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How To Improve Memory And Remember Peoples' Name

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How To Improve Memory And Remember Peoples’ Name

In order to remember the name of a certain person, you need to add variation to an existing method that you use to recall information for an exam or to retain the telephone number of your mom. If you are really serious in getting on the top of remembering people’s name and also to improve your memory and increase your brain’s capacity to recall information, you can do the following methods:

1. Face Relation

This method is a slight variation of the Link Method. The Link Method is one of the most popular mnemonic that are employed in improving memory. You can use it by making simple relation between items in a roster or a list, combining them with a clear image containing a certain item. Taking the first picture, images a relation between it and the other object. Then you can move on through a list thinking each object with the next. A variation of this technique is very similar, combining items together with a significant story. The flow of the tale and the emphasis on the picture will give you clue for recalling needed information.

You can observe a person’s face but do not be very obvious that you need to stick your eyeball in front of that person’s face. You should look at a peculiar feature that would let that person stand out from the rest such as forehead, mouth, ears, hair, and waistline, chin or skin complexion. Create a relation with another person you know with a similar name. Also, it could be also related into a rhyme or imagery of the name with that person’s name or distinct character.

2. Rehearsal

This method is a slight variation of the Roman Room System of recalling information. This technique is also known as Method of Loci, which is an ancient yet effective way of recalling data where it is concretized.

To use this method, picture a room that you are familiar with such as a bedroom, office or kitchen, within these rooms are items. Relate images symbolizing the names you want to recall with the objects in that room, imaging a certain object and the related images.

This technique can be effective in helping a person to memorize names by going into a more specific detail and encoding data to remember what you need.

When you are being introduced, ask for that person’s name again. Use this name always and try to recall it over and over again. If it is comfortable with both of you, ask how he or she spell the name or you can also ask for a business card. You should remember that the more you hear or encounter the name, the more it will be recalled by your brain.

Alternatively, after your encounter with the person is over, you can recall the name in your mind for a few times. If you are definitely keen you might also write it down in your notes.

These methods in recalling names are definitely simple and obvious, but they are proven to be very effective. Association with pictures or strange words with a person’s name can be very beneficial. Repetition and association will help you a lot.

It is also important if you keep to practice, patience, and memory improvement employing different techniques.
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How To Improve Short And Long Term Memory - Some Simple Exercises

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Learning how to improve short and long term memory is a common quest for many people journeying along the path of self improvement.

As you read through the whole of this article, with attention to detail and without skimming, you will discover some simple but effective tips. You will also discover a web resource that you will want to visit in order to get your free memory improvement guide.

We're aware that its possible to strengthen our body through physical exercise b...

how to improve long and short term memory

Article Body:
Learning how to improve short and long term memory is a common quest for many people journeying along the path of self improvement.

As you read through the whole of this article, with attention to detail and without skimming, you will discover some simple but effective tips. You will also discover a web resource that you will want to visit in order to get your free memory improvement guide.

We're aware that its possible to strengthen our body through physical exercise but do we also know that its equally possible to improve the brain and consequently the short term and the long term memory, through regular, planned and increasing more challenging exercise.

Common research suggests that we can all improve our memory through simple daily brain activities.

Try these simple brain exercises right now and see an immediate improvement:

Can you remember 15 details of your life at the time of the death of Diana Princess of Wales? Or can you recall where you were when the news that Elvis had passed away was announced? Don't force yourself to remember. It's not a case of racking your brain. Indeed that would be an absolute hindrance to what we are trying to achieve. Simply relax and allow your mind to wander and for thoughts to come and go as they please. If possible close your eyes and allow the subconscious to paint its own colorful abstracts.

This activity is simple and is ideal if you desire to know how to improve short and long term memory.

How about trying this if on a long journey: relax again and set your mind a simple exercise and try to think of as many words with the letter as possible. Maybe choose a specific topic, such as names of people or animals, or minerals, or whatever. Then simply progress through the letters of the alphabet. Again there's really no need to strive but just relax into the activity and allow your mind, the deeper thoughts to come through. You'll be astounded with how much surfaces when you're not trying.

Tat seems to be the case with our memory doesn't it? In the frantic search for the car keys, something each of us has experienced we can't for the life of it, find them. But as we stop the search and begin to relax the memory or the thought about where we might possibly look next comes up trumps and we find what we were so diligently seeking. Amazing, isn't it!
Stress and Memory Improvement Techniques

Perhaps the greatest threats to our capacity to improve our memory is stress. You see when you are suffering from stress, in whatever form, your system will release high levels of cortisol into your bloodstream. Cortisol has the effect of destroying glucose - and, quite simply, glucose is the brain's only source of food. So if your brain is not getting the nutrients it needs then it will not function as well.

There are many resources on the web that will teach you how to improve short and long term memory. All it takes is a simple Google search. More specifically you should also go to and enrol into the FREE University of the Mind Immense Memory Course. Peter Wellington is the author of "Immense Memory - University of the Mind."


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de Vincent DELOURMEL

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