S Online Dating Email Tips Triple Your Dating

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Men's Online Dating Email Tips! Triple Your Dating!

Dear friend,

Have you been dating online and are frustrated with poor responses to your emails? Or even worse, women not replying to your first emails at all? This is enough to make you give up isn’t it? Especially if you are recently divorced, split up and single. I know the feeling and have been there and felt the pain.

Well, I have good news for you because in this article I am giving away extremely valuable information for free. If you follow the steps I’m about to outline, you will have a lot of success with online dating. These online dating tips will triple your response and dates on the internet dating sites. Let’s have a look at them. These tips are specific to the FIRST contact email.

Email Tip #One

You must state at the beginning of your email
that her profile stands out. E.g.
‘Hi Angel64, I’m Mick and I’m writing as you sound interesting to me and your profile stands out from the others.’ Then mention a few sentences of what you liked…without gushing or sucking up of course.
This will obviously please the lady and create her own interest in you. She will feel special and rightly so as you have chosen to contact her. She is the lucky one to get your attention.

Email Tip #Two

Be sure to mention and lightheartedly poke fun of something in her profile. E.g.
‘Do you really like Neil Diamond and ABBA?’
:-) (Just kidding)
Always put a smiley or (just kidding) in brackets so as not to offend. This says you are playful and not a soft guy that’s afraid to have some fun. She’ll appreciate your effort.

Email Tip #Four

Mention something specific in her profile that you found interesting. E.g.
‘So you worked in London for 12 months, I was there for two years…when were you there?’
This proves to her you have read her profile in
detail and have something in common. This creates repore and her interest immediately.

Email Tip #Five

Ask something of interest about her. E.g.
‘You said you do dance lessons, what style…is it salsa? How often do you get out to dance…I like the club down on East esplanade on Friday nights. They have a great Latin band and free lessons from 7pm until 8pm.’
This gives her a specific question to reply to.
Avoid questions that are mundane and common like, ‘What’s your favorite colour?’
Pick something she’s mentioned on her profile and ask her details on that…

Email Tip #Six

These tips are in sequence. Finish up and keep it brief. Four or Five paragraphs is enough. Don’t go on about yourself and spill your guts to her. Finish with a line that says something like this...
‘Why don’t we chat on the phone for a while and get to know each other. It saves time writing long emails… Here’s my number, Mick
02 47476534. I’m home after 6.30 and you’ll catch me in some time. Or here is my cell phone # 098975643.

Look forward to your reply…

Take care Angel64


There you have it. These are very helpful and valuable tips that will save you time, money and heartache… You will definitely get THREE times the replies and dates by using these tips!
Good Luck.

All the best.
Mick Jones.
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BONUS : Military Dating Online – Helping Gi’s

It isn’t surprising to see a number of women attracted to military men. This is so because the men and women of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard are some of the most dedicated and selfless individuals that you can find. Through their service they are continuing on the time honored traditions of their respective branches of the U.S. Military. These individuals have committed themselves to protecting the freedoms that people cherish and the values that they stand for. A number of people are attracted to the military lifestyle for varying reasons.

It may be that they were raised in a military family and miss the close bonds that form amongst military families serving in the same area. Maybe they enjoy the variety that comes with the reassignments to new and exciting areas of the world. Or perhaps they share the same morals and values as those who are serving our country. Whatever the individual reasons for seeking a relationship with someone in the military, there are definite characteristics that set members of the armed forces apart from the typical civilian. This is how the concept of military dating online sites came to be.

Military dating online sites are dedicated to these hardworking military men who wanted to meet singles from all walks of life. Military dating online sites are exclusive online communities to help members from Army, Navy, Air Forces, Coast Guard, Police Forces and Firefighters, as well as civilians find old buddies, make new friends, and build lasting relationships.

Military dating online is the perfect place for military singles, friends and admirers to talk about military issues, relationships, cultures, religions, work, sports, lives or more. Military dating online sites let you view dynamic, informative profiles of other military singles, friends and admirers. Military dating online also allows those who want to meet and later on date military men to add a vibrant full-page illustrative profile about them.

Military dating online lets you sign up for membership and contact thousands of military members. Military dating online lets you take the first step of find a relationship that will last a lifetime.

Or, settle for friendship if you want to. Military dating online sites are the perfect place to meet military men and women online for those civilians looking to meet someone in the military. Or, for those serving in the military, military dating online allows them to meet civilians interested in them.

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